Home > INN to You(10)

INN to You(10)
Author: L.B. Dunbar

 I turn back to Mason, who focuses on Noah, narrowing his eye a bit before his gaze sparkles. He addresses my soon-to-leave manager. “She’s charming.”

 Mason is model-worthy and a bit worldly. I’m so not the type of woman who would attract him. I’m also okay with not being Mason’s cup of tea because he isn’t exactly my flavor either. My emotions are still raw from Isaiah, which contradicts the fact I respond so readily to Noah, giving into his kisses, taking more from him as our bodies line up, and we press against one another. The way we might fit if we…

 “Hey, you!” A feminine voice pulls me from my fantasy. Noah spins at the sound, then reaches out to hug Autumn Anders, the owner of Crossroads Café.

 “Hey.” Noah keeps his arm around her.

 “I saw you through the window approaching like some cowboy here to stake your claim or rob the place,” Autumn teases.

 “He’s claiming Tessa,” Mason mutters

 “What?” My cheeks heat as Autumn notices me, and a giant grin breaks out on her face.

 Autumn and I are friendly. We didn’t run in the same circles back in high school, but we have a good rapport as adults. I want to feature her breakfast items at the veranda café I dream of opening once I own the inn. I’d say if, but I’m thinking as positive as I can despite the loan officer avoiding my call once again.

 “He’s going to drag her off to the ark,” Mason adds.

 “What an ark?” Jonas asks. My son has been patient and quiet as Mason and I discussed future renovations for Bluebird Hollow. Renovations I can’t commit to yet but promised Mason I would give Four Points first dibs to bid on.

 “It’s a kind of ship,” I answer.

 “Hilarious,” Noah sneers. “Like I haven’t heard that a time or ten.”

 “Maybe two by two?” Mason continues while Autumn looks at me and shakes her head, suggesting I ignore these men.

 “I like ships,” Jonas continues while this conversation is not for little ears.

 “Finish your hot chocolate, buddy.” I lower my voice with him as my business with Mason is done. Glancing up, I address Autumn, nodding between her and Noah. “I didn’t realize you knew one another.”

 “Noah’s younger brother, Zack, is one of Logan’s best friends,” Autumn explains about her husband. “And Mason’s.” She grins at Mason before glancing back at me.

 “So what can I get you, besides our Tessa?” Autumn states, sounding rather protective of me and ridiculous at the same time. Noah is not here for me.

 “Just an Americano.”

 “Cream and sugar?” Autumn asks.

 Noah pats his flat belly. “Not for these abs.” He gives her a smile I’m certain would drop a lesser woman to her knees to inspect said abs. Autumn is blissfully married, but I’d bend before him if he smiled at me like he is at her. He’s too charming for his own good.

 And I shouldn’t be thinking about Noah’s waistline or the space below it. He’s only here temporarily.

 His announcement that he’d been job hunting was quite a shock in the midst of our heated moment. I should have known better. His kisses were empty promises.

 “What’s the matter?” Noah asks, leaning toward me while still towering over me. “You have that zoned-out look again.”

 When Noah entered the artist’s cottage, I’d been waving my hand through the dust floating near the sunlight window. Fairy dust, my mother had called it. Sometimes when I stood inside her former workshop and my fingers danced in the specks, I’d feel her presence like a ghost. That’s pretty much what she became. She didn’t exist in real life for me. She left me behind. Everybody does.

 “It’s nothing,” I state, waving a hand as three sets of eyes watch me. I swallow the remainder of my coffee and quickly stand.

 “Come on, Jonas-bug.” I wiggle a hand for my son to hand me my phone. He rode his bike since the morning is just warm enough for outdoor activity, and he can’t walk a full mile without complaining about every step.

 Turning to Mason, I thank him for our meeting. “It’s been a pleasure.”

 “What pleasure?” Noah’s voice rises, and Autumn looks at him. She hasn’t left our gathering to make his coffee order yet.

 “Doing business with her.” Mason stands and places a hand lightly on my shoulder. He leans in for a cheek kiss and pauses. “Give him hell. He deserves it.”

 He chuckles as he pulls away, and I peer up to find Noah glaring at me. His stare shifts from me to Mason.

 “Not happening,” Noah warns Mason, who laughs louder.

 “You really don’t know me,” Mason retorts. I should probably be insulted that Mason Becker isn’t interested in me. Then again, I’m not interested in him. He seems like a man with a secret or two.

 “I don’t trust you,” Noah blurts, and Autumn reacts with a soft hiss of Noah’s name.

 “You don’t need to trust him,” I intervene. “I do.”

 When Mason offers me another smile, his head lifts a little higher, and I actually stand taller myself feeling like something has just passed between us that I’d never be able to define.

 “I’m the boss,” I remind Noah. “And you need to get to work. There are towels to be folded.”

 Noah grumbles. He’s actually stepped up to do the job he hates, along with making some beds and even cleaning a room or two when I’ve fallen behind.

 Autumn laughs. “Speaking of work, I hate to tell you this, but we sold the condo,” she says to Noah.

 I collect my garbage, eavesdropping on something that is none of my business.

 Autumn continues. “It was too good of an offer to refuse. And we don’t want the upkeep of a rental with little Ben and hopes of another baby soon.”

 The softening of her voice has my insides turning to mush. I would have liked a brother or sister for Jonas. I’m an only child. There’s nothing wrong with being a solo kid, but I was always jealous of friends with siblings. My dad always had Joe by his side.

 “Where will I live?” Noah pouts, but not to anyone in particular.

 “You have forty-five days to figure it out. We took the offer only yesterday. Logan was going to call you.”

 “You could live with Zack and River,” Mason teases about Noah’s younger brother.

 “I am not entering that love nest.”

 “Could be a love fest?” Mason adds, his voice rising.

 Noah scrunches his face. “Do not even think it. Dude, Zack is my brother.”

 “Stranger things have happened,” Mason mutters.

 “Mason, you are one sick fu—”

 “Fudgesicle,” Autumn interjects, and I meet her eyes, silently thanking her as my little man has big ears.

 Deciding this conversation isn’t for my ears, I step toward the garbage bin and watch Jonas climb onto his bike. “Ready, buddy?”

 “Let’s go,” he enthusiastically cheers, knocking on his helmet.

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