Home > Sun Crossed (Zodiac Wolves #3)(19)

Sun Crossed (Zodiac Wolves #3)(19)
Author: Elizabeth Briggs

“I can't believe he would do that,” I said, though it would explain how the Sun Witches had found us so easily at my father's cabin. I'd worried it was because of me and my connection with Jordan.

“Tanner must have felt that their only option was to ally with the Sun Witches for protection,” Stella said softly, looking between Kaden and me. “Especially if he worried they were going to wipe out the Ophiuchus pack.”

"That's what I think too," Clayton said grimly. "Which leads to another problem."

What, another one? I thought as the bone-deep tiredness dragged at me. I didn't think I could stand another crisis tonight.

“Go on,” Kaden said through gritted teeth. I could see how much he wanted to let his anger show, but he was doing his best to contain it and keep calm.

“Tanner knows where we're hiding,” Clayton said. “After the Sun Witches regroup, I have no doubt their next stop will be here.”

Kaden swore under his breath. "We'll have to leave tomorrow. The entire pack."

“Where will we go?” I asked. We'd only just returned here, and I'd been dreaming of it for the entirety of my stay in Lunatera.

Wait. Lunatera. Could I bring the Ophiuchus pack there? No, that would mean telling our allies about the secret hiding place of the Moon Witches. I wanted to believe they would stay on our side, but if our own pack members were betraying us, I couldn't do that to the Moon Witches and the other residents of the village. If the Sun Witches ever found the place, they would kill every last person there.

Ethan stepped forward and addressed Kaden. "The Libra pack will shelter you." He extended his words to the rest of the crowd. "All of you."

Kaden took in the other alpha with a long look. They were about the same height and both had dark hair and muscles for days, but Ethan was a contradiction of tattoos and sophistication, while Kaden was all rugged mountain man. Ethan's business suit had been abandoned in the fight, and now he had a piece of ripped cloth wrapped around his waist, but it barely covered anything. If I hadn't been mated already, I would have let my eyes linger on the dark hair descending into that cloth. Stella and Larkin definitely noticed it and were having a hard time looking away.

"You would take in the Ophiuchus pack?" Kaden asked with surprise, or perhaps suspicion, in his voice. I couldn't blame him—only months ago the Ophiuchus pack had been the outcasts of the Zodiac Wolves, and Kaden had been shunned at the Convergence by every alpha there, including the Libra one.

"Yes, the Libras will protect your pack in Toronto," Ethan said. “I wanted to attempt diplomacy with the Leos and the Sun Witches, but I see now that there is no way to reason with them. The only way is to stop them. Together, as allies." He offered his hand to Kaden, who took it after a split second of hesitation.

"Thank you,” Kaden said. “That's a very generous offer.”

The Libra Alpha inclined his head. He looked ready to say more, maybe an actual apology—Kaden deserves one, I thought wryly—but after a moment he simply stepped back.

“We'll leave tomorrow at sunset." Kaden turned back to Clayton. “Start getting everyone ready to move out. Pack up only the essentials and leave the rest behind.”

Clayton nodded, though his brow was pinched. “We'll be ready, although the pack won't like it."

"Better they're pissed off than dead," Stella said with a shrug.

"I'll address everyone when I can," Kaden said. "We'll do what we must to keep our pack safe. We always have."

Clayton bowed his head and headed off, while Kaden stared off into space with a frown on his lips. I could see the weight of being an alpha on his shoulders, and I knew the news of Tanner and other shifters leaving us and possibly betraying us was a crushing blow. They'd once been friends before Tanner had disagreed with the way Kaden had been running the pack and challenged him as alpha. I'd had to fight in that battle too to claim my position as alpha female, defeating Tanner's mate, Lindsey.

Kaden shook off his worries and led me inside his cabin, and I heard the others slowly following us as we entered the house. For a second I stopped at the door and breathed it in, savoring the familiar sights and sounds. Then we all settled in around the living room, and Stella began passing out drinks and some food, along with some blankets and clothes since pretty much everyone else was naked. To my disappointment, Kaden threw a shirt and some jeans on, while I accepted some crackers and cheese gratefully. I'd been too nervous to eat breakfast this morning before leaving Lunatera, and I hadn't noticed how ravenous I was until the food was in front of me.

I leaned against Kaden as we ate and sipped some water, while I surveyed the others. No one was so badly hurt that they needed immediate care, and with food and drink in their systems, the shifter healing process could work its magic. Amos, the Pisces alpha, was clustered at the island counter with Mira and Aiden, while Ethan took the chair across from where Kaden and I were seated on the couch. Wesley had set Eileen down in another chair, and she was waking up and crying softly. Together that made four packs joining the Ophiuchus here: Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius, and Cancer. No one from the Capricorn pack had survived, I noted with a grimace.

Larkin leaned against the wall, her small arms crossed, observing everyone while looking out of place and uncomfortable. Even though she appeared to be a kid, she was one of the oldest people in the room, but she was also the only one who had no shifter blood. I'd have to find a way to make her feel more welcome among these people.

Kaden waited until everyone had taken a few bites of food before standing and addressing everyone. “I hope you see the severity of the matter now. The Leos and the Sun Witches plan to slaughter anyone who stands in their way. They won't spare anyone, and diplomacy is out of the question."

He didn't even know the full extent of it. Something twisted in my gut as I realized I'd have to reveal to them that they'd been pawns of the Sun Witches all along and that everything they knew was a lie. How would they react to such unbelievable news?

"It's worse than you know," I said, as I rose to my feet. "I have a lot to tell you."

"Is it about the bright light we all saw you make in the forest?" Amos asked, crossing his arms.

I nodded. "During the battle, the Moon Witches took me away to a place called Lunatera. It's a realm outside of time, where they can hide from the Sun Witches. A place where they can be safe. I was there for what felt like months, though they were able to bring me back to the exact moment I'd left.”

Wesley held up a hand with a worried expression. "Wait. The Moon Witches kidnapped you?"

"Not exactly. They trained me to use their magic so I could use it to fight the Sun Witches. It turns out my mother is their High Priestess." I gestured at Larkin. "Larkin is a Moon Witch too, and my cousin. She's come back with me to help us."

“Wow,” Stella said, her eyes wide. “So you know all sorts of Moon Witch spells now?”

“Yes, and Larkin and I can teach them to any of the pack members who have Moon Witch blood. We'll need every advantage we can get against the Sun Witches."

"How can we trust the Moon Witches?" Ethan asked, eyeing Larkin skeptically. "And how would this one teach us? She looks barely old enough to drive."

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