Home > Whispered Promises (Brie's Submission Book 24)(6)

Whispered Promises (Brie's Submission Book 24)(6)
Author: Red Phoenix

Venom then lightly grazed his hand over her pristine skin and turned to Brie, stating in an authoritative tone, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”

She watched in horror as he took his stance behind Mary and raised the evil-looking whip.

“Stop!” Brie cried when he raised the whip to strike. “I’m the one who should be punished.”

Mary jerked in her chains when she heard Brie’s voice.

Venom turned his head, saying with a cruel smile. “So, you want to add one more?”

Brie covered her mouth with both her hands, realizing her outburst had just cost Mary another lash.

Holloway left Brie’s side and slowly walked around the cross as he told her, “I know how you tick, songbird. You’ve spent your whole life making connections with people, attempting to build a ‘family’ of sorts.” He reached out and stroked Mary’s blonde hair. “You even managed to win over my most prized possession.”

He looked back at Brie. “Of course, I could have Venom punish you for everything you’ve done, but…” Holloway’s gaze bore into her when he added, “I know you.”

Glancing at Mary again, he smiled. “You will feel every lash she takes as if it were cutting your own skin. But it will hurt even more because she will be taking the punishment meant for you.”

Tears ran down Brie’s face, helpless to stop what was about to happen.

Venom resumed his position behind Mary and pulled back his arm. “The first one is for speaking without permission.” Brie watched in horror as the tails whipped through the air. The sickening sound of the metal studs making contact with Mary’s skin filled the air. Somehow, Mary held back her screams and didn’t make a sound.

“The second is refusing a command.”

She silently cried out as Mary took another powerful lash that made the chains rattle. Sinking to the floor, Brie sobbed as she watched the welts swell on Mary’s back as blood slowly trickled down.

Holloway held up his hand to stop Venom, and asked Brie, “What would you do to spare her?”

She immediately rushed to Holloway and bowed low at his feet, crushing her forehead against the floor. “Let me take my punishment. I beg you to spare Mary.”

He chuckled angrily. “I thought you said you would never beg to ‘the likes of me’.”

Brie choked back her tears. “I was wrong.”

“You were wrong about so many things, songbird.” Holloway waved his hand in the air dismissively and said to Venom, “Continue.”

A few seconds later, Brie heard Venom call out, “This is for not obeying fast enough to a command.”

Holloway pulled Brie to her feet and forced her to watch as Mary received the next lash. She knew that particular lash was for her hesitation when Venom had ordered her out of the cage.

I’m so sorry, Mary…

“The next four are for speaking to others.”

When Brie saw Mary tense, her heart broke.

This was all her fault. She had tried twice to get the girls’ names while they were bathing her, and just before she left them, she told them rescue was coming. But she hadn’t spoken four times. Had the girls added an extra one just to be cruel?

Then she remembered thanking one of the girls when she handed Brie the cover she was now wearing.

It gutted her to know Mary was paying dearly for that simple mistake. She held her breath as Mary took the four lashes in rapid succession. Unable to hold back any longer, Mary cried out in unbearable pain and then slumped against her bindings.

“Stand,” Venom barked.

When Mary didn’t respond, he walked up to her and slapped her face several times. “There’s no escaping your fate tonight.”

Holloway grinned as he watched Mary struggle to stand up. He turned to Brie, his smile growing wider. “This is all on you, songbird.”

Brie regretted begging Venom to stop as she watched him return to his stance.

“Make it extra hard,” Holloway instructed. “We don’t want this lesson to be forgotten.”

Brie’s lip trembled as Venom pulled back his arm to deliver the final lash. She glanced at the crowd who were eagerly watching Mary’s punishment. Some of the men were even stroking themselves in excitement.

It made Brie physically ill.

She lowered her eyes, but Holloway immediately reprimanded her. “Focus on your punishment, songbird.”

Brie reluctantly looked up, not wanting to cause Mary any more pain than she already had. She held her breath as Venom wound up for the final lash.

The man smiled as he released his wrath on Mary. She let out a scream that filled the room, and Brie’s back exploded in agony as if she were taking the lash herself.

Venom stepped away with a satisfied expression on his face while Brie listened to the men around her grunting in release.

Holloway put his hand on Brie’s shoulder and turned her to face the people he had invited. “Meet my new slave. As you can see, she was a willful cunt but understands her place now.”

As if to prove it, he ordered Brie, “Strip for the fine people.”

She could not risk Mary being punished anymore and slid off the garment without hesitation.

“Turn so they can see how perfect your skin is compared to your friend.”

The shame Brie experienced was overshadowed by the guilt she felt as she complied with his command.

Holloway leaned toward her and ordered, “Kiss me.”

When she heard Mary moan in pain behind her, Brie closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his without question even though her stomach twisted in response to the unholy contact.

Holloway grabbed the back of her head and kissed her harder before letting go. Brie stumbled backward, startled when she heard everyone clapping around her.

“Do you hear that?” Holloway whispered in her ear. “They approve of the change in you, songbird. Maybe we will reward them next time.”

Holloway nodded to Venom, who quickly unbound Mary. She fell into her torturer’s arms, too weak and in pain to support herself. As they passed by, Brie instinctively reached out to her.

Mary turned her head, hissing at Brie. “Stay the fuck away from me, bitch!”

Holloway teased Mary. “There’s no need for jealousy, pet. I’m man enough to satisfy you both.”

The room broke out in amused laughter at Mary’s expense.

Holloway turned to Brie and added smugly, “If there’s one thing I know, it’s how to put cunts in their place.”






Venom returned a short time later. He was leading twelve young women and men with him. They were all dressed in the same see-through covers Brie had been wearing.

Holloway smiled broadly, telling his guests, “As promised, the main course has arrived. Feel free to partake and enjoy. They live to please.”

Brie felt sick. Venom grabbed her arm and ordered her to follow. She went without protest, not wanting to give the man any excuse to punish Mary further. On her way out of the large room, she noticed Darius watching her intently.

The weight of his gaze felt like another violation. Instead of cowering under it, she walked past him staring straight ahead and pretended he didn’t exist. She would never allow Darius to have another piece of her soul.

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