Home > An Unexpected Chance (Insta-Spark Collection #6)(4)

An Unexpected Chance (Insta-Spark Collection #6)(4)
Author: Melanie Moreland

I barked a laugh. “When she wants something. She spends money like water. She sets up businesses and drains them, then decides I should help her with the next one. I’m sure her other ex-husbands get the same demands.”

She lifted her eyebrows. “Others, as in, more than one?”

“Two others, I think. Plus, a never-ending turnaround of men. I gave up worrying about it a long time ago. Every so often, I get a letter via my lawyer demanding money or wanting an investment. The first one, I panicked, thinking she’d come after Mia, and I sent her some money against my lawyer’s advice. He was right—she kept coming back. The last one, she added a subtle threat about seeing Mia. But I’ve gotten wise, and maybe a little colder, and I shut that down fast. I had my lawyer start a cease and desist action. She gets nowhere near Mia or me. Or another damn cent. I paid her very well to walk away.” I snorted. “Not that she needed much encouragement. All she wanted was the money. All I wanted was Mia and my freedom. It was an easy trade-off.”

She squeezed my hand, and I realized I had been holding hers this whole time.

“It’s been hard on you.”

“I have Mia.”

“You’re a good man, Simon.”

The conversation had gotten too serious. Too heavy. Needing to go back to the light, I winked at her. “Not such a good man that I’ll let you have more than your share of that cheesecake, Amy.” To make my point, I slid my hand away and pulled the plate closer, taking a large bite.

She laughed and picked up her coffee cup. She smiled indulgently. “Have at it. I have maple cookies at home.”

I had to laugh. She was brilliant.



Back at her place, I got my bag of groceries and stood at her door, unsure what to say. I found I didn’t want to leave her, yet I knew I had to go get Mia. Still, I lingered.

Amy was addictive. The rest of the lunch had been filled with sharing information. Grins and mutual laughter. She was witty and fun. Smart and clever. And kind. So kind. I liked how she treated people, spoke to them. She was honest, genuine. Real.

I drew in a deep breath. “I’d like to do the movie night, but I would also like to take you out first. Officially—on a date. I know you said you don’t date much…” I laughed dryly. “I haven’t been on a real date since before Mia was born so I’m pretty rusty, but I would like to take you out.”

“I thought lunch went well as far as undates-dates go,” she said with a smile.

“I think any time spent with you would be good,” I admitted.

“So, you want to go out and test the waters—before having me spend time with Mia?” she asked.

“Yes,” I replied honestly. “Mia—”

She cut me off. “I understand.” She studied me for a moment, coming to a decision. “I would like to go out with you, Simon. So, yes. I accept your offer.”

“Friday?” I asked. “I’ll figure out a nice place. Dinner, maybe a movie.” I paused. “Do people do that for dates anymore?”

“It sounds good to me.” Then her eyes widened. “There is a bar in Evansham—two towns over—they have music on Friday nights. Some local bands that are really good if you prefer. Some nice restaurants there too.”

“Excellent. Any I should avoid?”

She shook her head. “Not that I’ve heard.”

We exchanged cell numbers and agreed to seven o’clock on Friday. I bent to kiss her cheek, just as her head turned. Our mouths brushed, and we both froze. Then she moved, pressing her lips to mine, and I wrapped my arm around her waist, tugging her close, our mouths melded together.

Blistering heat bubbled under my skin at the feel and taste of her. She whimpered as my tongue slid along hers, and she slipped her arms around my neck. I explored her, the heat, the feel of her. How the taste of her coffee and the sweetness of the cheesecake we shared lingered in her mouth. How soft her lips were underneath mine. The thick, silky stands of her hair brushed my hand, and I wrapped my fist around them, enjoying the feel of them on my skin. Imagined how they would feel brushing against my thighs as she rode me with her head tilted back. I kissed her deeper, swimming in the sensations she brought forth. Want and desire. Need and longing. The urge for more. The passion that had lain dormant for so long exploded. I couldn’t get close enough to her. Kiss her hard enough to satisfy my desire. Every second felt like an eternity, yet it wasn’t enough. My body was on fire, my cock hard and aching. I wanted to pick her up and find her bed. Throw her onto the mattress and follow her down. Strip off the fabric separating us and bury myself inside her. Take her until she screamed my name in release.

I pulled back with a gasp before I did exactly that. Her eyes opened, the blue darker, her mouth swollen, her breathing coming fast. I traced her mouth with my finger. I had so much I wanted to say, but I couldn’t.

“Thank you for lunch,” she whispered.

“If that was thanks for lunch, I can’t wait until dinner,” I quipped.

She bit the end of my finger, and I laughed, my breath stuttering as she swiped her tongue over the end.

“Little vixen,” I murmured, bending and kissing her again. Then I straightened and picked up the bag of groceries at my feet.

She watched me, her gaze all at once anxious and tender. I pressed one more kiss to her mouth. “Friday,” I said. “I’ll call before if that’s okay.”

“I look forward to it.”

I walked away before I did something foolish, like called Holly and asked her to keep Mia, then followed through with my thoughts of carrying Amy down the hall.

I had to take this slow.

But I stopped before I turned the corner and looked back. Amy was watching me, a small smile on her face. She had her fingers pressed against her mouth as if keeping the feel of my lips there.

I winked as I went around the corner. I liked knowing she was watching me.

Suddenly, I could hardly wait until Friday.




Simon left, and I shut the door, leaning against the hard wood.

What the hell just happened?

Running into him at the grocery store wasn’t surprising. It was a small town with only one larger place to shop. I ran into a lot of people there.

But they weren’t Simon.

I had met Holly the first week I was in Cliff’s Edge. Our carts literally ran into each other’s in the store, and we got to talking. We became fast friends. After meeting Evan, I became close with the whole family, and I was always invited to their barbecues and family dinners. She had told me about the ex-brother-in-law showing up, and I was intrigued but only because his story was different. Few men would choose to be a single dad. At least, the ones I knew.

When we were introduced at Evan’s barbecue, Simon had taken my breath away. Well over six feet, he had broad shoulders, and he carried himself well. His dark hair was short, his hazel eyes set under heavy brows, and he had a great smile. He was charming and funny, polite and intelligent. I felt his interest, as well as the fact that he held himself back.

If you looked deep enough, his eyes held some lingering sadness. Holly had told me he was divorced and his ex-wife was cold and unfeeling. Holly didn’t say much else except the ex had nothing to do with her brother, Evan, or her daughter. I assumed she’d done a number on Simon, which was why he held himself in check. Watching him with Mia made my heart melt. He obviously adored his daughter, and he had no problem displaying his affection. He was an excellent father—attentive and giving. Teasing and loving, yet firm with his denials when needed. I enjoyed watching the two of them together. Mia was a delight and seemed to relish spending time with her uncle, following him around a great deal. She was well-behaved and smart, an old soul in a little girl’s body.

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