Home > The Summer Getaway(78)

The Summer Getaway(78)
Author: Susan Mallery

   “They can’t be new compositions,” she said to herself. “Just copies of known works.” At least that was her assumption. What she knew about music and composers could barely fill an index card.

   Still, she noted the find so that she could add to her list of required experts. It was growing by the day.

   Close to noon, she dropped her notebook back in her room, then went downstairs. She was feeling brave enough to face everyone without her expression giving away her morning’s activities. Because when it came to her and Mason, she was the weak link. Mason’s face never gave away anything unless he wanted it to.

   “A skill I should develop,” she told herself as she walked toward Lillian’s balcony.

   As she approached, she heard voices. Lillian, of course, and Austin and—

   She stepped through the open French doors and stared in disbelief. “Cord?”

   Her ex-husband sat on the edge of a chaise, a drink in his hand. Lillian was next to him, and a very annoyed Austin was standing by the railing.

   “Hey, Mom,” her son said. “Look who just got here.”

   Cord flashed her his familiar I-prefer-to-ask-for-forgiveness-than-permission grin. “I thought I’d drop by and say hi.”

   Robyn had no idea what to say. “We’re an entire continent apart. You don’t just fly to California to drop by.”

   Lillian waved a hand. “It’s fine, darling. Cord is always welcome. He’s a charming addition to our little group. I do find it interesting how they’re all following you across the country. You’re a powerful woman.”

   “I should use my power for good,” Robyn murmured. Charming was not the word she would use to describe her ex. Yes, Cord could be great at a party, but this wasn’t that. Plus, what was Mason going to think?

   “Why are you here?” she asked, braced for a flip answer.

   Cord shocked her by saying, “I needed to talk to you, and I didn’t know how to do that on the phone. Plus the kids are here with you.” His expression turned baffled. “I’m the fun parent. Why did they follow you to California?”

   Her legs, already weakened by the whole orgasm thing, started to give out. She sank into a chair.

   “You wanted to talk to me?” Better to ignore the rest of what he’d said.

   “There’s some stuff.” He looked around. “Can we go somewhere private and have a conversation?”

   “No,” Robyn and Lillian said together.

   Lillian smiled. “My house, my rules. Stay here and tell all of us, Cord. We’re going to find out anyway.”

   Austin immediately took a seat. “Come on, Dad. She’s right. Everybody knows everything.”

   There was low-grade anger in her son’s voice, Robyn thought. But before she could figure out what to do about that, Cord sighed heavily.

   “This isn’t fair.” He glared at his son. “You quit.”

   “Yup, I did, and I’m not coming back.”

   “You don’t have to sound so cheerful.”

   Austin shrugged.

   “What’s going on?” Robyn asked. The sooner her ex told her, the sooner he would leave. At least that was her fantasy, she thought, glancing toward the door and wondering if Mason was going to show up. How was she supposed to explain the sudden presence of her ex-husband?

   “Yes, Cord,” Lillian said, sounding a little gleeful. “What is it now?”

   Cord angled away from her and turned his attention on Robyn. “Zafina’s pregnant,” he said, his voice low.

   Robyn started laughing. “Oh my God! Seriously? That’s awkward.”

   “You don’t sound especially sympathetic.”

   “I’m not. For years I begged you to get a vasectomy but you refused. Honestly, I’m surprised she’s the first one of your women to turn up pregnant. The odds have finally caught up with you.”

   “Tell me what to do.”

   “No. This isn’t my problem. It will never be my problem, and that makes me happy.”

   He glared at her. “But you always help. I depend on you.”

   “That’s unfortunate for you.” She knew she should be upset, at least for Harlow’s sake, but right this second, she was finding herself in awe of the irony of the moment. “You could have fixed this with one little snip, but you were too concerned about your manhood.” She grinned. “You’ll be sixty-four when this one graduates from high school. I hope no one mistakes you for the grandfather.”

   “Good one, Mom,” Austin said.

   Before Cord could react, Harlow walked out onto the balcony, her phone in her hand, her eyes wide.

   “Mom? I just heard from Zafina and—” She came to a stop. “Dad? You’re here?”

   “Just got in. How are you? I’ve missed you.”

   He started toward her, but she stepped back.

   “Is Zafina pregnant?” she said.

   He grimaced. “She says she is, but I’m not sure. Or that it’s mine. She’s supposed to be on the pill, and—”

   “Stop!” Harlow shook her phone at him. “Just stop it. Don’t you dare say it’s not yours. How could you not take responsibility? You’re the one sleeping with my fiancé’s sister, which is gross enough, but you’re not weaseling out of this. If she’s pregnant, you’re the father, and you know it. Grow up, Dad. Just grow up.”

   Everyone stared at Cord, who seemed to shrink under his daughter’s attack.

   “It’s just—” he began.

   Harlow shoved her phone in her pocket. “You disgust me.”

   With that, she walked out. Austin followed.

   Lillian looked at Robyn, her mouth curving into a smile. “Such drama. Do you think it’s too early for cocktails?”


* * *


   Mason sat on the balcony he shared with Robyn, Charles II on his lap. He supposed he should be trying to write, but that wasn’t happening. Instead he was going to lounge in the sun and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the afternoon.

   Robyn had worn him out, he thought with a grin. She was incredible—even more intriguing, sexy and fun than he’d imagined. He couldn’t get enough of her, nor did he want to. If it were up to him, they’d be making love well into their nineties when they would have to be a bit more careful or risk breaking a hip.

   He scratched the chin of the dozing cat, earning him a purr in return. “We both have a great life,” he said. Charles stretched and purred in agreement.

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