Home > Tangled(12)

Author: Blair Babylon

He grabbed her waistband and jerked her shorts and panties right down her legs and onto the floor. “And other than that, what are you allowed to say?”

The corners of Colleen’s mouth curled just a little. “Yes, please.”

He dropped his voice. “I’m deciding whether to take your vag or your ass.”

Then her eyes became frightened of him like a good little.

A brat would’ve pushed him until he punished her harder. Brats liked the thrill of getting away with pushing the boundaries until the Dom reinforces the boundaries to make her feel safe in the space she is allowed, but a little wants to be a good girl and to be loved for it.

Tristan smiled.






Miles and Miles






The edge of the counter pressed against Colleen’s hips, and her toes dangled above the floor. Tristan stood behind her, watching her through the mirror. He stood back a little, leaning against the other wall.

He was deciding—

In the mirror in front of her face, she saw Tristan’s bright blue eyes narrow, but his sly smile unnerved her more.

The safe words were always an option.

And yet—

She didn’t say anything.

“Have you ever come with a dick in your ass?” he asked.

She shook her head so fast it became a vibration.

“Hmmm.” He pressed one finger inside her channel, an easy, quick slip, and pulsed his thumb on her clit. A shiver rolled up her body. “You’re so wet. You liked going down on me.”

Her eyes rolled up in her head as she closed them. “Yes, sir.”

His finger dug in and dragged out of her, and his thumb was spinning her out of control. “Oh, that’s a good girl. I like it when you’re wet for me, when you want me to take you.”

Her eyes rolled up in her head as she closed them, and she nodded. “Yes, please.”

He took her with his hand for what seemed like forever, and then something larger, harder, nudged at the raw space between her legs. He spread her legs from behind, and Colleen held onto the faucet. Her forehead rested against the cold glass of the mirror, and her face rolled up the glass as he invaded her core.

“You’re so sexy,” he said, and then he growled deep in his throat. “Take it. Take it like a good girl.”

His thickness pressed her open, a soreness deep inside.

He growled, “Brats say no and have to be punished, but good girls want to be taken.”

“Yes, please,” she whispered.

“That’s a good girl. Say yes again.”

“Yes, please.”

His hips shoved her legs open farther, and she tried to climb onto the counter with her knees, but he yanked her ankle back. She was dangling, utterly at his mercy, unable to control what he was doing as he held her thighs open at her knees and bored inside her. “Say it again.”

The pressure forced her whole body open as he crammed himself in. “Yes, please.”

His pelvis pushed against her center and her inner thighs as he pressed himself inside her, all the way to the root of him. “Good girl.”

He stroked into her then, holding her thighs open while he took her from behind. His hips slapped her thighs and her ass, a sting on her skin and a build of tension in her body.

She slitted her eyes open. He was watching her in the mirror. When their gazes met, he smiled a little more and dragged one hand down the inside of her leg to reach underneath where he was pumping into her.

His thumb grazed her clit and then rolled in a circle.

The rising tightness coiled inside her, consuming her, until she closed her eyes and bit her lip, and the struggle broke into waves of ecstasy. Shudders traveled up and through her, throbs of pleasure that obliterated the thoughts in her mind except that she wanted very, very much to be Tristan’s good girl so that he would take whatever he wanted and give her this.

As her mind unfogged and she batted her eyes open, Tristan was resting with his head on her back, shaking, his hand clutching her shoulder as he gasped, “Oh, princess. Good girl.”

Colleen pushed herself away from the mirror, leaving a smudge on the glass. “Wow.”

Tristan staggered a little as he took care of the condom and zipped up. Then, finally, he turned to where Colleen was rummaging around on the ground, trying to step into her panties and shorts without kneeing him in the balls.

He swatted at her butt lightly. “You are a dream, princess,” he said. “Out with you. Come on. Out to the seats.”

Colleen yanked her shorts up to her waist and obeyed him without thinking about it, and then she was walking down the aisle of the plane toward Jian, who was still studying his phone.

But she wasn’t sure whether she’d gotten all the answers to her questions or not.

And he’d just taken over everything and shooed her out.

Well, this wasn’t over yet.

Colleen stomped past the couches. Jian was still staring intently at his phone. She walked to the table at the front where she and Tristan had sat on the flight to LA.

Her purse was sitting on the table, a sad and soggy mess, and it was buzzing.

She scooted into the big chair next to the window and retrieved her phone, and buying the waterproof one seemed like the best idea she’d ever had.

Eighteen texts, DMs, and Snaps poured down the phone’s screen, and it was ringing.

Anjali PikachuMod.

Anjali’s long-distance anger manifested as the phone’s frantic vibrating.

Colleen poked the green dot with her finger. “Hello? Anjali?”

“Where the hell are you? You haven’t texted or anything for hours! We agreed that you would text at least every two hours during the day. I was so worried that I—”

“Anjali! I’m fine! There was just a whole lot of stuff to do, and I couldn’t get to my phone for a few minutes. Everything is fine. You can stand down now.”

“People are asking about you on the Sherwood Forest forum. There is great speculation about whether you quit or whether we fired you and cannot say. We keep telling them you will be back any time, but they are not listening to us. You are too nice to them when you are moderating. You write out those long tutorials of how to do things that anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out, and no one even thanks you for it. They only notice when you are gone and you are not doing those things. You should not be so nice to them.”

Colleen laughed. Anjali must have been really upset if she was scolding Colleen this much.

“There is a petition going around to restore your moderator status, even though anybody with half a brain could click on your profile and see that you still have moderator status. I can’t imagine what your DMs must look like. When you can, you should post that you are still alive and that we did not kick you off so that the uproar will die down. They don’t believe us.”

“I will, I will,” Colleen promised.

Anjali lowered her tone. “Jesus, Brahma, and Ram. I thought your hot rich guy had turned out to be a serial killer after all.”

“Nope. I’m still very much alive, and we’re on our way back to Phoenix. Some stuff happened in LA that was kind of weird. It wasn’t due to him, though. So I’ll be in town, and you can stop worrying.”

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