Home > Unbidden (Brighton Academy #1)(7)

Unbidden (Brighton Academy #1)(7)
Author: Cala Riley

“You’re disgusting. Why did you even want to be my partner in this stupid activity? It’s obvious our feelings are mutual.”

“Our feelings are far from mutual. Your act doesn’t fool me. I’ve seen it all. I was going to warn you about what’s to come, but since you want to be such a cunt, I’ll just let it take you by surprise.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“You’ll see.” I can feel the malice and danger in his cryptic words.

The bell rings before I can respond. Without another word, he stands up and leaves me sitting there.

After putting my desk back, I gather my things and exit the room. I’m halfway down the hall when a body rams into mine. I catch myself before falling to the floor.

“Watch it, skank. We don’t want your kind around here.” Ingram, the plastic Barbie from class, stands a few steps away with two girls who look match her appearance.

“You watch it. You know what they say about us skanks, right? We can be dangerous.” I turn and find I have an audience, including the Yates brothers.

“You mean you’re trash,” mini Ingram number one says.

I step up and get right in her face before speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. “I might be trash, but at least everything on me is real, unlike you. Don’t forget that skanks can sleep with your boyfriend and give him all the fantasies you could never dream to give him. Keep that in mind the next time you want to come at me.”

I go to step back, but Ingram steps in the space I just vacated. “You can’t talk to Blair that way. Besides, none of our boyfriends would come near you with a ten-foot pole. They wouldn’t want to catch whatever STD you have.”

I chuckle at her predictable insult. “You live in your fantasy world. While you’re over here thinking your men would stay loyal, they’re over there checking out my very real ass.” I jerk my thumb toward the Yates brothers and the other boys gathered with them. A few are indeed checking me out. Not Reed though. His eyes are fixed on mine. I raise my brow in question. “Seems a few of them wouldn’t mind a ride.”

“Not my Reed. He would never.” Ingram lowers her voice as she says it. She obviously doesn’t want Reed seeing her stake a claim.


“Oh, Reed?” I cut my eyes to him and see his lowering. “That isn’t what he told me. What was it you said, Reed?” I call to him. “Something about eating me later?” I turn and shrug at her. “You’re right. Reed Yates would never.”

I don’t wait for a response from her or anyone else, just turn and hold my head high as I walk to my next class. I can make out commotion behind me, but I resist the urge to look back. I don’t care what these bitches have to say about me. They want to think I’m a skank? Let them. They want to call me names? Do it. I can leave at any time. The only thing stopping me is the agreement I made with Alice. Give it a shot for eight months.

Only eight months of this shit.

I can do that.



Victoria doesn’t even wait until I get to the car before yelling at me.

“I warned you, didn’t I?”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”

She chuckles. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you pissed off the Yates brothers and Ingram all on your first day. Do you have a death wish?”

I roll my eyes at her. “Can we go? This place is sucking my soul away.”

She unlocks the car and waits until we’re on the road before speaking again. “Did you really tell Ingram you would sleep with Reed?”

I snort. “No. I told her he would be eating me later.”

She bursts out laughing. “I wish I’d seen the look on her face. She’s been trying to land Reed since we were kids. She has it in her head that they’ll get married one day.”

“Ew, why? He’s a disgusting, arrogant pig. Besides, he was getting head from some other chick this morning.”

“He does that. She says she’s letting him sow his wild oats before marriage. It's all a political game to her. She thinks because he’s rich and she is too that it means they would make a great couple.”

“Good for them. I hope they live a miserable life together.”

“They won’t. Reed wants nothing to do with her. He’ll pretty much let any girl suck him off. Not that it’s public knowledge, but I know he won’t let her near him even for that.”

I turn to look at her. “How do you know, then?”

She shrugs. “Tinsley. She hates Ingram more than you do.”

“I don’t hate her. Hating her requires energy. She doesn’t matter to me.”

“Well, keep your eyes open. She has a vindictive side, and you just riled it up. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have plans for you.”

“She’s pathetic. Let her play her games. I’ve dealt with way worse than her.” I think back to some of the fights I’ve been in. “I can be scrappy when I need to be. I bet she’s never even chipped a nail.”

Victoria slows as she comes to our gate. “I’m not talking about fighting, Sage. I’m talking about petty, behind-your-back shit. She won’t step up to your face.”

“That makes it even worse. She’s a coward. I can handle her.”

“You might be able to handle her, but you also pissed off the Yates brothers. They’re dangerous. Like I said before, I’ll protect you the best I can, but you opened a whole can of worms that I’m not sure I’ll be able to get you out of. Even with my friendship with Tinsley.”

“I didn’t ask you to. I can handle my own shit.” I sigh as she turns and gives me a wounded look. “Listen, I appreciate the thought, but I knew what I was doing when I opened my mouth. I refuse to be bullied. If they want to come at me, well, then I’ll handle it. I’m only here for eight months. Once I turn eighteen, I’m leaving, and your life can go back to normal. Hell, if you want, pretend you don’t know me. I wouldn’t blame you.”

I go to jump out, but her voice stops me. “I won’t abandon you, Sage. You’re family, whether you want to be or not. I know I said I wouldn’t get involved before, but I lied. If you’re in this shit, then so am I.”

“Why would you do that? Just because of some blood running through my veins?”

She smiles softly. “No. I like you. You’re funny and kind, even though you act tough. You stood up to those girls, not because you wanted to cause a scene but because you refuse to play their games. Besides, I always wanted a sister. I think if you give us half a chance, you can be the sister I never had.”

I meet her eyes. She means every word. I almost feel bad for wanting to leave.

“I don’t want you to get too attached, Victoria. I’m still leaving in eight months, even if we become friends.”

“I know, but maybe after you leave, we can stay in touch. I can come visit. I know it’s basically been a day, but I don’t know. It’s nice having another girl around my age in the family.”

I rub my hand over my face. “We can be friends, but don’t get involved in my mess. I’ll clean it up. For you.”

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