Home > The Blood Traitor (The Prison Healer #3)(37)

The Blood Traitor (The Prison Healer #3)(37)
Author: Lynette Noni

Ashlyn’s face turned sympathetic. “They just need —”

“Time,” Kiva said glumly. “I know.”

Thankfully, the princess didn’t offer false comfort. “I brought you some breakfast. Cal said he forgot to get you some food last night, so you need to eat.” She held out a plate, then lowered a canvas bag from her shoulder to the ground. “I brought some of my clothes, too. When you’re ready, I’ll take you to the bathing chamber, but I want to check your burn first to make sure it’s healed enough to get wet.”

Kiva wrinkled her nose as she took the food. “You’re very pushy. Just like your brother.”

“He and I are as similar as we are different,” Ashlyn said, a pained note in her voice.

Carefully, Kiva hedged, “Can I ask —”

“Eat,” Ashlyn ordered, making it clear that she didn’t want to talk about Caldon. “We have a lot to do today, starting with Galdric.”

At the mention of the ex-rebel leader, Kiva obediently started shoveling eggs and beans and toast into her mouth. She finished the plate in record time and then, at Ashlyn’s urging, pushed aside her collar so the princess could inspect her wound. The tight fit of the material made it difficult to see the whole burn, so Kiva had to unlace the front of the dress and wriggle out of the sleeves, leaving her standing in the middle of the room holding the bodice to her chest, her bare back facing the door.

She didn’t hear it open.

But she did hear the growled, “What the hell?”

Kiva whipped around, her eyes as wide as saucers. She gripped the dress tighter, quickly checking to make sure it was fully covering her front, even knowing that a greater damage had already been done.

Because Jaren was standing in the doorway, and given what he’d said — and how he’d said it — he’d clearly seen her shoulder.

In three long strides he was standing before her and ordering, “Turn around.”

Kiva was frozen to the spot.

“Jaren —” Ashlyn tried, a careful warning in her voice, but he cut her off.

“Kiva, turn around.”

It was the sound of her name on his lips that unfroze her, and her eyes shot to his. There was something in his expression that she didn’t dare read into, needing to protect her broken heart.

But even so, she saw it.

He was concerned — for her.

And for some reason, that terrified her.

Kiva began trembling visibly enough that Jaren noticed. His face changed then, gentling slightly, transforming him not quite into the Jaren she’d once known, but close.

Quieter, he said, “Please, Kiva. Turn around and let me see.”

She couldn’t deny his soft, pleading voice, so she turned, baring her shoulder to him, and hearing his swift intake of breath.

“Who did this to you?” he asked, in that same quiet tone, but now it was brimming with something else: anger.

Kiva’s mouth was too dry to speak, so Ashlyn answered for her.

“I told you last night — Navok wanted to see her healing magic. When she refused, he had one of his anomalies hit her with a fireball, burning straight through to the bone. He didn’t realize she can’t heal herself. And before you ask, it happened yesterday. I had to give her Serpent’s Kiss just so we could escape last night.”

“Serpent’s Kiss?” Jaren repeated, sounding horrified. “Are you insane? You could have killed her!”

“It was that or leave her there to marry the bastard,” Ashlyn defended. “Since when do you care, anyway?”

The words were said as a challenge, but they prompted an icy silence, during which Kiva couldn’t bring herself to turn back around and face Jaren. She didn’t know what his reaction meant, whether his concern was out of habit, or whether some part of him did still care for her. Either way, her heart felt lighter than it had in months, until —

“Galdric is awake.” Jaren shared his reason for being there, his tone now emotionless, as if Ashlyn’s question had indeed reminded him about his feelings. “He won’t talk without Kiva being present. Everyone is waiting for you both.”

Kiva spun around just in time to see Jaren disappearing through the doorway.

Ashlyn winced. “Sorry. I saw the look on his face, and I just — I thought that would go differently.”

“It’s not your fault,” Kiva said, releasing a frustrated breath. “I’m as surprised as you that he . . .” She trailed off, feeling foolish for even thinking the word “cared.”

“Love isn’t something you can turn on and off at will,” Ashlyn said gently. “From what I just witnessed, whatever Jaren once felt for you hasn’t changed, no matter how hard he might be trying to ignore it.”

“That’s what makes this so hard, though,” Kiva said, staring woefully at the empty doorway. “He’s torturing himself. No — I’m torturing him, just by being here. I’m a constant reminder of everything he’s lost.”

“I think you might not be giving him enough credit,” Ashlyn said, helping relace Kiva’s dress. “Jaren is one of the smartest people I know. You lied to him and betrayed him, but from what I’ve heard, you also chose him over your own family. And you didn’t stab him with the Eye of the Gods — you saved his life. He’s acting emotionally right now, but he’ll come to his senses. You’ll see.”

Kiva appreciated Ashlyn’s confidence, even if she struggled to feel the same way. And yet, as she followed the princess to the communal bathing chamber and showered quickly before donning her new clothes — leathery white armor almost identical to Ashlyn’s — she couldn’t help envisioning Jaren’s face again. Not the angry, blank expression he’d worn for most of their reunion, but the gentle, softer look he’d revealed upon seeing she was injured.

That was her Jaren.

He was still in there.

And that, more than anything else, allowed her to hope.



Chapter Thirteen


Galdric was waiting for them in the command center, sitting comfortably at the head of the rectangular table. His bruises had faded slightly, his hair was clean and tied back in a leather band, his beard was trimmed short and neat, and he’d been given a fresh set of clothes, making him look like an entirely new person.

The moment Kiva entered the room beside Ashlyn, Galdric’s brown eyes locked on her — as did everyone else’s.

Just like last night, Jaren, Caldon, and Eidran were all there, but to her surprise, so were Torell and Cresta, both unbound and, like Galdric, much cleaner and wearing new clothes — in black, like Jaren and Caldon and the rest of the outpost soldiers. When Kiva looked at Ashlyn in question, she just shrugged and said, “We have bigger problems to deal with right now. We can decide their fates later.”

Kiva offered a grateful nod and moved directly toward her brother. No longer fettered by ropes, he drew her into a tight embrace, but released her immediately when she sucked in a pained breath.

“What’s wrong?” Torell asked, looking her over.

“Nothing,” Kiva said, ignoring her aggravated shoulder. “Just stiff from sleep.” She turned to Caldon before Tor could call her on her lie and asked, “Where’s Tipp?”

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