Home > Moonlight (Grim Gate #3)(26)

Moonlight (Grim Gate #3)(26)
Author: Emily Goodwin

“Now I know you are all wondering why you’ve been summoned here today,” Carl starts. “As you’re aware, two of our fellow brothers have met mysterious ends. One hunter, Rodger Altman, is still missing and no trace of him has been found. We have scoured the area for him but it’s like he’s simply disappeared, which we know cannot be the case. The last time he came into contact with anyone he claimed to have been the victim of a truth spell.”

The hunters all mummer to each other and I press my lips together. There aren’t truth spells but truth potions. I’ve made one before.

“And the latest victim, God rest his soul.” Carl makes the sign of the cross in front of his chest. “Is believed to have been the victim of a ritualistic killing. Which leads me to why you are here: F ind the witch responsible for this and bring her to me.”







Carl’s voice echoes around me, but none of his words sink in. Five people around this table know I’m a witch, and they’re all waiting to see me react. Ethan’s hand lands on my thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze. A million thoughts run through my mind, first of all being there’s no way a witch is killing hunters.

Second, even if a witch was killing hunters, I wouldn’t hand her over to the Order. But what would I do? She killed people and needs to be dealt with. It’s not my responsibility to come up with the punishment, but it would be my responsibility to hand her over to the proper authorities.

Keyword being proper. If this witch belonged to my coven, then it would be up to our High Priestess to handle it as she sees fit, and I’m sure Tabatha is more reasonable and would contact the police. Witches are human, after all. I’m sure powers would have to be bound in order to fit into a regular prison, but again, that’s not something I would have to do.

The old weathered hunter, the one we were waiting on, clears his throat. “I can take it from here. This isn’t the first witch I’ve hunted,” he says rather proudly. “They’re tricky prey.”

“Because they’re human,” I snap, unable to help myself.

“Exactly.” The hunter’s eyes light up, excited by the thought of hunting a human being. “They’re smart. Quick. And have magic to their advantage. There are a few ways to block a witch’s powers, one being easier than the other. Though once you get a witch in a trap, putting a hagstone necklace around her neck isn’t that hard.” He laughs. “The last witch I trapped was feisty.”

The other male hunters laugh, though Harold doesn’t look amused.

“Isn’t it a little early to assume we’re looking for a witch?” Julia opens her folder and pulls out a photo of the hunter who was found along the shore. “In all my years of research, I haven’t come across any witchcraft ritual that uses this symbol. It’s too mainstream.”

Thank you, Julia.

“Of course, at this point, nothing should be ruled out,” Carl states matter of factly. “But nearly a year ago, there was a surge in magical energy in northwest Indiana and demon activity has increased ever since. And we know witches call upon demons to do their bidding and to give them more power.”

What? No! This guy is so fucking wrong and everyone in this room believed his bullshit at one point or another. I must be looking as panicked as I feel because Sam quite deliberately drops the water bottle she was holding in her lap.

“Shit,” she groans. “I’ll be right back. Anora, come help me.”

Letting out a breath, I nod and get up, plastering my shaking hands to my side. Neither of us speaks on our way out of the room, down the hall, and into the bathroom.

“You need to calm down,” Sam hisses, closing and locking the bathroom door behind us.

“I am calm.”

“You made the lights flicker, didn’t you?”

“Not on purpose,” I shoot back, getting pissed at her for being so accusatory.

“If you can’t get a hold of your powers, they’ll know.” The anger in her eyes turns to worry. “And, as much as you annoy me for that apparent reason, I’ll add, you’ve grown on me. You’re not a bad person, Anora. I know that. We were wrong about witches and it’s making me question what else we’re wrong about. You’re not inherently evil. You don’t have to sell your soul to the devil to get powers and you certainly don’t summon demons to do your bidding.” She pulls a bunch of paper towels from the holder and blots at her wet shirt.

“What’s the plan then?”

“Find out who’s really doing this and stop them. Witch, demon, or fucked up human…it doesn’t matter. That’s our job.”

“It’s not a witch,” I whisper. “The pentagram really is too obvious. Someone wants it to look like a witch.”

“I agree. Julia did some digging after we got off the phone with you.” Sam sighs. “Steph knows.”

“I know. Ghouls were attacking her and I kinda had no choice but to use magic or, uh, die.”

“That’s what she said too. She hasn’t told anyone, but she doesn’t know you like we do.”

“I don’t want to cause problems for any of you,” I start. “I didn’t want to come today at all and I know I don’t belong. But it seemed like Ethan’s hands were tied in all this.”

“Yeah. They’re good at doing that.” Sam turns on the sink to mask our voices. “Don’t worry. Just get through today and then we’ll handle it.”

“Thanks, Sam.”

“Don’t mention it. Like really, don’t. It’s not fair to be judged on how you’re born. You can’t help being a witch any more than I can help liking women and the Order isn’t happy about that either.”

“Then why stay?” I shake my head. “They’re archaic, old fashioned, bigoted, sexist, homophobic, and don’t seem to really care about human life like they claim to.”

“What else would I do?” she replies softly.

“Anything!” I sweep my hands out, anger filling me. “You can do anything, Sam. You’re young and smart and talented. You could be a bounty hunter for fuck’s sake.”

She laughs. “I could, and I’d be good at it.”

“And you can still hunt demons on the side.”

“It’s something to think about.” She bites her lip. “David would kill me.”

“Well, you have a place to stay with us. We have the spare room. You might have to share one with Romeo, but at least he’s a cute roommate.”

“What about the other spare room?”

“Yeah…” I wince, making a face. “We kind of have a druid living with us at the moment. But it’s okay because he dated my aunt back when she was younger and he used to babysit me.”

Sam’s face blanks. “A druid? The only druids I know are from video games.”

“Technically he’s a faery.”

Sam continues to look at me, expressionless. And then she laughs again. “I thought my life was unpredictable as a hunter, but I think you win.”

I let out a snort of laughter. “It’s taken that turn, hasn’t it?”

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