Home > I Want You to Want Me (The Survivors #12)(50)

I Want You to Want Me (The Survivors #12)(50)
Author: Shana Galen

Amelia laughed. “That’s not true.”

“I think it is. You’ll break down his defenses sooner or later. I know you will.”

Amelia smiled and closed her eyes. Her mother blew out the bedside candle and put her arms around her. Amelia began to doze, and the one thought that drifted through her mind was that she very well might win Nicholas over. But she was only human, and she just hoped that when and if he came to love her, his rejection of her hadn’t killed her love for him.



“MUST THE PIG BE PRESENT for this committee?” Mr. Beaumont asked, eyeing Sweetie warily.

“I haven’t spent any time with her all day,” Amelia said, stroking Sweetie’s head. Sweetie, in the meantime, was grunting and rooting about, looking for crumbs. Mr. Beaumont, Lady Florentia, and Amelia had gathered in the library after dinner. Lady Florentia had declared it was the best insulated chamber in the house and the servants would find it impossible to eavesdrop. She had tried many times when she was a girl and her father had important men in the library.

“I was never able to hear more than the faint clink of a glass,” she’d said. “Even with my ear pressed to the door.”

Mr. Beaumont had immediately discarded his large hat upon entering and seemed to have discarded the role of vicar as well. He slouched in his chair with one leg thrown over the arm, a drink balanced on the other arm. Sweetie had ventured close to him, sniffing for any possible morsels in that part of the chamber, but Beaumont had shooed her away, a task he did quite well and which hinted that he had more experience with farm animals than he allowed.

Florentia was seated at the desk, and now she lowered her pen. “These are the responses we have received thus far,” she said and lifted the paper. “Colonel Draven and his wife, the Duke and Duchess of Mayne, Lord and Lady Jasper, Mr. Mostyn and Lady Lorraine and their child.”

Beaumont perked up at this. “He’s bringing the child? Oh, this I cannot wait to see.”

Florentia frowned at the interruption then cleared her throat. “Mr. FitzRoy and Lady Daphne, and the one that arrived today, Rowden Payne and his wife.”

“Nothing from Duncan Murray?” Mr. Beaumont asked. “Or Nash Pope?”

Florentia frowned. “I read the list of those who have responded.”

“Those are the two I worry won’t come.”

“I worry Mr. Wraxall and Lady Juliana will come,” Florentia said, “and bring the entire orphanage with them.”

Beaumont shuddered. “Children and rats,” he said, taking a long drink. “If they bring that whole brood, I may not attend.”

“Very amusing,” Florentia said without any hint of amusement.

Amelia thought she had better intervene before the two of them began to argue. “We don’t have much time before the guests begin arriving. We should plan the menus.”

“You don’t need my help to plan menus,” Beaumont said. He was right. Amelia and Florentia would have to meet with Cook for that. Since he was to be seen as little as possible, he would conveniently be excused from that chore.

“Very well, then we can discuss sleeping arrangements. I’ve spoken to the innkeepers in Hungerford, and I think—”

“I’m no help there either,” Beaumont interrupted.

“There appears to be a theme,” Florentia observed wryly. “What are you good at, Mr. Beaumont?” She hastily lifted a hand. “Don’t answer that.”

Amelia glanced at him and saw the wicked glint in his eyes. “I don’t mind answering that, actually,” he said.

“Mr. Beaumont...” Florentia’s tone held a warning.

“I excel at planning diversions. That’s what we should discuss, and that’s the point of a house party—the diversions.”

“I thought the point of a house party was to matchmake single people and give married ones a chance to swap bedmates.”

“That too,” Beaumont said, “but I don’t think there will be any of that at this gathering. You, Florrie, will be the only unmatched person and the Survivors are all intensely loyal and sickeningly in love with their wives. So we must think of other diversions.”

“How about a scavenger hunt?” Amelia suggested. “The gardens would be perfect.”

“Good idea.” Florentia drew out a clean sheet of vellum and noted down Amelia’s idea. “And perhaps a tour of the stables. We are known throughout the country as premier horse breeders. Bowen could discuss some of our award-winning steeds.”

Beaumont stared at her. “That is your idea of a diversion?”

Florentia crossed her arms. “Some of the guests might enjoy it.”

“Fine.” Beaumont looked dubious. “But we plan an alternate activity for those of us who are not horsemad.”

The door opened, and Amelia’s heart jumped into her throat. She half feared it would be a servant. And she half feared it would not be.

“Speaking of horsemad,” Beaumont said as Nicholas entered.

Amelia watched as Nicholas’s confused gaze swept the room. Despite still feeling hurt at his dismissal of her from the night before, she couldn’t look away from him. She was gratified to see his eyes slide over her then back again. Their gazes met before he quickly looked away.

“You have arrived just in time, Nickers,” Mr. Beaumont said. “We are planning the diversions for the house party. Your sister thinks the guests will want a tour of the stables.”

Nicholas nodded. “We are known throughout the country as premier—”

“Yes, yes.” Beaumont waved his hand. “But what shall we do that is actually amusing?”

“Card games?” Florentia suggested.

“A night at the gaming hell,” Beaumont said. “We’ll have the servants furnish the drawing room like a gaming hell in Town. The footmen can dress as croupiers.”

“What about a musical evening?” Amelia suggested, keeping her gaze on Sweetie and away from her husband.

“I have it,” Beaumont said. “A show of talents. Each person or couple can display his or her talent. We’ll call it a Night at Vauxhall, since the gardens have music, rope walkers, jugglers, and fireworks.” He sat forward. “I don’t suppose you could arrange fireworks.”

Florentia gave him an exasperated look. “This is a house party, not a fête for the King.”

“What about a ball?” Nicholas asked. The room went silent as everyone stared at him. His cheeks colored slightly. “I wouldn’t dance, of course,” he added.

“A ball is a splendid idea,” Amelia said, hating that he seemed self-conscious.

“We can call it—”

“A ball,” Amelia said before Beaumont could turn it into something else.

“Doesn’t seem very creative,” Beaumont muttered. “I suppose that’s it then. Sprinkle in some nature walks, a picnic, and lawn games, and there you have it.” He leaned toward Nicholas. “While the ladies enjoy a nature walk, we’ll see if we can convince Ewan and Rowden to give us a demonstration of pugilism.”

“I don’t want to know anything about bare-chested men fighting bare-knuckled,” Florentia said. “It’s certainly not part of the official activities.”

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