Home > Beyond the Team (Out of Reach #4)(41)

Beyond the Team (Out of Reach #4)(41)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“Dreaming about what?”

“You telling me that you love me.”

“No. You weren’t dreaming,” I tell him as his phone vibrates on the nightstand.

Groaning, he rolls over and grabs his phone. “It’s my dad,” he tells me before answering. “Hey, what’s up?” he asks, his voice still laced with sleep. His eyes brighten. “Really? She’s going to love that.” He nods. “Okay, we’ll get ready and be down.” He ends the call and drops the phone onto the bed beside him.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Dad actually made a last-minute decision to take Mom away for the night. He said that we inspired him.”

“We did?” I ask, confused.

“Apparently, he’s going to take her back to their old college town in Ohio. That’s where they met. Their flight leaves this afternoon.”

“So, no dinner with them tonight?”

“No. Breakfast instead. Dad said it will be ready in thirty minutes.”

“Eeep.” I toss off the covers and climb out of bed, rushing to my bag.

“Want some company?”

“No. If you do that, we’re never going to make it downstairs for breakfast.”

“I think they’ll understand.” He winks.

“No, Griffin, this is their wedding anniversary. I’ll be quick,” I say, disappearing into the bathroom with my bag. I turn the lock on the door just in case. It’s not that I don’t trust him. It’s that I don’t trust myself with him. He’s too damn tempting.



Thirty minutes later, we walk hand in hand to the kitchen. Anna is sitting at the island with a steaming cup of coffee in her hands while Gary flips pancakes on the griddle.

“It smells delicious,” I tell him. “Happy anniversary.” I give his mom a hug, and Gary gives me a huge smile.

“Thank you,” he says. “Have a seat. Griff, get your girl something to drink. We’re almost ready to eat.”

Once we’re all seated around the island, Gary reaches under the bowl of fruit and produces a card that he hands to Anna. “Happy anniversary,” he tells her.

“Should I wait?”

“Never. Open it.”

All eyes are on her as she opens the card. I watch as she reads what’s inside and looks up at her husband with tears in her eyes.

“You can thank the kids for this one,” Gary tells her. “Seeing them together brings back some good memories.”

“Are we really going back? When?”

“We’re really going back, and our flight leaves in a few hours.”

“But we had dinner plans. Peyton came all this way.”

“Mom, Peyton isn’t going anywhere. There will be more dinners and more anniversaries for her to celebrate with us.”

She loses her battle with her tears as one slides down her cheek. “You remind me so much of your father.” She wipes her cheeks.

“What can I do?” I ask her. “Do you need help packing?”

“Yes. I would love that. Right after breakfast. You don’t want to miss Gary’s pancakes, trust me.”

I nod and cut a bite of my pancakes, and she’s right. “Oh.” I cover my mouth with my hand. “So good,” I say once I’ve swallowed.

“Thank you.”

“Dad makes them for all special occasions.”

“I love that.” I dive in for another bite as Gary and Anna take turns telling us stories about when they met. Griffin keeps one hand on my thigh the entire time. I feel as though I’ve been here before and known them all for years. They’re always more than welcoming, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

“Right, it’s time to pack,” Anna says, standing. She takes her plate to the sink. I push back from the counter to do the same, but Griffin stops me.

“I’ll get it.” He leans in and kisses me. Just a quick peck, but I feel the heat rise to my cheeks, knowing he did so in front of his parents.

“Ready?” Anna asks.

“Absolutely.” I follow her up to their bedroom and take a seat on their bed.

“I can’t believe he’s doing this,” she gushes. “We have so many memories there.”

“It’s very sweet. What can I help with?”

“Honestly, just the company is great. When you’ve been married as long as I have, you don’t worry about what you’re wearing as much as when you first meet.”

“I get that, but it might be fun to surprise him. Maybe break out something you haven’t worn in a while.”

“Oh, I have some lingerie I bought a few years ago on a whim, and I’ve never worn it.”

“There you go.”

“You’re a genius. No wonder my son loves you.” She laughs as she places a small suitcase on the bed and begins to add clothes to it.

It’s a wonder that my heart even fits in my chest, with all the love that’s bursting inside me. “I love him too,” I confess with a whisper.

“Oh, honey, of course you do. Anyone who sees the two of you together can figure that out.” She offers me a smile before saying, “I think I have it all,” and glancing around her room.

“Cell phone charger?” I ask.

“Oh yes, I’ll need that for sure.” She goes to the nightstand, unplugs her charger, and tosses it into her suitcase.

“All set?” Gary asks. I turn to look, and he and Griffin are standing in the doorway.

“Yes. Are you packed?”

He grins, and it reminds me so much of his son. “I packed last night while you were in the tub.”

“Sneaky.” She goes to him and kisses him.

“That’s why you love me.” He grins. “Now, get your bag so we can head out. I hate having to rush through the airport.”

“Okay. I think I have everything.” Anna comes back to the bed and wraps her arms around me. “Thank you for your help. I’m sorry we’re going to miss you while you’re here.”

“I’m actually staying until Tuesday afternoon. I decided to skip a couple of days of classes now that the season is over so that I can see Griffin’s game.”

“That’s perfect. We’re coming back when?” She turns to look at Gary.

“We’re flying home Monday morning, so we can be here for the game as well.”

“Good. You won’t have to sit alone.” She gives me another hug, moves to the door, and does the same to Griffin.

I stand and follow them out of the room. Griffin and I walk back downstairs with them, and stand on the front porch waving goodbye.

“What do you want to do today?” he asks.

“I’m up for anything. What did you have planned?”

“I thought we’d maybe go to the beach before meeting my parents for dinner, but Dad changed that. We have the house all to ourselves all weekend.”

“So that means no beach?”

“Do you want to go to the beach?” he asks, sliding his arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest.

“I want to be where you are.”

“I like the idea of locking ourselves inside or out back in the pool. Now that I know it can happen, I want you all to myself.”

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