Home > The Last Mile (Blood Ties : The Logans #2)(19)

The Last Mile (Blood Ties : The Logans #2)(19)
Author: Kat Martin

The kiss was about to burn out of control when Gage’s lips softened and the kiss turned gentle, coaxing instead of taking, teasing one side of her mouth and then the other. Abby moaned and her arms slid up around his neck.

Gage kissed her one last time, then caught her wrists and drew them away, stepped back so they were no longer touching.

“I shouldn’t have done that, but I had to know. Unfortunately, I was right. You taste even better than I imagined.”

“Gage . . .”

Still breathing hard, his eyes a fierce shade of blue in his suntanned face, he shook his head. “As much as I want you, this can’t happen. Not now. I don’t sleep with my clients.”

Embarrassment trickled through her. “How very professional of you.”

“That’s right. It’s one of the reasons I don’t take women on an expedition. Too much temptation.”

Irritation slid through her. “You don’t need to worry. I want this trip to succeed far more than you do.” She looked back at him, determined to save her pride. “I just . . . I was curious, that’s all. You have a certain reputation. I wanted to know if it had any basis in fact. Now that my curiosity has been satisfied, your professionalism is safe.”

Gage’s jaw turned hard. He was still aroused, his broad chest rising and falling faster than normal.

He reached out and caught her shoulders. “I don’t think you understand. This isn’t over. Once we’re safely back home, we’re going to finish this. I’ve wanted you since the moment you walked into my office. That hasn’t changed. I’ve dreamed of having you naked and spread open beneath me, dreamed of being inside you. Now that I know that’s what you want, too, I promise you it’s going to happen.”

Her pulse throbbed and fresh desire curled through her.

Gage bent his head and kissed her one last time. “Until then, I have a job to do, and so do you.” Turning, he walked to the door. “Lock this place up and get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” The door clicked shut behind him.

Stunned, Abby just stood there staring at the place where he had been. Her embarrassment, she realized, was gone. Gage had been dreaming about her. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

She took a shaky breath, recognizing for the first time the danger she had put herself in.

Abby had admired Gage Logan for years. She’d been attracted to him even before she’d met him. But Gage wasn’t interested in anything but sex. He was the great explorer. He had women falling at his feet. He wanted her, yes, but as soon as he’d had his fill, he’d be gone.

Abby wasn’t a no-strings kind of woman. Now that she had come to know him, the attraction had only grown stronger. If she let herself fall for Gage, he would break her heart.

A shaky breath trembled out. At least, she was safe for the time being. Gage’s strict no-drinking policy also applied to sex. All she had to do was remember the consequences of letting her guard down, allowing herself to fall more deeply under his spell.

She couldn’t let it happen. She refused to become just another of Gage’s women. She was worth more than that.

Abby locked the door and poured a couple of inches of scotch into a glass. The first sip warmed her; the second eased some of her tension.

She could handle Gage Logan. She was a smart, independent woman. The thought occurred that she wanted Gage, but maybe someone else would do. Maybe another man could help her get her head on straight and she could forget Gage Logan. Kyle Jenkins’s handsome face arose. The sexy young cowboy had made his interest clear.

But instead of excitement or desire, Abby felt oddly disloyal. It was insane. She didn’t owe Gage her loyalty or anything else. She meant nothing to him, not even enough for him to break one of his ridiculous rules. The problem was she didn’t want Kyle. The man she wanted was sleeping in the cabin next door.

Abby downed the scotch, undressed, and climbed in bed. If Gage wanted to play games, so could she. Abby smiled as she relaxed back on her pillow, thinking of ways to drive Gage over the edge. It could be fun, she told herself. As long as she didn’t let her guard down or her heart get involved.

But first and far more important was finding the Devil’s Gold, restoring King’s legacy. There was still a chance the men in Denver knew she and Gage were headed to the ranch. A chance that whoever wanted the map would follow them into the mountains, make another attempt to steal the map, or lie in wait till they’d found the gold, then try to steal it from them.

Until this was over, the simple truth was, she needed Gage Logan.

King Farrell was no fool.

And neither was his granddaughter.

* * *

Though the bed was surprisingly comfortable, Gage spent most of the night tossing and turning, replaying the scene in the cabin next door. Part of him wished he had taken Abby up on her impulsive offer. The other half wished he had left her back in Denver.

A trip like this was dangerous, even without the very strong possibility that the men they’d left behind would follow them into the desert. And capable or not, Abby was still a greenhorn. After what had happened to Cassandra, he didn’t want the responsibility of trying to protect a woman he cared about.

Cared about. The words spun through his head. He more than cared about Abby. His body still ached for her. Images of all that fiery hair and those sexy curves kept him awake half the night. But it was her confidence and determination that appealed to him most, her zest for life that stirred something deep inside him.

It seemed as if he’d just fallen asleep when sunlight burned through the windows, rousing him. With a groan, he rolled over to check the time, climbed out of bed and hit the tiny shower, then dressed in a pair of khaki cargo pants and an olive drab T-shirt and headed next door to check on Abby.

She was already gone, he discovered, and he turned his attention to the ranch house, hoping he hadn’t missed breakfast. Grabbing a plate, he filled it from the steaming dishes on the sideboard—eggs, bacon, country potatoes, and toast—then carried his plate over and sat down beside her.

She had plaited her hair in that single loose braid she’d been wearing the day he’d met her. The urge to remove the band and run his fingers through all those silky strands had his body stirring to life.

Abby looked up from beneath her thick dark lashes and gave him a too-sweet smile. “Sleep well?”

Amusement trickled through him. “No. Believe me, I paid the price for what didn’t happen last night.”

Abby laughed softly, breaking the tension.

Gage ran a finger down her cheek. “I meant what I said. We aren’t finished. Not by a long shot.”

One of her eyebrows came up. “Then again, maybe we are.”

He smiled. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

Their eyes locked, and a challenge passed between them. Then both of them went back to eating.

“What’s on our schedule today?” Abby asked.

“I want to go over to the Superstition Museum, take a look at some of their records. We’ve got an appointment with Isaac Mason, the guy in charge. I’ve also got the names of a couple of people who are experts on the history of the mines in the area.”

She nodded. “When will we actually be going in?”

“Mateo is working out the final details. Walt’s a little old for a trip this tough, so Kyle is going to guide. With luck, we’ll be heading into the mountains at first light tomorrow.”

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