Home > The Life : Sacrifice(21)

The Life : Sacrifice(21)
Author: Jordan Silver

“You owed her a life better than the one she had. Shut up!” I cut him off when he opened his mouth to speak. “If you’re going to give me some sob story about not knowing what was going on beneath your nose, then you can go to hell.” I got up and walked over to him, barely holding onto my anger because she was in the room. I leaned in close and made sure he saw into my eyes.

“You failed Adrienne Felix in the worst possible way. You brought that into her home.” I pointed at Victoria, “and she and her mother terrorized your daughter while living in the lap of luxury. Have you taken a look at your daughter’s closet compared to Victoria’s? Have you seen the great disparity between the way Becky got you to spoil her daughter while neglecting yours? The woman who killed your wife tormented your daughter in the house that was left to her by her mother. You weak son of a bitch.”

I’d said too much and not enough. “Jimmy, take your kid outta here before she comes up missing. She gets nothing; she leaves with what she has on. I have men watching the house, if she takes anything from here, I’ll have her and you arrested. I don’t think you’d like the added time for violating parole.” One of the conditions for his early release is if he gets caught breaking the law, he’d be made to spend out the rest of his original sentence plus the penalty for whatever crime he commits behind bars.

“Gianna, come help me, baby.” She got up, and I had to steady her on her feet before leading her over to the fireplace. I dragged a chair over and climbed up, removing the portrait and passing it to her.

“What’re you doing? You can’t take that out of here.” Fontane jumped to his feet, but I ignored him as I started to lead her from the room. His words of protest fell on deaf ears as I took her hand in my free one. “Let’s go.”

“The clock’s ticking Jimmy.”

“She doesn’t wanna come with me. What should I do?”

“Figure it out. The owner of the house wants her gone. Or we could let my people handle it, but then you won’t be keeping up your end of the bargain.”

When we left without saying goodbye to her dad, Jimmy was dragging a screaming Victoria up off the floor. “If they’re not out in five minutes, get them out of there, Tommy.”

“Okay, the boss has been calling. What do you want me to tell him?”

“Tell him we’re on the way.” It was a bitch getting the portrait to fit, but we maneuvered, and I drove slowly until we pulled through the gates of home.

“You’re not talking, you, okay?”

“I’m still processing. Is that really her dad? It seems so weird. I can’t picture Becky the way he described her. How did she get the job here if what he says is true? Becky was always going on about her fancy education, which now that I think of it sounds more like mom’s life than hers.”

“She forged her credentials, paid someone to be her reference, and spent weeks watching YouTube videos on how to scam your way through an interview.”

“You’re lying.”

“Scouts honor.”

“Yeah, but how do you know all this? How did you know about Jimmy?”

“I just did some digging. Nothing major. All it took was the internet.” Not really, but that’s all she needs to know about my nefarious doings.

“Why does it seem like my life is on some kind of spiral since we met?” That dart hit home hard because she didn’t know the half of it. Part of my anger towards Felix is because of what her future holds as far as she and I go. I’ll soon be just one more in a long line of disappointments for her, but I can’t help it; nothing I can do.

At least I know that her grandmother will take great care of her. But she’d have to leave her home and everything she’s known. My hope is that she moves on without too much heartache. It’s only been a few weeks; after all, I can’t have made that much of an impression that it would last beyond a few months or a year at most.

The thought of how she would move on is still a sore spot, so I veered away from those thoughts in a hurry. I sat for a second or two after turning off the engine with my guts in knots. “Let’s go hang your mother’s portrait.”






“Why do I have to put these on again?”

“They’re made of sheepskin; they’ll protect your hands, especially your knuckles, from bruising. Just trust us.” I was the one to ask for this, but now that we’re here, I’m getting nervous.

“Okay, let’s go.” It’s best I do it now while I’ve got the nerve anyway.

After hanging my mother’s portrait temporarily in the room, I now occupied at the Russo mansion; I felt like my head would explode with anger after everything that has transpired these last few weeks. Listening to that Jimmy person had opened my eyes to more of the truth of what really happened when I was too young to understand.

From what I gathered, Becky had targeted my mother somehow. Jimmy didn’t know exactly, but I doubt even he knew that I was reading between the lines of all he said and drew my own conclusions. Somehow knowing that made my anger towards Becky burn brighter than before, and it was the last straw for me.

Throughout this whole ordeal, I never gave much thought to anything beyond learning the truth. But now that it was all out, I can’t seem to settle my mind. My poor mother didn’t deserve to fall victim to the greed of someone else. The fact that this viper married my dad, slept in my mother’s bed all these years, and made my life a living hell while my mother’s blood was on her hand seems to have sent me over the edge.

“Remember, don’t get even a scratch, or Gabe will have ten kinds of fits, and we don’t want that.”

“I know, I know, you’ve both told me a hundred times. Stop worrying. With all the stuff you had me wear, I doubt even a sword could get close enough to cut.” I said it jokingly, but it wasn’t that far from the truth. They were acting like I was going off to war.

I pulled the ski mask, which I thought was overkill, down over my face and got out of the car. “We’ll be right outside, leave the door open a crack if you can.” I nodded and walked towards the motel room door on shaking knees. I took a deep breath and calmed my breathing before knocking. I knew I only had a short window of time in which to act, so as soon as the door was flung open, I pounced.

“Who the hell…?” That was as far as Becky got before I hit her with the stun gun. Her body flopped around for a second in such a way that I was stunned at first. Having never seen anyone stunned like that in real life, it looked nothing like I expected. I snapped out of it long enough to move in and tie the cloth I’d brought with me around her mouth to muffle her screams before I started wailing away on her, first with my fists, and when they started to burn, I changed to the sock full of coins.

I think I lost count or track of how many times I swung, and because she was muzzled, her screams came out as little more than squeaks, so there was no real way of telling how much damage was being done. I only stopped when my hands grew tired and looked down at my handiwork. She was a mess. Because the twins had warned me not to speak, so she didn’t recognize my voice, I wanted to yell at her that it was me, that this was just the beginning of what I planned to do to her for what she’d done, but I had to satisfy myself with seeing her bloody and broken. I hope you die!

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