Home > Beyond the Team (Out of Reach #4)(21)

Beyond the Team (Out of Reach #4)(21)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“None. I’ve never brought a girl down here. I told you that I don’t bring girls home. I’ve kissed my fair share and fooled around with a few, but none of them have been here, in my home. Only you.”

This time, I initiate the kiss. I press my lips to his, and he tightens his hold on me. He gently strokes my back while the other hand tethers me to him. Once again, we get lost in the moment. My hand slides under his T-shirt and cautiously explores the dips and valleys of his abs. I lose myself in the moment in him. When his hands slide to the button of my blue jean shorts, I stiffen. He immediately stops and pulls his mouth from mine.

“I’m sorry, Peyton. I got carried away.”

“It’s not that,” I rush to reassure him. “I just… I’m a virgin.” I blurt the words out. Just like pulling off a Band-Aid, I need to get it out there so he knows exactly what he’s getting into, or what he’s not, I guess I should say. I bury my face in his chest to hide my embarrassment. I know there is nothing to be embarrassed about, but the heat coats my cheeks all the same.

Both of his arms wrap around me, and he pulls me close. Our bodies are aligned, and I can feel his hard length pressed against me. He’s going to think I’m some kind of tease. I hate these kinds of situations.

“Peyton?” he says softly.

I don’t answer. I don’t even acknowledge him from where my head is buried in his chest.

“Come on, beautiful, please look at me.”

There’s something in his voice. I can’t quite explain it. It’s filled with understanding and something I can’t name, but whatever it is, it gives me the courage to lift my head and look at him.

“Me too,” he confesses softly.

“You too what?”

“I’m a virgin, Peyton.”

“What? No. No way.” I lean back to get a better look at his face. His eyes are staring into mine, and I don’t see an ounce of deceit in them.

“I am.” He pulls me back into his chest, and I go willingly as I process this news. “Remember when I mentioned my baseball coach was big on telling us to wrap it before we tap it. And yes, that’s exactly how he would word it. He went on to explain that those with talent tend to attract those who want a meal ticket or want to ride the coattails of fame and fortune. He put fear in us. He told us all kinds of stories about players getting piss-ass drunk and girls taking advantage of them trying to get pregnant. He told us to never let the woman provide the protection, that she could poke holes in the condom or lie about birth control.”

“Someone hurt him.”

“Probably. Looking back, I’d say you’re right. At the time, we all just took it as a coach looking out for us. I told you about Jack getting that girl pregnant during our sophomore year in high school. After that, it just wasn’t worth it to me.”

“You were lucky. That he was looking out for all of you.”

“Yeah, I guess we were.”

“They do the same thing in the majors. I’m not sure if it’s the head coach, but they go to training for this kind of thing. I know my dad had to do it, and I’ve heard Cameron and Holden talk about it as well.”

“Yet some still fall victim.”

“There’s one in every crowd,” I say, lightening the mood.

“Are you waiting? For marriage?” he adds.

“Are you?”

He chuckles. “No. Not really. I’ve just never found someone who I trust is here for me and not what I can do for them. Not until I found you, that is.”

“I’m not either. I’m in the same boat. So many know who I am in our hometown, and they want to get closer to the game, my dad, my uncle, and my brothers-in-law. I’m including Holden in that,” I explain. “He might as well be married to my sister. He loves her fiercely.”

“We’re more alike than you thought, huh,” he asks.

“We are.”

“Stay with me.”

“What do you mean? I have to go home, Griffin. My family is there. I have school and the team.”

“Tonight. Stay with me tonight.”

“Your parents?”

“They know how much I like you. Besides, we’re both adults.”

“I’m not having sex with you.”

“I didn’t ask you to,” he counters. “What I am asking is for you to stay with me. I’m not ready for this night to end. I have tomorrow, and then I don’t know how long it will be before I can see you again. I just really want to hold you. I want to know for the first time in my life what it’s like to sleep with a woman in my arms and wake up with her the same way.”

“That’s hard to say no to.”

“Then say yes.”

“I’ll need to call Parker. Let her know I’m not coming back tonight.”

“Where’s your phone?” he asks.

“On the table.” I turn and grab it, almost falling off the couch in the process. My hands shake as I pull up Parker’s contact.

“Hey, if this makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to. I’ll take you home,” he says, placing his hand over mine.

“No. It’s not that. It’s just… a first for me too.”

“Good.” He kisses me quickly.

I hit send on Parker’s name and place the phone next to my ear. I could have texted her, but I know my sister. She would have called wanting to hear my voice to make sure that I’m okay.

“How was the steak?” she asks.

“So good. I was able to cut it with a fork,” I tell her. Griffin smiles and points at himself, causing me to shake my head at his antics. He didn’t do the cooking, but I have no doubt that the results would be the same. He learned from one of the best. “Hey, I wanted to tell you that I’m not coming back to the room tonight. I’m going to stay here. With Griffin.”

“Do you have protection?” she asks.

“I don’t need it.”

“Peyton” she starts.

“I’m not going to need it, Parker. Trust me.”

“Okay. If you need me at any time, you call me. Understand? I can be there in ten minutes.”

“I’ll be fine, but thank you.”

“I love you, lady,” she says with laughter in her voice.

“I love you too, duchess,” I reply, then end the call. I place my phone on the floor and turn back to Griffin.

“I still think your dad is a genius.” He grins.

“Make sure you tell him that if you ever meet him. That will give you brownie points.”

“I’m going to meet him, Peyton. We’re going to make this work.”

“I want it to,” I confess.

“Thank fuck,” he says, kissing the corner of my mouth. “That’s the first time you’ve let me know what you were thinking about this. About us.”

“It all seems too good to be true.”

“If we both want it… if we’re both willing to sacrifice and put in the work, we can do it.”

“You miss one hundred percent of the shots you never take,” I say.

“And we’re taking ours,” he says, pressing his lips to mine.


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