Home > Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(7)

Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(7)
Author: Maryann Jordan

“You got that right,” Poole agreed, leaning over to fist bump Hop.

“Okay, let’s get to work. I’ll let you know if Rachel gets anything more in. And for those of you going up to train, Teddy is setting up a new target for practice. Check with him before you go.” With that, his Keepers dispersed, and Carson settled at his desk, opening his laptop and focusing on the Mexican Garza residence and guesthouse.

For the past week, he’d checked in with their security cameras, still recognizing the same pensive expression she always wore. Why that image struck him and stayed with him, he couldn’t explain. All he knew was that there was something about her that made him want to know more, and that irritated him. Obsessing over some woman is time I don’t have to waste!

Pulling up the security feed, he could see Jeannie and Maggie climbing into a vehicle outside the guesthouse. There were flight plans filed for Vincent Garzas’ private plane to fly them to the small airport in Santa Maria, California. It wouldn’t be hard when they landed to see if they went to the Garza estate or back to their homes.


He hid his startle as Rachel walked over. “I’ve got forms for you to sign. I’ll leave them here and you can get to them when it’s convenient.” She stayed by his desk, her intuitive gaze resting on him. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, of course,” he replied, probably too quickly. Clearing his throat, he held her gaze. “Why do you ask?”

“You seem a little preoccupied, that’s all. I just wanted to make sure you know that I can handle all the administrative duties here at LSI-WC. If you give more to me so you have more time for yourself, that’s fine.”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “I hit the jackpot when I hired you, Rachel. But don’t worry about me, I’m fine.”

“Fine isn’t the same as good, Carson.”

Holding her gaze, he sucked in a quick breath. “You got something on your mind?”

“I’ve known you for a couple of years now… knew Mace, too. So similar, cut from the same cloth. But you live where you work.” Her hands waved around them. “The lighthouse… your compound… your home. It’s all the same. You need to carve some time out for you.”

“Rachel, this is me. I am Lighthouse. I’m LSI-WC. It’s me, one and the same.”

“No, it’s not. It’s your business. It’s your dedication. But you, as a man, can’t take this to bed with you each night.”

Blinking, his chin jerked back. “Are you seriously asking me about who I take to my bed?”

Laughing, she nodded. “I have no doubt you choose selectively. Someone attractive. Someone not looking for a commitment. Someone you can walk away from the next morning, leaving them with a smile on their face, and you never look back.”

“Christ almighty, Rachel!” He felt his face heat and couldn’t remember the last time he’d blushed.

She leaned over his desk, her palms flat next to his laptop. “I know you’re concerned about making sure the business succeeds. You just keep doing what you do, Carson, and it will. You—and all of us—will be fine. Just don’t forget to take care of you, as well. And by that, I mean taking care of your heart. At least, be open to the idea.” With that, she winked and walked back to her desk at the front.

He glanced around to see if other Keepers had been privy to their conversation, but no one had paid attention to the two of them.

It was true he’d spent a long time worrying about making sure LSI–WC was succeeding, dividing his time between his Keepers, studying upcoming missions, smoothing out the working relationship with their FBI liaison, keeping an eye on his budget, and training. Somewhere in all that he managed to find time for at least one meal a day and several hours of sleep each night. Obsessing over a pretty nurse is not where my focus needs to be, no matter what Rachel thought. With that self-chastisement out of the way, he headed to the equipment room, deciding to join the other Keepers on their field for training.

When he’d first looked at the decommissioned lighthouse, he’d been drawn to the privacy and how the house had been built into the side of the hill. He’d opened up the space, creating a large room filled with computers, monitors, security equipment, and plenty of tables and chairs for everyone to work in comfort. He’d originally set aside a room for his own office, then, after visiting Mace and the original LSI in Maine, he realized that his place was out with the other Keepers, not behind a wall. So, the easy decision had been to turn that room into their equipment bunker.

Rachel’s desk was at the front, and the rest of the compound was behind hidden security doors. While the area wasn’t public nor able to be seen from any road, security was set up to monitor if anyone happened to wander nearby. The acreage nearby was also surrounded by security, easily accessible to the Keepers but hidden from anyone else.

Leaving the compound, he headed across the road, following the gravel wilderness trail behind erected barricades. Joining the other Keepers, they ran the military tactical exercises that Teddy had set up, knowing physical fitness as well as mental acuity were absolutely necessary. Having been divided into two teams, he growled when he and Adam made it to the top of the hill only to find Bennett and Hop already there.

Grinning, Bennett high-fived Hop, then called out, “What took you so long?”

“Damn,” Adam groused. “I thought we were in the lead and gonna wait on the others.”

Carson eyed Bennett carefully. “You found a fuckin’ shortcut, didn’t you?”

“All’s fair in love and war, boss,” he said, still grinning as the others made it up the hill.

Carson grinned and bounced on his toes, ready to run back down the hill. “Last one down buys the beer tonight!” He darted down the dirt trails, hearing the shouts and calls coming from those behind. By the time they’d made it back to the lighthouse, his Keepers had had a good workout and now were ready for a good time.

Two hours later, he walked through the door of Hungry Pete’s Bar. Pete, a former Marine drill sergeant, had owned the old bar for years. Rough wooden floors and walls were covered in military memorabilia and photographs. A jukebox in the back was filled with songs from long ago. “Not having that modern shit playing,” Pete always groused when a patron complained. The clientele was diverse, bikers mixing with locals, the Keepers being regulars, and those looking for something besides artisan beer and wine that was plentiful in establishments along the highway. With Hungry Pete’s set back from the main highway, it managed to avoid the tourist crowd just driving along the California coastline.

Hop handed money to one of the servers to cover the pitchers of beer on the table, having tripped and come in last on their run. The others laughed, throwing down their own money to cover the wings and nachos they’d been eating. They’d commandeered an area off to the side, pushing a couple of tables together. They’d kept the two servers busy, but they were known for tipping well, so Carson figured the servers would be happy, and so would Pete.

The jukebox in the back was blaring along with the clacking of balls on the pool tables. Several of the Keepers had already taken to the dance floor or wandered to the bar, female companionship not being hard to find. Carson made his way to the bar to say goodbye to Pete when an attractive blonde slid onto the barstool next to him. Her pencil skirt was tight, now pulled even tighter over her round ass. Her hair was styled in waves that fell over her shoulders. Her makeup was subtle, playing up her features.

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