Home > Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(17)

Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(17)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Half-crawling, half being shoved into the floorboard of the bird just as it landed, he’d collapsed, grateful when their medic shot him full of morphine. As the pain receded, his chest had expanded with the ability to suck in a deep breath. Throwing a sloppy grin toward Mace, he remembered grabbing his arm, mumbling his thanks just before he closed his eyes.

Blinking his eyes open, he squinted at the bright lights and noises all around. Breathing deeply, he worked to focus his vision, hating the disorientation that surrounded him. The sudden memory of the IED explosion hit him, and he bolted upright, his gaze scanning his body to see if he still had his legs.

“Whoa, whoa there.”

A gentle voice sounded as small, feminine hands landed on his shoulders, and he snapped his head up, wincing at the nausea assaulting him. Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply, willing the dizziness to pass.

“Morphine can make you feel sick to your stomach,” the woman’s voice said. “Just keep breathing deeply, and I’ll check with the doctor to see if there’s something else that we can give you for pain.”

“Appreciate it,” he managed to mumble. Her hands left his shoulders, and he forced his eyes open, already missing the touch. Her back was now to him, and he heard tapping on a keyboard. Blinking more, he willed his eyes to focus on her, not the other sights and sounds that seemed to be swirling all about. Her green scrubs gave evidence of her being a nurse. Her hair was pulled back into a regulation bun, light brown, rich with blonde highlights streaking through.

“Where… where am I?”


“How long have I been here?”

“Only a few hours.” She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “I know you’re disoriented. You were just flown in after receiving emergency medical treatment at one of the outlying facilities. Your injury occurred this morning, and it’s now about seven p.m. Don’t worry, you haven’t been unconscious for days.”

He nodded, her words easing his concerns while her voice gave comfort. She continued to tap away, then, just when he thought he’d close his eyes and give up trying to see her face, she turned and moved to the side of his bed. Leaning over, she smiled again, and his gaze locked in on her eyes. Her unusual eyes. Light hazel, with a ring of green and flecks of brown, all creating the fantasy of staring into the eyes of a lion. So mesmerized, he lost track of what she was saying.

“…broken leg. Could have been much worse… stabilized and set at the other hospital… surgery needed.”

When her words finally penetrated, he realized she was giving him good news. It was going to take him off his fuckin’ team for a couple of months, but as soon as he healed—and he would heal—he’d be right back with them.

She leaned back, still smiling, patting his shoulder. “I’m glad I was able to give you good news.”

She’d not only given him the best news possible but her sweet voice had been a balm to his concern and confusion. Wanting to thank her, he opened his mouth and instead blurted, “You’ve got the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.”

She laughed and shook her head. “You’re probably still under the influence of the pain medication.”

Even though the words were not what he meant to say, he shook his head slowly. “No, it’s just the truth. Everything about you is beautiful, but your eyes? Bewitching.”

Just then, one of the doctors walked in, and the angelic nurse stayed, holding his hand until he drifted off to sleep. The next day, he was flown to Germany to recuperate and rehabilitate until he could get back to his team.

He wished he’d thanked her properly instead of just commenting on her eyes, but he’d gone on with his life, putting those memories into the mental box labeled Past Shit I Can’t Change. And the tawny-eyed nurse had stayed in that box until he’d seen Jeannie standing at the window of a Mexican winery he was investigating. Even then, it had only been a strange pull toward her.

But now… seeing her in person…

He tried to think logically. Maybe she’s not the same nurse. After all, he’d only met her for those few brief minutes in Afghanistan. Yeah, right. He’d studied enough photographs of people to know that her eye color was not usual. Some might even call it rare. Everything inside told him that Jeannie was the nurse from long ago.

It didn’t matter that she wouldn’t remember him. Hell, I was just one of many lying on a hospital gurney in a fuckin’ long line of hospital gurneys for her to check on.

Now, still lying in bed, having given up all pretenses of trying to sleep, he thought of the danger she’d put herself in. He wasn’t sure how, but he needed to extricate her from the situation. And considering she was taking up a lot of his focus, he needed to extricate her from his thoughts, as well.






Carson arrived at work early the next morning, having barely slept. Granted, by the time the others picked him up outside Jeannie’s apartment building and they drove back to the compound, he’d only had a few hours before it was time to get up. Dolby and Rick had had questions about Jeannie, but he’d kept his answers abbreviated and businesslike.

He would have liked to say that his mind had been focused on the mission, the information the other Keepers divined from their reconnaissance, and the other mission agendas they were currently working on. But no, his mind was still firmly on the beautiful and infuriating Jeannie and the memories she stirred. Memories he’d forgotten. Memories of the explosion. Memories of the pain. Memories of the fear of waking and not knowing if he still had legs. And memories of the kind nurse who’d taken the time to make sure he knew the good news about his injuries.

As the others filed in, most carried coffee that Rachel kept filled in their break room. Dark, rich, strong. As with everything she accomplished, she made sure to keep cream, half-and-half, flavored creamer, and skim milk along with sweeteners and sugar so that each Keeper would be satisfied with their own special brew. He’d once told her she didn’t need to go to all that trouble, but she’d waved her hand dismissively. “Everybody’s morning starts better when things are just the way they like. Particular ways of drinking coffee are an easy way for me to make sure that happens. Now, the day might go to shit right after they take their first sip, but that’s not on me,” she’d laughed.

“Let’s go over what we learned last night,” he started, taking a sip of his own coffee, now appreciating Rachel’s effort considering it was fixed the way he liked. The group was quiet, and he looked up, seeing the curious expressions and a guilty one on Dolby’s face. Brow scrunched, he asked, “What’s up?”

Dolby rubbed his chin, then sighed. “I may have let it slip that you appeared very interested in Garza’s intruder last night.”

Leaning back in his chair, he pinned Dolby and Rick with a glare before looking around at the others. “I’ll tell all of you what I told these two last night. Jeannie Carnes was concerned as to why Maggie called, telling her she was ill, and the housekeeper told her not to visit Maggie at the Garza estate. Her late-night attempt at personal reconnaissance had disaster written all over it, and I’m grateful I got to her before they did. At first, I wasn’t sure I could trust her to not turn around and try it again, and that’s why I drove her back to her place. After we talked, I feel certain she understands the error of her decision and the understanding that someone else is looking into things.”

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