Home > The Letter From Briarton Park(71)

The Letter From Briarton Park(71)
Author: Sarah E. Ladd

“It’ll take practice.” She laughed as she shifted her riding crop from one hand to the other and patted the horse with her gloved hand. “Maria and Rose are already both better than I am.”

James took her hand in his and pivoted to survey the landscape. “Well, there it is. How does it feel to be an heiress?”

He swung his arm out wide to point out the land. “Linderdale. As far as you can see, to that stretch of trees in the distance, belongs to you.”

“To us, you mean.” She looked down to the bright green summer grass beneath her feet. This was what her father had wanted her to have. Security.

Cassandra gripped her husband’s hand tighter as she turned to look down toward Clark Mill.

“I only wish Peter would consent to speak with me. I understand his anger, I do. But he is still my brother. And that was all I wanted, to know my family.”

“Give him time. This is all still fairly new, and he’s a proud man. Besides, he has a significant inheritance in his own right. And you have other family now too. At least your mother has consented to see you more regularly.”

Cassandra wrapped her hand around his offered arm. “Yes. I never would have imagined it could turn into such a lovely relationship. And brothers! I often wonder what Mrs. Denton would have thought about how the situation played out. She tried so hard to keep this all from me. And in the end, here I am.”

“I think she would be glad you have found happiness.”

“But at the expense of Peter Clark? Her nephew?”

James shrugged. “I never met her, of course, but everything you say about her, the way you describe your relationship—she must have loved you. Of course she would want you to be happy.”

“And I am happy,” she said confidently. “When she died, I thought I would never find happiness again. Isn’t it amazing to think how one man’s decisions, one man’s actions, have affected so many? Even in Father’s death, his actions continued to affect everyone. Even Mrs. Denton’s actions, for that matter.”

He nodded. “Yes. But in the end everything turned out as it should. If it didn’t, you and I might not be here now. We’ve found each other, through the twists and turns. But now we can put all of that behind us and focus on the future.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “This time last year, I had no idea what was in store for me. How you would change my life, and the girls’ lives, for the better.”

Maria and Rose were a part of her now. “I do love them. And Rachel. I thought I might never have a family, but now I’ve a full one.”

“Maybe one day we’ll have a child of our own.”

Her heart fluttered at the mention. She’d never really allowed herself to think that thought before, but as she settled into life with James as her husband, new dreams were beginning to flourish.

The conversation of family brought Mrs. Towler to mind. “I forgot to tell you that I received a letter from Mrs. Towler earlier today.”

“You did?”

“Yes. She said she is settled with her cousin. It was a short letter, of course, but it was good to hear from her.”

“I sincerely hope she is able to find happiness and contentment. She has had a rough couple of years.”

“She indicated that her health continues to improve and that she plans to return to Briarton at summer’s end. I hope that means she is accepting of us.”

“She will be. In time. Elizabeth was her life. She needs to find new adventures and carve out her own future.”

The wind intensified, and Cassandra lifted her hand to still her hair whipping around her riding habit hat. “As much as I wish we could stay here forever, we should get back. Rachel will be wondering where we are. Betsy will be over soon. You know, her wedding will be here before we know it. It is so nice to have such things to anticipate, isn’t it?”

“That happened fast.”

Cassandra laughed. “She was never shy about it, and she always said she would jump at the first man who showed an interest. Who would have thought the interim curate would catch her eye?”

“When is the wedding again?”

“When the new vicar comes. In three weeks.”

“Ah.” James chuckled. “North’s replacement.”

“He’s all Mrs. Pearson can talk about. She’s still beside herself since all of that business with Mr. North, even after all these months. It will do her good to have someone else on whom to focus.”

“Vincent North. Good riddance. What a fool he was. It was his loss, of course,” James said with a grin, “because I think you could have fallen for him. Just a little.”

“Me? Fancy Mr. North?” She turned to face him and wrap her arms around his neck. “No, no. It was you, my darling. Always you. And it always will be.”

She pivoted to leave, and he playfully grabbed her by the hand and whirled her back into his arms.

She giggled at the affectionate display. “Yes?”

“I just want a few more moments alone with my wife before we return.” He brushed her hair from her face, as he had done so many times. “In case I haven’t told you lately, Mrs. Warrington, I adore you.”

Cassandra had always wondered what it would feel like to have a home. To belong somewhere and with someone. As he drew her near and kissed her, Cassandra knew this was what she had been waiting for. And she never wanted to let go.



Discussion Questions


At the beginning of the novel, Cassandra learned that someone she trusted had lied to her, and it changed the course of her life. Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? If so, how did it affect your life?

If you had to pick only three words to describe Cassandra’s character, what would they be? What three words would you use to describe James?

In the story, James feels honor bound to care for his mother-in-law after his wife’s death. Do his actions honor his late wife?

Let’s chat about Mr. North. In the end, we learn that he is not who he seemed to be in the beginning of the book. Have you ever known someone like him?

If you could give Cassandra one piece of advice at the beginning of the story, what would it be? What advice would you give her at the end?

Do you have a favorite character in this book? If so, who is it, and what drew you to that person? Who is your least favorite?

Mrs. Denton told Cassandra the following: “Emotions will only cloud your judgment and weaken your ability to react rationally.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

At different points in the story, Cassandra faces rejection. How does it shape her character? How does it affect her decisions?

It’s your turn! What comes next for Cassandra and James? If you could write the sequel, what would happen?





Writing a book is a journey, and each one is unique and special. This one was no different! It is far from a solitary endeavor, and I am thankful for the people who came alongside me to help this story take shape.

To my family—I am so grateful for your support and encouragement. Thank you!

To my agent, Rachelle Gardner—your guidance and advice is second to none. What would I do without you?

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