Home > Killer Kiss : A Dark Mafia Romance (Ruthless Revenge Book 1)(35)

Killer Kiss : A Dark Mafia Romance (Ruthless Revenge Book 1)(35)
Author: Kristen Luciani

Not that I’ve told him that.

Hell, I haven’t told anyone anything about that meeting.

Before I know who I can trust, I need to know who is in my corner. I already know Savio is in the opposite one.

The big questions is, who else is part of his team?

Massimo nods, grabbing a can of Coke out of the refrigerator.

“You know, you drink a lot of soda,” I say. “Because of all the ingredients in it, drinking Coca Cola can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes,” I blurt.

Sofia swallows a snicker and my cheeks heat.

Shit, I didn’t mean to say that.

I sound like such a know-it-all.

Dang it!

There’s nothing sexy or seductive about that.

“Thanks for the warning, Doc.” He holds up the can. “But since this is my only vice, I’m okay dealing with the effects.” He gives me a long, hard look. “Unless you have ideas about any new vices I can hook into that’ll replace my addiction to Coca-Cola? I’m wide open to suggestions.”

I swallow hard.

A slow, sexy grin stretches across his tan face. “Think about it. I’m gonna take a shower.”

Like I’m really going to be thinking about anything other than his insanely hot body all soaped up now.



Chapter Twenty-One






“Sounds like he’d like you to think about it while you’re in the shower next to him. I’m sure you could come up with all sorts of ideas with water rushing over those muscles.” Sofia grins, scooping the meatballs out of the pan and putting them into a large, white ceramic bowl. “You still gonna try to convince me that there’s nothing going on between you guys? Because my bullshit-o-meter is amazingly calibrated, and the readings are highly accurate.”

“Okay, fine,” I say in a hushed voice, peeking around to make sure Maria isn’t lurking close by. “I kissed him. Or, he kissed me.” A shiver ripples through me, making my upper body shudder with the delicious memory of his lips devouring mine in such an animal-like frenzy. “It doesn’t matter. It was a silly thing to do and it’s not going to happen again.”

“Really? Because your face is absolutely glowing right now and speaking of sparkle, I haven’t seen your eyes sparkle like that in forever.”

I place my hands against my heated cheeks, a giggle slipping from my lips. “Oh my God, Sof. It was amazing,” I whisper. “But so wrong! I can’t…he can’t…we just can’t!”

“Oh come on,” she says. “He’s hot, you’re hot. Why not?”

“Do you really think I’m hot?” I bite down on my lower lip, running my hands over my hips. “I don’t know. He seems like the type to be attracted to the model-like girls, with the perfect bodies, perfect hair.” I give her a pointed look. “Kind of like you.”

Sofia rolls her eyes. “Listen, everyone sees their flaws better than anyone else. I may be skinny, but I’d give my right arm for an ass like yours.” She points behind her. “There’s nothing to grab onto back there, ya know what I’m saying?”

I make a mock gagging face. “Yes, and I’d like to stop with those kinds of statements right now, please.”

“I’m just saying, we’re our own worst critics. And you need to stop being so down on the way you look. Work what you’ve got because it’s awesome. And for the love of God, stop hiding those boobs. Flaunt them, girl. Make ’em work for you.” She takes a step back. “That outfit is perfect. It shows off your curves and leaves something to the imagination. And your hair is gorgeous. Wavy in the ‘I totally didn’t plan for my hair to look this good’ kind of way. And your makeup…” She frowns. “Okay, you don’t need it anyway. Just chill out for once and try to have fun with this. It’s been a horrible week and you need to keep that smile on your face. That’s a direct order from me.”

“I swear I didn’t plan for this to happen,” I murmur.

I mean, yeah, I fantasized about it, but I never imagined something would materialize between us. And the fact that I’m still suspicious of his intentions makes me even more confused.

Is he really interested in me?

Or is he after something?

Him turning off so suddenly after we left the high school this morning gave me pause but after he warmed up again, I figured he’s probably dealing with the same inner conflict as I am, namely, this is fucking forbidden with capital Fs.

“But it did. And why shouldn’t you take advantage? He’s still doing his job, right?”

“I guess.”

“Then have a little fun for once, Kristi. Take a break from having to be perfect and be a little reckless and dirty.”

My eyes pop open wide. “You are still my little sister! Don’t use that word!”

“Don’t be so shocked that I used the word,” she retorts with a chuckle. “I’m eighteen, remember? Hardly a saint.”

“Now I really feel like I’m going to puke.”

“No, no! Not before you get to enjoy this fabulous feast!”


I spin around with a gasp when Maria walks into the kitchen.

“What’s up?” I ask, praying she didn’t just hear what Sofia said.

I need to keep at least one of them as innocent as possible while I have the opportunity.

Clearly, Mom dropped the ball with Sofia.

“I’m starving! When are we eating!”

I nod toward the dining room. “Go and put out the food. Uncle Frank will be here—”

On cue, the doorbell chimes and I push Sofia toward the dining room, too. “Help her get set up.”

“What about Massimo?”

A hot flush soaks my skin. “Um, I’ll just start Uncle Frank off with a glass of wine. That’ll give Massimo enough time to—”

“To towel off his wet, naked body?” Sofia hisses as she passes with the meatballs.

I sputter a reply when it gets caught in the back of my throat.

“Just go! I’ll get the door.”

I run into the foyer. It’s kind of annoying that he’s always here, but I feel bad saying anything. He’s just concerned.

I reach out to pull open the door, the smile stretched across my face fading as quickly as it appeared.

Three men flank my uncle on all sides, shoving him into the house, holding guns in their outstretched hands.

Uncle Frank hits the floor with a loud thump and one of the men walks in, kicking him out of the way before he grabs me by the shirt and backs me against the wall, pressing the gun to my forehead.

My breaths come in short, sharp gasps, his weight pressed against me, squeezing my lungs into pancakes inside of my chest.

“Make one sound and I’ll kill every last one of you. Do you hear me?”

“Hey, what the heck is—?”

“Sof, stay there,” I sputter, watching her face drain of all color when she sees me in the clutches of the thug asshole. “What do you want?” I rasp, fixing a glare on him.

He lets out a low, menacing chuckle and turns to the guys behind him. “Go. Take anything you can grab.”

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