Home > Veil of Winter (The Dericott Tales #3)(41)

Veil of Winter (The Dericott Tales #3)(41)
Author: Melanie Dickerson

Ysa shared next. “I thought Princess Elyce would not wake up from the sleeping potion after the third day. I shook her, I patted her cheek, I even pulled on her legs. When she didn’t wake up, I was so afraid I could barely breathe. And then you two came.” She smiled shyly—not at Sir Gerard, but at Sir Oswalt.

“I believed coming here on my sister’s errand—to help her friend—couldn’t be God’s will, but He sent me anyway, and that is why I do believe this will all end well. Why else would God have told me to come?”

Sir Gerard’s gaze met hers so intently, she held her breath, waiting for what he would say next.

“It hasn’t ended yet, but it has exceeded my expectations already.”

She felt his hand touch hers under the table. Her breath caught in her throat as he took her hand in his and gently squeezed. She squeezed back.

No one spoke or made a sound as Ysa and Sir Oswalt stared at them.

“It is Sir Oswalt’s turn now.” Elyce, still holding Sir Gerard’s hand under the table, looked at Sir Oswalt.

He cleared his throat, then said, “I thought coming here was a mistake, but I came because I hoped I could save Sir Gerard from getting himself killed. Well, we’re both still alive.” He folded his hands over his slightly rounded belly as he leaned back in his chair.

Sir Gerard half smiled, half frowned and shook his head.

A noise came from the corridor on the other side of the door. The noise grew louder, like many footsteps drawing closer.

It was late. Who could be coming to her door? No doubt they would pass by on their way somewhere else.

The door burst open. Two men entered with drawn swords.

King Claude came in just behind them and smiled.

“Princess Elyce.”





Elyce’s heart crashed against her chest.

Sir Gerard stood and knocked over his chair.

The guards held swords on Gerard and Oswalt, who were unarmed. God, please don’t let them be killed.

King Claude stepped forward. His eyes flitted around the room but quickly came to rest on her.

“Princess Elyce. At last I have found you.” He smiled, but there was hostility in his eyes.

“You will not hurt these men.” Her voice was almost as deep and rough as a man’s. She would not let him see how afraid she was.

Claude smirked.

“What do you want?” But she knew what he wanted, and her stomach sank at the sight of him. Excepting the occurrence of a miracle, all was lost.

“I want what was promised to me by your father, the King of Montciel. You may be a princess, but you are under the authority of the king like anyone else.”

“I do not wish my people to be put to work in your mines. That is what I want—freedom for my people to do what they have always done.”

Claude shook his head slowly, his head lowered, aiming a disapproving look at Elyce. “You are just a girl. Your father knows what is best for your people.” He smiled again, as if amused.

“I will not go along with your schemes, and now King Wenceslaus knows of them, as does King Richard of England and Count Eberhard—”

“Count Eberhard does not owe you any allegiance. He is allied with me. Foolish girl.” Again he shook his head in that slow way that made Elyce want to claw out his eyes.

The words boiled up inside her until she could not hold them back. “You are a scheming, selfish man, and I will not bow to your wishes.”

He said nothing, still smirking.

“My people are shepherds. They make beautiful things with wood and live peaceful lives. But if you try to force them to work for you, they will rise up and fight.”

“They won’t fight.” He laughed. “They will do as their king tells them, and indeed, are already at work digging a new mine. But if you go back with me, like a good daughter, and marry Rodrigo and do as you are told, then no one will have to die.”

How dare he threaten her!

“I will not do as you say. I will not do as my father says. I will not marry Rodrigo. You will not get away with forcing my people to be your slaves as long as I am alive. You will have to kill me. And then you will see the people revolt.”

She was not at all sure her people loved her enough to revolt on her behalf if harm came to her. Perhaps they would never know if she gave her life for them. But she shoved those thoughts away. She had to put up a brave façade.

“Your people revolt.” He blew a contemptuous, scoffing breath through his teeth. “Let me tell you this.” He leaned so close she could see the bloody veins that snaked through the whites of his eyes. “If you don’t come back to Valkenfeld with me, marry Count Rodrigo, and tell your people to go to the Valkenfeld mines like good little sheep, then I will kill off your men one by one, starting with this young woman’s four brothers.”

He held out his hand toward Ysa, and Elyce’s blood went cold.

“You do have four brothers, do you not?”

Ysa nodded, her eyes wide.

“I believe their names are Tobias, Leonardo, Matthias, and . . . Dimitry. Am I right?”

Ysa’s bottom lip quivered.

“You are despicable,” Elyce breathed.

“You will pay for this.” Sir Gerard glared at King Claude, ignoring the sword point touching his chest.

“I can start with killing you.” Claude turned his cold, dead eyes on him. “The son of an English earl, are you not? The Earl of Dericott. What will your family do? You had no right to come here and meddle in our affairs. This is not England. This is the Holy Roman Empire.”

He sounded as if he were scolding a child.

“I will kill them all. Her brothers and your knight-errant.” Claude turned to her.

A hundred bees hummed in Elyce’s ears, and Ysa whispered, “No, please.”

“No. Do not harm them.” Elyce’s hands and knees trembled. She couldn’t bear to see these good men killed. God, help us!

“Why should I not? What will you do for me, for the trouble you have caused?”

Elyce clenched her teeth. This man was pure evil. How dare he say such a thing to her, as if she owed him something. But he was going to kill Sir Gerard and Ysa’s brothers.

“Let these two knights go back to their homeland, and do not harm my servant’s brothers.”

“I have a better idea.” King Claude was smiling again. He addressed his guards. “Take them to the dungeon in Valkenfeld. I shall hold them for ransom. Sir Gerard’s brother is a wealthy English earl. He will pay for his brother’s release.” He waved his hand. “Take them and go.”

Elyce’s eyes locked onto Sir Gerard’s. She felt as if her heart were being ripped out of her chest as a sharp pain shot through her. What was in Sir Gerard’s eyes? His gaze was so intense she couldn’t look away. But when the guard shoved him toward the door, he went, along with Sir Oswalt.

Other guards took their place in the room, flanking King Claude.

Would King Claude truly hold Gerard for ransom and not harm him? Or was Claude lying? Had he made an agreement with the guards beforehand to kill Gerard and Oswalt no matter what he said in front of Elyce? Her heart pounded hard.

“I am glad you have come to your senses and will go back with me to Valkenfeld.”

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