Home > Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(50)

Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(50)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Jeannie nodded, sipping her tea in an effort to think of what to say. She couldn’t tell Maggie anything she knew about the Garzas nor about an investigation. It was one thing when she only had her suspicions to go on or the knowledge that someone else had eyes on them, but now, involved with Carson, she couldn’t say anything. “I honestly don’t have anything specific to tell you. I don’t have any facts other than the same concerns you and I had back in Mexico when you first said that you wondered about where they made all their money.”

Maggie leaned back in her chair and huffed. “I thought perhaps whoever you knew that gave you the equipment to know that I was being watched might’ve told you more.”

“I just think that if they’re involved in illegal activities, eventually, they’ll be caught. I know you hate to hear that for Cheryl’s sake.”

Waving her hand in front of her face, she said, “Of course, I’d hate for Cheryl to be hurt and disappointed, but if she’s living off the ill-gotten gains from her husband, then that needs to stop.”

“Since you’re not living on the estate anymore, I’d just focus on enjoying time with your niece. I think that’s the best thing you can do.”

“Wise advice, my dear,” Maggie agreed. “In fact, she told me that she was going to be taking a trip today and asked if I wanted to drive along. I think it’s an on-the-border charity that she works for. But I told her that you were coming over for a visit, and I would go with her some other time. Anyway, it’s not like she’s alone. Maria always takes these trips with her.”

Jeannie nodded and continued to sip her tea, not wanting to add to that topic of conversation and glad when Maggie continued.

“Now, let’s talk about something different. Have you made up your mind about returning to the LA hospital?”

Glad to move on, she nodded. “I’ve decided that I’m not going to go back. I’m keeping my options open while staying with a friend right now. But, as soon as I see where I land, I’ll let you know.”

After another hour of visiting, Jeannie was ready to head back to the lighthouse. Wrapping her arms around Maggie’s shoulders, she hugged her warmly, making promises to visit again soon. Waving goodbye, she meandered down the front walk toward her car, her attention riveted on digging into her purse to find her phone so she could leave a message for Rachel.

She was almost to her car when a white van pulled up next to her, the side door sliding open. Jumping out of the way, she opened her mouth to yell at the driver when a man rushed toward her from the back of the van, catching her by surprise. Throwing her hands up in defense, a scream barely left her lips when an ironclad hand clapped over her mouth. Struggling, she was quickly subdued by another arm around her middle, trapping her arms to her side. Another man jumped out from the side, bending to grab her legs. Unable to maneuver free, she was unceremoniously hauled into the van.

“Jeannie! You forgot your phone— Oh! No!”

With the van door still open, she jerked at the sound of Maggie’s voice, and a shockwave of elation hit her that Maggie could call for help, immediately replaced with fear as one of the men rushed up the walk and grabbed Maggie before she had a chance to slam her front door.

Struggling, the man holding Jeannie yelled, “Stop! Be quiet! If you don’t, I’ll hurt the old lady.”

Terrified, she quieted, her eyes focused as the large man easily lifted Maggie into the van, thankfully with ease. She crawled forward, grasping Maggie in her arms. “Are you okay?”

Maggie’s eyes were wide, and Jeannie was sure she saw anger mixed in with fear. Maggie jerked her head around, narrowing her gaze. “Just what do you hoodlums think you’re doing?”

Without speaking, the two men taped Jeannie’s wrists together before turning to Maggie. “Please be careful. She’s been ill!”

The man who’d grabbed Maggie looked at her for a moment, then wrapped tape around her wrists as well, but his movements were gentler. The driver looked over his shoulder and started the van as the two men shut the back and side doors. At least grateful they hadn’t been gagged or their legs bound, Jeannie scooted so that she could sit next to Maggie, helping to prop her body as the van rumbled down the street. Helpless, their bodies rocked back and forth with the motion, having no idea where they were being taken.






Having studied the inside of the tunnels, Carson was still stunned at the lack of security as only a few workers and some kids were around. The warehouse, which normally bustled with people, was virtually empty. It seemed that once the Wednesday morning trucks filled with grapes and wine had left to go through the legal border crossing, most of the warehouse workers left, leaving only those few dealing with the boxes to be taken through the tunnel—boxes that Carson was sure held cocaine. He stared in stunned silence as boys, not the men, made their way into the opening, pushing the boxes ahead of them.

“Oh, Jesus, God,” Leo muttered under his breath. “They’re using kids as the mules.”

It was just early afternoon when he and Leo slipped through the unguarded door, entering the tunnel, leaving Adam hidden in the warehouse. Dave had radioed that the DEA was in place outside the warehouse in Tecate, California. Radioing the information about the boys as drug mules to the others, he knew it would change Dave’s mission. No matter what, he wouldn’t want the kids to get caught in the crossfire at the other end.

The inside of the tunnel was dimly lit, but he still had the camera view from one of the boxes that let him know a worker was pushing it through the tunnel up ahead. Not knowing if there would be a pass off partially through the tunnel or if these boys would take the product all the way to the other side, he and Leo crept along with stealth, staying out of sight, glad for various side tunnels that shot out from either side.

“I thought it was a single tunnel,” Leo said. “It’s like a fuckin’ labyrinth in here.”

“My guess is that they can close off one section if it’s breached and keep moving the product through another section,” Carson replied. The other Keepers back at the compound as well as Adam and Dave could hear him.


Recognizing Rick’s voice, Carson replied, “Go ahead.”

“We’ve got a situation.”

Leo, in the lead, twisted his head around and looked over his shoulder toward Carson, his brow lowered.

“Report,” Carson ordered.

“Eyeing surveillance on the inside of the warehouse. Maria Garza has been there since this morning. Another car just pulled in.”

Rick hesitated for an instant, and Carson felt his breath halt.

“A car pulled up to the warehouse and two men alighted with Jeannie and Maggie. Both gagged, blindfolded, and hands tied.”

Carson’s blood ran cold, his gaze turned up toward Leo. “You’ve gotta be shitting me!”

Jeb’s voice came through the radio. “I checked her tracer, it’s definitely Jeannie. Checked the parking lot security camera at Maggie’s condo. White van pulled up and snatched Jeannie, then turned and grabbed Maggie.”

Rick added, “Hop’s been checking. Looks like the Garza helicopter made a trip from the winery to Tecate.”

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