Home > Unbidden (Brighton Academy #1)(19)

Unbidden (Brighton Academy #1)(19)
Author: Cala Riley

He runs his hands through his hair, pulling on the damp ends.

I reach out to stop him, pulling his hands down between us in the seat.

“I get it, Keat. I think I was just confused. You said you would bring me the extra clothes they kept in the office, but Tinsley said that’s not a thing. Add that to my clothes coming up missing and all signs pointed to you.”

He looks down at our hands before he starts speaking. “I lied to you,” he whispers, and my heart clenches. “The office doesn’t have spare clothes, but I know Poppy does. She had a feminine accident last year. I helped take care of the issue. She swore to me that she would always keep a spare set of clothes in her locker from that day on. I’d actually seen them in there a couple of times. Her locker is only a couple down from my own. I texted her and asked to borrow them. I figured you would never know. I didn’t count on Tinsley spilling the beans.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding. His eyes meet mine, and I take in the truth in them. He really hadn’t been a part of the prank.

“I’m sorry I was such a bitch to you. You didn’t deserve that. I should have listened to you. Hell, I should have listened to Tinsley. She tried telling me, but I shut her down.”

He shakes his head. “Hey, none of that. I do deserve it. In the past, that would have been me. I would have been the one doing that shit with them. Reed thinks you’re a threat to us. He has it in his mind that you’re only around to collect a paycheck and then go. He’s watched you getting closer to Tinsley, and he pounced. It wasn’t right and still isn’t. That’s why I came with you guys tonight. I won’t stand by and watch him make you into the villain anymore.”

I give him a half smile. “Let him make me the villain in his world. In seven and a half months, I’ll be leaving this place—without a paycheck, mind you. He’ll never have to see me again. Hell, if all I wanted was money, I wouldn’t have gotten a job at Momma’s House. Alice basically offered me an open bank account. I declined it. I don’t want shit handed to me. I’ve always worked for everything I’ve had. That didn’t stop because I found out that my mom came from money. There’s a reason she didn’t want me to grow up here. You don’t have to worry about Tinsley either. It’s only been a short time, but I already love that girl to death. She earned my loyalty. I’ll never do anything to hurt her.”

“You know that if you leave, that’ll hurt her.”

I give him a small smile. “I’ll stay in touch.”

“You’ll be leaving me too, you know.” His flirty tone is back.

“I doubt you’ll miss me much. Seems there are plenty of fish in the sea for you.”

He chuckles. “None of them hold my heart though.”

For a moment, I think I catch a glimpse of something inside, but then I blink and it’s gone.

“We good?” he asks after a moment.

I lean over and hug him. “We’re good, Keat.”

“Great. Let’s party, then.”



An hour later, I sit next to Tinsley on a log, listening to some guy going on and on about the game, Tinsley interjecting when she feels it’s necessary.

Keaton takes a seat next to me, holding out a drink each for me and Tinsley.

“What is it?” I whisper.

“Vodka and cranberry. Seems Tinsley convinced Eric to let her drink out of his parents’ liquor cabinet rather than just the keg.”

This party is not a BA party. Victoria reminded me it was a public school party hosted by their quarterback when I asked why I didn’t see any familiar faces. They also won their game tonight, and since Keaton knows him, we were invited.

“That was nice of him. You’re letting T drink?”

“Experience, remember? Besides, I’ve stayed sober. Victoria is playing beer pong, and they convinced you to do shots as soon as you walked through the door. I can be DD tonight.”

I frown. “It was your big win. Shouldn’t you be celebrating?”

He gives me a sad smile. “We might’ve won, but it doesn’t feel right celebrating without the guys. Besides, I would rather have the pleasure of your company while making sure no one gets too close to my baby sister.”

“I’m not a baby,” Tinsley pipes up.

“I know. You’re all grown. What happened to the little girl who would cry and beg me to sing her to sleep?”

She narrows her eyes. “Asshole. You’re only a year older than me.”

He chuckles. “Chill, Tin Tin. I’m kidding.”

I hand my drink back to Keaton. “Can you hold this? I’m going to run to the restroom.”

He nods as Tinsley asks, “Want me to come with you?”

I glance at Keaton, then smile. “I think I can make it to the bathroom and back without being accosted. Besides, I’m wearing Keat’s number as backup.”

“Or maybe some crazed fan will attack you,” he quips.

I wink at him. “I’ll fight for your honor. And don’t worry. I never lose a fight.”

My heart feels light as his chuckle follows me. I walk through the house until I find the line indicating the bathroom. I sway a little on my feet, realizing that maybe the shots I had hit me a bit harder than I thought.

Through my hazed mind, I notice a male figure headed towards me. I gasp as I recognize Reed.

He found us.

Or did he know where we were the entire time?

His eyes meet mine as he grabs my arm, pulling me down the hall. He opens the first door and yells at the couple occupying the room to vacate. Once they exit the room, he slams the door shut, locking it.

My heart thunders in my ears as he takes a step closer to me.

“Take it off.”

My eyes widen at his gruff tone. When I don’t move, he walks up to me and starts to tug the jersey up.

“I said take it off. Are you deaf?”

I smack at his hands while I try to back up.

“Stop it, Reed. What the fuck?” My fight-or-flight finally kicks in, and I slap his face.

He freezes, staring right into my eyes as his darken.

“I don’t want you wearing my brother’s number. Take it off,” he barks through clenched teeth.

“He gave it to me. I’m not taking it off.”

“The hell you’re not.” He attempts to pull it off again.

“Stop it. Now. Or I’ll scream.”

“Like anyone would come.”

“Fine, I’ll yell ‘fire.’”

He growls in frustration before stepping back.

“What would it take for you to take off the shirt?”

“Seriously? Nothing. I want nothing from you. Besides, I have nothing on underneath it. You already tried to get me naked once, and look how that turned out.”

He strips off his own jersey, placing it on the bed. My eyes immediately drop to his chest. A very delicious-looking chest.

You could lick it, the devious part of my mind states.

No. I can’t. Stop it.

My eyes meet his again, and he gives me a knowing smirk. He steps closer, this time grazing my sides, running his hands under the shirt instead of grabbing the fabric itself. I gasp as his lips come down to my neck, running along my pulse.

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