Home > Scoring with the Center(6)

Scoring with the Center(6)
Author: Piper Rayne

“Can’t say I hate you telling me I’m right, but about what specifically?”

“This whole situation was my doing, but you’re taking the brunt of it. A lot of it positive, but yeah… I saw the type of comments you were referring to and I understand why you’re upset. I wanted to apologize yet again. It was never my intention to drag you into a situation where internet trolls would do their worst. I was simply blown away by a beautiful woman I’d never seen before and reacted. I should’ve kept my mouth shut, so I’m sorry.”

I don’t know what to say. His voice is full of sincerity and his apology gives me a weird feeling in my stomach. One that I’m determined to ignore. Acting on it would only drag me further into the spotlight, which is the opposite of what I want or need.

So, I do my best to remain professional. I nod and give him a small smile. “I appreciate the apology. And the acknowledgment that our experiences with this are both very different. Since we’re going to have to see one another in a professional capacity from time to time, why don’t we start over?” I place my hand out in front of him. “I’m Kelsey Callaway and I work for WHFI in the sports department. I’ve recently been assigned to cover the Infernos.”

One corner of his lips tilts up, and he accepts my hand.

Electricity jolts up my arm, down through my chest, and concentrates between my thighs.

He must feel it too, because his eyes flare and his hand twitches in mine.

“Nice to meet you, Kelsey. I’m Brock.”

I drop his hand as soon as it is polite and run mine down the side of my dress as though I can wipe off the sexual tension.

“Kelsey, I…” He steps forward and I immediately counter with one back.

“I have to use the restroom.” I spin around on my heels and rush off in the opposite direction.

I have no idea where the bathroom even is, but I do know if I stay here with him any longer, I’m going to make some very poor choices.









I push my hand through my hair, watching Kelsey flee.

Everything in me begs to follow her. To force her to acknowledge this thing brewing between us. I know she felt the electricity and spark when our hands touched.

She looks stunning tonight. A stark contrast to what she wears for work. Her dress hugs every perfect curve and makes me want to bury my face in her cleavage. Either that or my cock.

I blow out a breath and take a swig of my whiskey before walking back to the bar to set the empty glass down. I can’t overdo it tonight. We leave for an away game tomorrow, and I hate traveling with a hangover.

After the bartender hands me a water, I mingle. I don’t really know very many people here besides Kelsey—who’s expertly avoiding me—and the man of the hour, Cole. I’ve hung out a few times at his pub, The Thirsty Monk, and met him there on a few occasions. We’d shoot the shit, and he seemed like a cool guy, so when the invitation for tonight came along and his wife let it slip that Kelsey might be here, I knew I had to come.

Hobnobbing with a bunch of rich people isn’t really my thing, but it’s worth it if I can get some face time with Kelsey.

So far, all I’ve gotten to do is apologize before she ran away.

I watch on as she talks with Cole’s wife, another blonde woman and a woman with tattoos up both arms. As though they feel my gaze on them, they all turn and look over at me at the same time.

There’s no sense in hiding my interest, the entire world knows I want Kelsey at this point, so I raise my glass with a smile in acknowledgment.

“She’s got your balls in a vise, huh?” I turn to find Cole at my side.

“Pretty much. She’s pretty pissed at me for bringing all this attention on her. At first, I didn’t get it. I mean, what woman doesn’t like to be told they’re beautiful? But then I read some of the comments on social media and yeah… I get it now. These people think she can’t do her job because she’s got a pretty face.”

“Whit tells me she’s pretty sensitive about that kind of thing. Guess she’s had some bad experiences in the past.”

I turn to face him. “Do you think it’s worth pursuing? I’m not convinced she’ll give me a chance. Am I just wasting my time?” Not to boost my ego, but I can’t remember the last time I didn’t get the woman I was interested in.

He glances over at the girl gang for a second before returning his attention to me. “Who knows how women’s minds work. Whit and I have been together for years and I still don’t have it figured out. I mean, the two of us liked each other, then hated each other, then fell for each other. Sometimes the route to happiness isn’t a straight line.” He shrugs and sips at his drink.

I think about his words for a moment and realize he’s right. It’s rarely a straight line to any destination. I mean, even my hockey career wasn’t cut and dry. I had struggles, injuries and setbacks and then one day, everything finally clicked. Then I was drafted and within a couple of years, I was the star center. Just because things start off rough doesn’t mean they have to remain that way.

I clamp Cole on the shoulder. “Thanks for the advice, man. I think you’re right. I’m not gonna give up on this quite yet. Can you excuse me?”

He chuckles into his glass. “Go get her. Godspeed.”

With renewed confidence, I walk across the room toward Kelsey and her friends. Only it’s just her friends now. Kelsey is nowhere in sight.

All three women turn to face me once I reach them.

“Brock, you haven’t met my friends yet,” Cole’s wife, Whitney, says. “This is my friend Tahlia” —she points to the blonde— “and this is Lennon.” She gestures to the woman with all the tattoos.

“Nice to meet you.” I give them my most charming smile, hoping it will break the lock on girl code and they’ll divulge where Kelsey disappeared.

I decide to cut right to the chase rather than making pleasantries for the next five minutes. “Do you know where Kelsey went?”

“What’s it worth to you?” Lennon asks.

I look over at her with my forehead wrinkled, unsure of what to say.

Tahlia waves her off. “Ignore her. What she means is, if we give you this information, what will you do with it?”

I put my hands up in front of me. “I just want to talk to her.” Not quite true, but not untrue entirely. I do want to get to know this woman. It just happens to be equal to how badly I want her in my bed. But one step at a time. I have to get her to agree to go out with me first.

“And what will you say?” Whitney asks.

I just stare at her for a beat. “I don’t know. I really don’t. I just know that I want to talk to her until she agrees to go out with me.”

“Good answer.” Lennon pats me on the shoulder while the other two women smile. “She just went to the coat check to grab her jacket before her Uber arrives.”

Panic pushes adrenaline through my veins. “Shit.” I turn in a rush and the women laugh behind me.

I need to catch Kelsey before she leaves. Who knows the next time I’ll see her when she’s not surrounded by her colleagues. And if I’ve learned anything, it’s that she takes her job very seriously and doesn’t want to involve her personal life in it.

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