Home > Ensnared (Knights of Brethren #3)(47)

Ensnared (Knights of Brethren #3)(47)
Author: Jody Hedlund

I released Nanna and spun, tripping down the steps in my haste. I needed to thank her and wish her well, but I couldn’t waste another second. And ultimately, I knew Nanna wouldn’t want me to stop, that she wanted me to chase after Mikaela.

As I bolted out of the castle, the air was filled with thick smoke and the bailey was in chaos, with every available castle staff and guard working to extinguish a fire blazing amongst the thatch above the forge.

Hadn’t the forge sustained a fire in the thatch already this spring? How had it caught ablaze again, especially since it was new and not as dry as the older thatch on some of the other structures?

I didn’t stop to get answers. Something told me this catastrophe had been created on purpose, that perhaps Nanna had rallied the other bondservants to cause a distraction so that she could free Mikaela and allow us to escape from Bernhard.

Searching for Mikaela, I darted around people and animals and water buckets and made my way to the stable. I found that my horse was still halfway saddled, that the groom had abandoned his task, likely to fight the flames.

I cinched the girth and climbed astride. Then while everyone was still consumed with the fire, I headed through the gatehouse and kicked my horse into a gallop toward Trollveggen Cliff.

I rode low and hard, all the while glancing over my shoulder to make sure no one followed me. By the time I steered my horse out of the open and into the brush, I allowed myself a full breath. As far as I could tell, not a soul was in sight. None of Bernhard’s knights had noticed my leaving, or if they had, they were too busy to care.

I slid down from my mount, hoping Mikaela had made it away from the castle undetected too. I hiked along the narrow trail, the rushing of waterfalls and the crashing of the fjords below the only sound.

My mind flashed to the image of Bernhard, the blood flowing from his nose and mouth. What would happen to him? I would never wish death upon him, not even after the way he’d abused me. But maybe the illness would help him see the evilness of his ways and give him a change of heart.

Upon reaching the section of the path that led to the hot spring, I secured my steed in a secluded area and then climbed up as stealthily as I always did. When I reached the top, I crouched low and expelled my relief.

She was there, sitting near the edge, her feet drawn up, her arms circled around her legs and skirt. Her hair hung unfettered, with two thin braids pulled back at her temple and tied with ribbons. She stared through the steam into the clear water. From the tenseness of her expression and the stiffness of her body, I could tell she was worried.

I wanted to say something, but emotion rose swiftly and clogged my throat. I topped the ridge and began my descent toward her.

Upon catching sight of me, she released a small cry and scrambled up. When I reached her, she threw herself against me at the same time that I wrapped my arms around her.

She shuddered and pressed in, as though she hadn’t expected to see me again.

“I’m sorry, Mikaela,” I whispered against her hair. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. I didn’t know until I returned that Bernhard was holding you hostage to manipulate me.”

She pulled back, her brows pinching above her beautiful, expressive eyes. “I hope you didn’t give in to his demands.”

“I was tempted to. But I stayed strong.”


This wasn’t the time to share the details about Bernhard’s bleeding. We’d be able to share more in the hours and days to come. For now, I wanted to get her out of Romsdal and as far from Bernhard as I could.

Even with the urgency, I clung to her, needing to assure myself she was here and out of harm’s way. “I never should have left you behind.”

“You had to help Sven escape.”

I breathed her in and let her presence soothe my pounding pulse. “Henceforth, whatever we do, we’ll do it together. Can we agree upon that?”

“I can agree.”

I didn’t realize I was shaking until that moment, when my trembling ceased.

“Gunnar?” Her voice was grave. “I fear you will face overmuch criticism for being with a woman of my low status. If Bernhard refused our union, surely many more will shun you for it.”

I shifted so that she could view my face and my sincerity. “My friends will see what I do, that you make me a better and stronger man. And they will heartily welcome you because of that.”

She pushed against me lightly. “You’re jesting with me.”

“’Tis the truth. I’ve sensed something was missing inside me, but it wasn’t until I was with you again that I realized when you’re by my side, I’m finally whole, complete.”

She studied my face, seeking the truth.

“I need you.”

A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “What exactly do you need most? My wit? My intelligence? My inner fortitude? My sweetness? My—”

“Your kisses.” I bent down and fused my lips with hers. I meant for the kiss to be light and teasing, but as soon as we touched, the heat that always simmered below the surface rose swiftly, flowing through me, turning me on fire, and making me only want to keep on kissing her.

I loved that she met me with as much desire, melding into me and moving as though she would kiss me forever too.

As much as I wanted to revel in this bond between us, we needed to be on our way. For the time being, staying was too dangerous. I would take her away, and we would make our way to Vordinberg and the king, where we would find refuge from Bernhard’s schemes and gather reinforcements.

I broke the kiss but rested my forehead against hers. “Never forget. We are meant for each other.”

“Are you sure?”

“We always have been and always will be.” No matter what would happen in the days to come, I would relish spending the rest of my life showing her just how true that was.


We rode all afternoon, through the night, and well into the next day. Though I kept a fast pace, I didn’t want to overtax my horse bearing two riders instead of one. At midday we reached the remote fortress of Lindseth within the Moors of Many Lakes. ’Twas the home where I’d lived and trained during my years as a page and squire. I respected Lord Lindseth and knew I would find an ally in him should Bernhard send his men after me.

As the Lord welcomed me inside, I drew Mikaela into the shelter of my arm and body. The day was cloudy and cold, and though I’d tried to keep her warm, she shivered. She’d slept off and on during the long ride, but I could see the weariness in her features. I was exhausted, too, and couldn’t recall the last time I’d slept for any length.

“My home is your home,” Lord Lindseth said after I gave him a brief explanation of my current circumstances and the danger I faced from Bernhard. “You will stay here as long as you have need, and my fighting men will keep you safe.”

He looked pointedly at the young men in the front entryway. From their dusty tunics and padded gambesons, I guessed they’d been outside training but were now taking their meal in the great hall.

I nodded my thanks to Lord Lindseth. I’d served him well for many years, and he was repaying me for that. It also didn’t hurt that I’d earned prestige and prominence as a Knight of Brethren and was a close companion of the king.

“I will have my servants deliver more food to the head table.” He motioned to a nearby manservant, who scurried away down a passageway that led to the kitchen.

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