Home > While the Wolf's Away (White Wolf #4)(54)

While the Wolf's Away (White Wolf #4)(54)
Author: Terry Spear

   He chuckled. “I already knew that about you. But you’ve been making grand entrances in my life since the first time I met you. And I love it.”

   They headed outside and everyone paused to watch them and then cheered. “Congratulations!”

   Even the kids stopped chasing each other around and joined in the cheer.

   A blush stained Elizabeth’s cheeks. “Thank you,” she said, while David beamed beside her.

   Then he pulled her into his embrace and dramatically swept her back, kissing her until she was breathless, and everyone cheered again. Well, except the kids. She heard one “eww” coming from Corey; Angie and Nick were quiet, smiling. They would all have their day when they were older, Elizabeth thought, if they were lucky.

   Sheri came up and took both her friend’s hands in hers, turning Elizabeth this way and that.

   “It agrees with you,” she finally said, pulling her in for a tight squeeze. “I’m so happy for you,” she whispered against her ear, and Elizabeth had to blink away tears.

   “Sorry for disturbing you, but in case David didn’t tell you, this has just become a tradition,” Faith said.

   David’s ears tinged a bit red. “I have to admit my mind was on other things.”

   Everyone laughed.

   “We don’t plan to keep you all day, but after breakfast we have a pack wolf run, just to celebrate having a new mated pair in the pack,” Faith said.

   Slade offered Sheri a cup of tea.

   At least Sheri was learning the traditions if she ended up mating Slade, Elizabeth thought.

   And from the looks between the two, Elizabeth wondered if the pack would be serving breakfast again before they knew it.



Chapter 22

   Sunday night, Elizabeth and David went to the fairgrounds, and so did the others. They went every year with the kids, but this time, for the first time, David wasn’t alone. They all went their own ways, but David and Elizabeth ended up in line at some of the same rides with them.

   At the Ferris wheel they got on and saw Sheri setting two of the kids on a seat while Cameron and Faith took the other. Then Owen and Candice climbed aboard, and right after them, Gavin and Amelia. The whole pack was together in all things, it seemed.

   David smiled and kissed Elizabeth.

   “I love how your pack sticks together. It’s like half of the fair is made up of wolves,” Elizabeth said. “I feel on top of the world with you.”

   Once they were done with their ride, they all gathered at the base.

   “What’s next?” Cameron asked.

   Owen said, “We have to try for prizes at the shooting gallery and the strongman game.”

   “The strongman game first,” Gavin said. “I can beat all three of you.”

   Amelia’s brother came up to join them. Slade smiled at Sheri. “Sorry I’m late. Flight was delayed.”

   “You’re just in time to prove to these guys you can hit the hardest,” Sheri said, smiling at him.

   “No way,” Gavin said. “I’m winning this one.”

   They had always been competitive with each other in that way. They were used to it and the women in their lives were amused by it, glad they always did it in good humor.

   Gavin went first and struck the lever with such force, the puck soared to the top and rang the bell. Amelia chose Winnie the Pooh as her prize.

   Then Owen went next and also won. Candice picked a wolf. “Because it looks like you, Corey.” She ruffled his hair and he ducked away, but he couldn’t stop a pleased grin from sneaking across his face.

   Cameron had to hit it several times to win for all the kids and his mate.

   The guy in charge of the game was just shaking his head as Cameron swung the hammer, then swung again, and again, and once more, the bell ringing gaily each time. The kids ended up with a wolf, a tiger, a leopard, and a jaguar. Faith picked out a lion, and Cameron ended up looking a tiny bit sweaty, not that he would ever admit it.

   It came down to David and Slade. David let Slade go first.

   Slade stepped up to the plate. He had a lot to win for—pack acceptance, playing with the guys when he had never been in competition with them before, and proving to Sheri, even if they didn’t end up being together, that he could win her a prize too. Which he did. All the pack and other fairgoers around them were watching how well the men had done and cheered for Slade too.

   “You must eat your Wheaties,” David said, taking hold of the hammer.

   “Oatmeal. It gives me strength.” Slade winked at Sheri, who was cuddling her new stuffed jaguar.

   With everyone else winning a prize, David couldn’t fail. How would that look to Elizabeth? With all his might, he slammed the hammer down on the lever, sending the puck flying. The bell pealed and the crowd set up another roar of approval.

   Elizabeth picked out a giant stuffed Winnie the Pooh, saying, “I always wanted one of these.” And he felt like a hero.

   Then it was off to the shooting gallery. Law-enforcement training and wolf eyesight gave them an edge and they weren’t afraid to use it.

   Another round of prizes for all filled the pack’s arms to overflowing.

   They ate turkey legs and caramelized popcorn and went through the house of mirrors. Corey had a blast the whole way through. Angie and Nick weren’t as adventurous.

   Toward the end of the night, the kids began dragging, and David was ready to take Elizabeth home.

   “Is everyone about ready to pack it up?” Cameron asked.

   There was a resounding yes, and they headed to their vehicles in the parking lot. Sheri was going home with Faith and Cameron to get some tired kids ready for bed. David wondered if Slade had offered his place and she turned him down, or if she just wanted to help out with the kids. He hoped everything was okay there.

   The cars made a parade home. Then they piled out in twos and threes, waving a sleepy good-night all around.

   David and Elizabeth entered their house and turned on some lights. “Nightcap or…” David said, already anticipating her answer.

   “Or,” she said with a wicked grin and raced him to the bedroom.


   The next morning, David knew he had to get out of bed and get in to work, but this was so nice, cuddling with Elizabeth. She finally stirred, as if she realized he was awake, and smiled at him.

   “We have to get in to the office. Our furniture is being delivered today!” Elizabeth sounded like a little kid on Christmas morning.

   “All right, honey.” He smiled at her and kissed her. “I can’t believe we are mated.”

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