Home > Wicked as Seduction (Wicked & Devoted #5)(67)

Wicked as Seduction (Wicked & Devoted #5)(67)
Author: Shayla Black

“He’s going to be okay,” Trees promised Tessa. “You have your daughter back. It’s over.”

Tessa nodded, still looking terrified. He soothed her with a palm across her back.

But his thoughts turned to Laila. How would she react once he told her that Hector couldn’t hurt her—or anyone—again?



After a grim chat with the police about the gruesome scene at the mobile home and a wait in the ER with Zy, who seemingly had a mild concussion from his head hitting the table on his way to the floor, Trees drove for home. Along the way, he called Hunter, Logan, and Joaquin and advised the bosses that Hallie was safe again with Tessa. On Zy’s behalf, he also asked them why the fuck they had never once considered that their receptionist might be affected by the danger the team dealt with. Since the bosses admitted it had been an oversight, they agreed to provide her with a top-notch security system today.

That was the easy part of the conversation. The next part…Trees doubted would end well.

“Given what we found this morning, you understand that probably means Geraldo Montilla is keeping Kimber hostage?”

“Yeah,” Hunter said solemnly. “If Cash was in cahoots with Hector Ramos, who was one of Emilo’s boys, and they took Hallie for leverage, it stands to reason their enemy has Kimber.”

“Except…here’s what I don’t get,” Logan jumped in. “The note with the lipstick that Kimber’s kidnappers gave Dad as a warning? It seemed almost bitter about the fact Valeria escaped her husband. Why would Geraldo Montilla give a shit? Pride? Machismo? He’s probably full of those, but I don’t buy that he’d take this kind of action merely because someone hurt his little feelings. And sure, Jorge is his grandson, but it’s not as if ruthless drug lords are known for being family men. So why the hell does he want Valeria this bad?”

Trees hated to admit that Logan had a point. “We don’t have another theory, except that Geraldo has no family left, other than the boy.”

“As theories go, it’s thin.”

“Can you think of some other reason for Geraldo Montilla’s behavior?” Trees challenged. “I mean, maybe Emilo’s former goon squad splintered and started vying for power amongst themselves, rather than banding together to overthrow Geraldo, but…”

“That would be stupid and suicidal.” Logan sighed. “Then again, people have been known to be both.”

True, and Trees suddenly realized a way they might settle this point. “We haven’t made any progress in identifying the three dead bodies left in our parking lot yesterday. Have the police?”

“No. Most were either missing fingers or had their prints burned off. It’s going to take dental records. That takes time.”

“Can you get me the pictures of the vics from the crime scene? I have a hunch.” He didn’t mention that Laila might know something. They would only find other ways to make her useful to their cause.

“A hunch?” Logan scoffed. “You mean a petite Latina you’re trying to keep out of this. Is there something going on between you and Laila?”

“I’m just saying I can research this digitally.” But he should have known they wouldn’t buy his deflection.

“Uh-huh. I’ve heard you don’t want her used as bait to draw out Kimber’s kidnappers—”

“Won’t have her used as bait,” he snapped. “Let’s be clear.”

“Last I heard, she was open to the idea. And last time I checked, you don’t own her. Do we need to remove her from your place?”

Trees didn’t have any illusions; they would do it. And he’d be terrified for her safety every moment. “Goddamn it, you’re going to get her killed. But I guess you think it’s okay to sacrifice her for your sister. No one will miss Laila. She’s not important or anything.”

“That’s not true, and we’re not fucking amateurs,” Hunter snarled. “We’ll do everything in our power to keep her safe—”

“Everything in your power isn’t a guarantee of her safety. You know what is? Leaving her at my place. I will protect her with my life, and—”

“Son of a bitch,” Logan groused. “You’re in love with her.”

“My feelings—whatever they are—have nothing to do with my ability to protect her.”

“Bullshit. You’re compromised,” Joaquin butted in.

“You’re wrong,” he snarled. “She finally feels safe for the first time in six years. You can’t imagine what she’s been through.” Hell, even Trees couldn’t because she hadn’t trusted him with her deepest, darkest secrets. But he had no doubt what she’d endured had been brutal. “Yet you want to use her—put her at risk again—by dangling her like a tasty treat in front of the very kinds of people who once abused and raped her. But I’m the misguided one?”

There was a long pause. In the background, he heard a ringing phone and some mumbling. “We have to go. That’s Matt. He has an update. We’ll be in touch.”

To try to take Laila from him. Fuck that.

Trees stabbed at his phone angrily and floored it out to his place as the sun began to set. There was rarely anyone on these bumpy country roads, and the Hummer could take the beating.

What mattered was Laila.

He shaved seven minutes off what should have been a twenty-minute drive and pulled up to his place with a slam on his brakes and a kick up of dust. Then he ran to the back door, opening it and disabling his security system just long enough to let himself in before he locked up and set the alarm again.

He’d been praying that Laila was all right. Had she felt safe in his secure, fire-resistant panic room? Or terrified because it doubled as a dungeon full of equipment she was likely to misunderstand?

Trees tore into his closet, punched in the code to his underground lair, then breathed a sigh of relief when the door popped open and Laila appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

“You are back.” She sounded relieved.

She looked fucking beautiful, standing there in his overlarge sweatshirt, which made her look as if she wore nothing else except a pair of his too-big tube socks and a smile.

“Yeah.” He sprinted down to her.

She met him halfway. “You are safe.”

Laila had been worried about him? “Not a scratch. Zy has a flesh wound and a mild concussion. Tessa got her daughter back, and they’re both fine.”

“And Hector?”

“He’s dead.”

Laila gaped. “Are you sure?”

“I watched the coroner take him out in a body bag, along with his wife and Tessa’s ex-boyfriend.” He cupped her face. “Laila, I wasn’t leaving until Hector was either behind bars or six feet under. I made damn sure he couldn’t come after you again.”

Her soft expression looked both stunned and grateful. “Thank you.”

“I don’t want you to thank me. I just want you to feel safe with me.”

She didn’t reply. Trees tried not to be disappointed. Though Laila hadn’t told him that he made her feel secure, she hadn’t said that he didn’t.

“You hungry, little one?”

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