Home > Fearless(24)

Author: Tia Louise

“It’ll be easier to know you’re safe if I’m here.” His teasing tone sends another shimmer of warmth through my stomach.

A niggling hint of worry pushes at my mind. If I’m not careful, I’ll get attached, and that will be problematic. I don’t want to worry right now.

Scooting forward, I turn to face him in the bed. “I told you we’re perfectly safe with Trip and Greg here.”

“I don’t like those guys. Why are they here out of the blue?”

“They said it was for my mother, the gala.” His eyes narrow, and my lips press tighter. “You’re going to make me paranoid if you don’t stop being so suspicious.”

I should be honest and tell him I was surprised they showed up as well, and while I don’t think Trip is up to anything, I don’t trust Greg as far as I can throw him.

I should also tell him about the blackmail and what’s going on with Hana, but it’s all too much for tonight, for what I want to do with him. It can wait.

He gently places his thumb under my chin, lifting my eyes to his again. “That was a long pause. What are you thinking about?”

His voice is so warm, I want to kiss him again. I want to pretend we’re starting something easy, a small-town love-affair that might lead to something wonderful. In the light of day, I’ll know better, but for tonight…

Wrinkling my nose, I scoot closer. “You’re throwing the opening pitch at Pepper’s game tomorrow.”

“Pepper,” he groans rolling onto his back. “She’s a hustler. Already knows how to get whatever she wants.”

“She’s got her work cut out for her being the only girl with all you men.”

“All us men?” A tease is in his voice and he leans up, rolling me onto my back so I’m caged beneath his luscious weight. “I’d say she’s got us men right where she wants us.”

I can’t argue with that, and I can’t argue with the deep satisfaction rising in my chest at his affection. The way he holds me down is delicious, strong, skin on skin. Lowering his face, he kisses the side of my neck, and it feels so good.

“Do you have to work tomorrow?”

“I’m keeping an eye on things. I was thinking I might show you around Hamiltown, since you’ve been too busy to get to know the place.”

Curling my finger in the soft hair behind his ear, I nod. “Sounds like a perfect day.”

Green eyes meet mine, and he hesitates before kissing my nose. “We should rest.”

He shifts around so I’m beside him again, and I wonder what changed. Is he struggling with the same tricky realization as me? We both know what we’re facing–distance, work, complications, blackmail… But he doesn’t know about that.

Shaking away the dark thoughts for tonight, I curl into the safety of his embrace. I have a few days left to deal with Papi-O, whoever the fuck he is, and worst case, I have a plan.







“What gives it that flavor?” Blake holds the coffee mug close to her nose and sniffs. “It’s so warming and addictive.”

She’s sitting across from me at Steamy Beans, the coffee shop on Main Street down from our office. We each have a cup of their signature blend, and a plate of scones and jam is between us.

“You’re going to know the minute I tell you.”

“Wait! I almost have it.” She holds up a hand, closing her eyes and taking another sip. “I think I know…”

I’m addicted to watching her. She’s so adorable, every move she makes. I don’t recognize this person I’m becoming, and it’s somehow both satisfying and unsettling.

This morning, when I opened my eyes, she was in my arms, breathing softly as she slept. I pulled her to me and kissed her slowly behind the ear, tracing my lips higher as I inhaled her lingering scent of rose.

She woke with a soft moan, arching against me like the sex kitten she is. I slid my hands up to her full breasts, squeezing and holding them as I drove deep into her core, and she reached back, rocking her body as we moved together like the waves on the sea. She’s amazing, like her body is made for me, and I need to get a grip before I become attached.

As if I have a choice.

When her uncle sent me her fashion spread two years ago, I memorized every line of her body. I couldn’t help myself. Having her in my life seemed impossible to me. We’re on the same planet, but in vastly different worlds.

Still, every time we’re together, our chemistry is undeniable. If only chemistry solved problems. In my experience, it only creates new ones.

Her gray eyes meet mine, and she’s given up. “Tell me.”


“Dammit, cinnamon!” She holds up a hand, and I chuckle. “I even know people who add cinnamon to their coffee when they want a little something extra.”

“It’s definitely extra.” Sliding my hand across the table, I want to touch her. “Keeps the customers coming back for more.”

She doesn’t pull away, and our fingers thread. A beat of silence falls between us as we adjust.

Soft gray eyes meet mine. “What’s next on your agenda for introducing me to my family’s town?”

“I still can’t believe you’ve only been here three times in your life.”

“Mama hated it, and Dad only came to visit Hugh.”

Looking down, I slide my thumb over her soft knuckles. “Hugh loved those visits. After the first one, he would always tell me when you were coming to town.”

“The one when I was thirteen?” She turns her face towards the window, and pink creeps into her cheeks. “It was the only time I ever saw you here. You must’ve left town every other time we visited.”

I hadn’t meant to be so precise, and I shift in my seat. “I started college, then I went straight into the service.”

I’m not about to tell her I purposely stayed away when she came here.

“Either way,” she shrugs. “We only stayed a day or two, and we were at the estate the entire time. I was with Hana, or I rode around the grounds. We flew, so I didn’t have a car.”

Standing, I pull her to her feet. “Stop making excuses. It’s time you got to know your heritage.”

“My heritage.” She shakes her head. “Can you even call it that?”

“Can you call it anything else? Your great-great grandparents founded this place, named it after you.”

“Weren’t your great whatevers founders as well?”

“Mine were present, but the name is all yours.” We’re out the door, walking down the four blocks of Main Street. “This is the town square.”

“Howard’s Five and Dime.” She reads the hand-painted vintage signs. “Stinky’s Hardware? Hang on–is that the same stinky who has the snow cones? Pepper’s softball team?”

“Clearly, he’s an aspiring mogul.”

“I’ll say. Hardware, snow cones, and sponsoring a sports team? You’d better keep your eye on that guy. He’ll be running for mayor next thing you know.”

“And giving himself big tax breaks.”

She breaks into a hearty laugh, and I catch her around the waist, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “I was wondering what it sounded like when you really laughed.”

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