Home > Fearless(50)

Author: Tia Louise

“You like him?” We step out of the horse’s stall and stroll up the passage to the tack room.

“I like knowing he’s looking out for me.” She blinks up with a little smile. “He’s very strong, inside and out.”

“What happened to him? With all the scars, I mean.”

“I don’t know.” She leans against the doorjamb while I take down a bridle and loop it over my shoulder.

“It’s never come up in conversation?”

“He’ll tell me when he’s ready.”

I lift a padded blanket and saddle off a nearby sawhorse. “Just be careful. He doesn’t seem entirely safe to me.”

“I don’t think he is, but he would never hurt me.” We’re back in the alley, and she continues on in the direction of the main house looking through her camera lens.

Watching her go, I can’t help wondering if she’s met her match, someone as wounded as she is but still willing to find a way to survive, to fight the demons.

When Hutch appears in the doorway, a flutter of happiness replaces the tension in my chest. A cap is pulled low on his head, accentuating his square jaw, and when he smiles, the flutter turns to heat filtering low into my stomach.

“I’ve been looking for you.” He closes the space between us.

“It felt like a good day to take Dancer for a ride.” I continue towards the stall where a palomino horse is peeking her golden head over the door.

“Let me help you with that.” He lifts the saddle right out of my hands, ignoring my protests. “You shouldn't be lifting heavy objects. You just had a head injury.”

“It was barely a scratch!” I can’t help a laugh.

“You had a nice-sized lump on your head.” He places the saddle over the door, turning his cap around, which somehow makes him look even hotter.

I open the narrow stall, going inside and running my hands over Dancer’s golden coat. “Why don’t you come with me? I’m sure Uncle Hugh wouldn’t mind you riding Training Day.”

“Your uncle would have my neck if I touched his prized stallion. You know he gets a fifty-grand stud fee for that guy?”

“Wow,” I make an oops face. “That’s almost as much as Shadow used to get.”

Shadow of the Moon was my father’s race horse, and after winning the Belmont Stakes, he could fetch as much as a hundred thousand dollars per breeding dose, sometimes even more–until he failed a drug test and was stripped of his titles.

“Regency’s Honor shouldn’t get you in trouble. Saddle him up and let me finish here with Dancer.”

He lifts my chin and squints at my eyes like he’s checking for signs of concussion. “If you think you can handle it.”

“I’m fine.” Rolling my eyes, I’m startled when his lips cover mine in a warm kiss.

“I want you to take it easy.” His nose touches mine, and my knees melt just before he turns and leaves me swooning in the stall.

Ten minutes later, we’re loping side by side, headed towards the backwoods of my uncle’s property. Dancer is a drop of honey on the green grass, and a warm spring breeze pushes my hair behind my shoulders.

Regency is part Friesian. He’s black as night with a gorgeous long mane and tail, shiny coat, and big hooves like a draught horse.

We pull them to a stop when we reach a narrow creek dividing the pasture land from the start of the denser trees. I slide off Dancer, allowing her to take a drink of water and glance up at my companion.

Hutch sits straight on the horse’s back, surveying our path. Holding the reins in his large hands, his biceps stretch his short-sleeve shirt and the muscle in his square jaw flexes. His dark hair moves in the breeze, and on that horse, I can’t help thinking he’s like a prince–or a knight.

A silly swoon tightens my stomach, and I tuck my chin so my hair will cover the heat in my cheeks. “Is it warmer today?”

Green eyes land on mine, and his dark brow furrows attractively. “Does your head hurt?”

“No, I’m good. I was just wondering.” I lead Dancer away from the water and climb onto her back again.

We take a slower pace, leading the horses across the water and into the trees. “What did my uncle say when you told him about the case?”

“He says it’s all settled, and we should put it to rest.”

“You don’t sound happy with that decision.”

He’s not smiling, but he’s still so handsome guiding the gorgeous horse. “It’s possible he’s right. We’ve managed to extract your family from this criminal enterprise, and some of the more dangerous players are now dead.”

“But?” I wrinkle my nose up at him.

“Others are still out there. I don’t like loose ends.”

I think about everything that happened to us in New York. “It did take an unexpected turn. What will you do now?”

We ride a bit farther in silence, and the only sound is the dull thud of the horses’ hooves. “Your uncle says I should take a break and enjoy my success.”

“You’ve certainly earned a break.” I give him a little wink. “Did you have anything in mind?”

“Well, for starters, I need to be at Pepper’s game tonight. Would you like to go with me?”

That makes me smile. “Like on a date?”

“Sure, if you want to call it that.” Seeing my smile fading, he quickly adds. “I’d rather save the term date for when I take you out to dinner tomorrow night, which I’d also like to do. If you’re interested.”

My smile is back and bigger. “I’d love to. Oh!” I shriek when Regency breaks into an unexpected trot, and a splat of mud flies up and lands on my arm.

Dancer startles at my yell, and within a few steps, my legs are covered in sticky brown mud as are the legs of Hutch’s jeans.

“Ho, boy.” Hutch catches the reins, easing his horse to a stop. “Way to scare the horses.”

“It wasn’t my fault!” I can’t help laughing now that I’m covered in mud.

Turning his giant horse so he can get closer, Hutch reaches out and wipes a clod of mud off my cheek with a grin. “It’s nice to see you getting dirty for once.”

Reaching down, I scoop a plop of mud off the side of my thigh and wipe it across his cheek. “Right back atcha.”

Green eyes flash, and he makes a lunge like he’ll grab me, but I’m too fast. I turn Dancer quickly, giving her a squeeze with my thighs, and we shoot off in a gallop, headed in the direction of the barn.

“You’d better run!” Hutch yells from not too far behind me, and an excited laugh bursts from my chest.

“Come on, Dancer!” I give her a little kick.

Regency might have characteristics of a draught horse, but he’s nimble and fast. We’re only slightly ahead of them when we blaze into the wide alley of the barn laughing and breathing hard.

Dancer slows to a trot then goes straight to the door of her stall like she is so done. My legs are wobbly from the exertion as I slide off, opening the door so she can walk inside. I’ll have to track down Uncle Hugh’s groom and ask him to wash the mud off the horses.

Hutch is right behind me, grabbing me around the waist and lifting me off my feet. “You’re lucky she’s fast. I was ready to wrestle.”

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