Home > A London Villain(14)

A London Villain(14)
Author: Catherine Wiltcher

I need her to stop this pain.

Sliding my hand behind her head, I smash our lips together, and she moans into my mouth. I drive my tongue between her teeth and swallow down her surprise. After a beat, she kisses me back just as hard, tasting like the sweetest sin, as the soft mound of her pussy slides up and down my erection, begging to be touched.

I could take her. Fuck, I want to take her and make her mine. I could unzip my jeans right now, free my cock, and let her ride me until our stolen car gets reported and located.

Sorry, Officer, we’re just a couple of screwed up kids who are so far gone there’s nothing left but this.

As if reading my mind, she grabs my hand and thrusts it between us, my fingers encountering her slick warmth. “Don’t let them steal it, Frankie,” she moans into my mouth again. “Don’t let them steal it when they’ve taken so much from me already. It’s mine to give. Mine to lose.”

“Not here—”

“Yes, here. We’re living in the moment now. So, live in the moment with me.”

With a strangled groan, I circle her pussy entrance with my forefinger, spreading her wetness around her lips, dipping my middle finger inside her to test how tight she is and feeling resistance right away.

“Ada, at this angle… I’m big. It’s gonna hurt like a bitch.”

“Good, that means I’ll feel it. I’ve been numb for so long, I’ll welcome it.”

My self-control shatters. When she rises onto her knees, I’m already ripping at the buttons on my jeans.

She curls her small fist around my cock, brushing her thumb over the tip, smearing me with my own pre-cum, and I can’t resist thrusting into her hand. No other girl compares to this. Just having her holding me, feeling her soft skin wrapped around mine, makes me want to come already.

“Use me, Ada,” I gasp out. “Fucking use me.”

It takes her a second to understand, and then I feel her guiding me towards her tiny clit, circling her hips as she holds me steady, bracing her other hand against my chest as we hold each other’s gazes.

Her movements turn jerky. Her breathing, erratic. When I feel her quivering against the head of my cock, I drive my middle finger deep inside her again, this time burying myself up to the knuckle as she lets out a whimper of pain.

She’s shaking harder than ever.

She’s right on the edge.

Moving my cock to her entrance, she slants her mouth across mine and starts to drop her hips. I shut my eyes tight when I feel her tight pussy stretching around my cock, swallowing me inch by glorious inch.

“Fuuuuck.” I feel her pause halfway down my length. “Don’t stop now,” I mutter. “You’ll kill us both.” Angling my hips, I claim another inch myself, and then I’m buried so deep inside her it feels like I’m knocking on her soul. “Kiss me.”

Her soft lips fall on mine hungrily.

“Fuck me,” I murmur.

Her hips start to bounce.

“Oh my God.” I hear her cry.

Gripping fistfuls of her dress, I time my thrusts for when she lowers her body, slamming my cock into her, rocking faster and faster as she tips her head back, the ends of her long dark hair brushing against my hands.

I can feel the heat at the base of my spine already.

My balls are tight for release.

Ada shudders to a stop, her pussy walls clamping down on me like a velvet fist. A split-second later, I’m coming so hard I’m seeing stars and lights and her. All of her. And this soft-sharp awareness that there will never be any other woman good enough for me.

Ada’s it.

Ada’s everything.

She collapses forward, pressing her small breasts against my chest, as my cock continues to spurt hot cum. It’s fucking endless, spilling out of her and onto my thighs as I seek out her mouth again. Pushing her hair back from her damp cheeks, I thrust my tongue back inside her. Wanting more. Demanding more.

After a time, she pulls away with a small smile. It’s lighting up her face in the falling darkness and setting fire to the wreckage of my heart.

“Did it hurt?” I’m gazing at her like a damn fool.

Her smile widens. “Yes and no, and then I floated.”

“Better than coke. Cheaper, too.”

She slides off me with a wince, and I catch her glancing down at my cock. It’s glistening with a mix of our cum and faint smears of blood.

“Is it always like that?” she asks shyly, as I tuck myself back into my jeans.

“No.” Only with you.

I watch her crawl back to the passenger seat and tuck her slender legs under her as a faint buzzing fills the air. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone. It’s flashing Withheld Number, but I know who it is. I’ve been expecting his call.

“You crazy bastard!” Guido roars. “What the hell did I tell you last week? No Romeo and Juliet shit if you don’t like what happened to them.”

Grimacing, I reach for a cigarette. “That’s the thing about endings, old man. You can always rewrite the bad ones.”

“Only if you have the balls to do it.” He sighs heavily. “You need a plan, kid. And you need it fast.”









Frankie’s leaning against the side of the car, running his hand through his black hair as he talks on his phone, another lit cigarette dangling from his fingers.

He’s not just beautiful now, he’s a beautiful chameleon—switching through his many colours—each one stronger than the last. It feels like I’m watching a boy becoming a man, and a man on the cusp of becoming a king.

My mother used to take imaginary snapshots of these kinds of moments when I was a child. I used to catch her making a square camera shape with her fingers as she committed it all to memory. I find myself doing the same thing now, wanting to savour this image of him forever.

How can you love someone with just a glance? How do you know they’re right for you before a single word is shared?

I can’t explain what we are, or what passed between us that first day in the library. I just know there are some connections that fly without definition, ones that are strong enough to last a thousand lifetimes and break a million rules.

Finally, he hangs up and chucks his cigarette away. I brace for bad news as he climbs back into the driver’s seat.

“There’s a safehouse in Greenwich.”

My stomach lurches. “What about Danny? What about leaving the city?”

“Loaded dice, Ada.” Dusk has already fallen, but his expression is even darker. “O’Sullivan has most of the city’s cops in his pocket. He already knows about us. He has my name, my address—”

Fear filters through me. “What about your brother, Aiden? What if he—?”

“Adopted brother,” he corrects, glancing away. “I had a blood brother once. You would have liked him. He would have tried to fuck you, though. Matteo fucked everything that moved.” A ghost of a smile touches his lips. “Then, I would’ve had to kill him myself.”

“Are you claiming me, Frankie?” I say softly.

“You were mine seven years ago. You just didn’t know it.” Leaning over the gearbox, he kisses me hard, angling my face to reach every part of my mouth in a way that makes my insides flutter. “You’re mine forever, Ada. I’ll destroy anyone who tries to take you away, even ghosts.”

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