Home > Valen(21)

Author: Jessica Gadziala

Her gaze held mine for a long second before she turned and screamed into her pillow.

“There you go,” I said, grabbing the tray and making my way toward her.

“That shit she put on burned like a mother,” Louana grumbled. “And my pants are going to be stained purple forever.”

“That shit works, though,” I told her. “That gent—“

“Gentian Violet,” Louana filled in for me.

“Yeah, that. Voss scrounged up some gauze pads that were coated with that shit. Came from some fancy-ass wound care center. Worked like a charm.”

“And by scrounged up, do you mean he broke in and stole them?”

“He’s a man of many talents. Come on, try to sit up a bit. You gotta eat some of this or your stomach is going to hurt from the pain meds.”

“I’ll eat,” she said, but gave the cups of tea a hateful look. “But I am not choking any more of that down. And if you tell my mother, I will set you on fire in your sleep.”

“Noted,” I agreed, unable to stop the smile from tugging at my lips.

“Who cooked?”

“Me,” I told her and watched her freeze with the fork half raised to her lips. “Relax, I know how to cook eggs.”

“Really? Because I once had to inform you that you can’t put aluminum foil in the microwave.”

“Didn’t have microwaves most of the time. Had to learn to cook. Sometimes over a fire. Never gave myself or Voss food poisoning. It’s safe,” I assured her.

“If I get sick—“

“Yes, I know. Waking up on fire. Very scary,” I told her, rummaging around in her sheets for the remote for the TV. “What are we watching?” I asked, dropping down near her feet.

If she had any thoughts about me sitting there, she didn’t vocalize them.

“Jungle 2 Jungle,” she told me.

“That’s an unfamiliar one.”

“A rich city guy learns he has a teenage son who is being raised by his wife he needs to divorce so he can remarry. The catch is, she has been living in the Amazon with a tribe for years, and his son is very, I don’t know, feral. And he brings him back to the city. He tries to eat the cat. It’s probably not politically correct for this day and age, but it’s an old comfort watch,” Louana told me as she finally put some of the eggs in her mouth.

“How’s the food?” I asked as I searched for the movie.

“It’s not bad. It could use ketchup.”

“Ketchup on eggs is almost as bad as you putting it on mac & cheese,” I told her.

“You don’t know what you’re missing,” she said, shrugging.

Then we fell into companionable silence as she ate and we watched the movie.

Things seemed almost, well, good.

Until my phone vibrated in my pocket.

And a text came that I was praying would never come.

“What?” Louana asked, and I could feel her keen gaze on my face.

“What what?” I asked, tucking my phone away.

“Don’t bullshit me. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you look that freaked.”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I told her, shrugging it off.

Because I couldn’t tell her.

I couldn’t tell anyone.

But it looked like my past was finally starting to catch up to me…









“I know we haven’t been super close lately,” a familiar voice said, making me force my eyes open. “But when you get shot in the ass, I want a phone call,” Violet said, throwing her arms out dramatically from the doorway.

I swear my heart just ached at seeing her, at knowing how much we’d missed about each other over the years. Yet, somehow, it felt like hardly any time had passed at all as she moved into the room.

She, like the rest of us, had grown up.

She still looked like the Vi I had always known—tall, long-legged, with a rack I would die for, dark hair, honey-brown eyes, and a sort of delicate face with a cleft chin, something that always made her look a lot less intimidating than she actually was.

She’d followed in her mom’s footsteps and gone into the skip-chasing business. Which, well, suited her.

We’d bonded so well when we were younger because we both had wild, restless spirits. And from what I heard, Vi was constantly taking off across the country looking for people who didn’t show up at court, coming back to crash on the couches of her loved ones, but not quite putting down any roots.

Once upon a time, we’d floated the idea of going into business together. Going on the road, chasing down bad guys, and having a good time doing it.

When I started dating her brother, we’d even decided we’d make a great skip-chasing trio.

Until, of course, Valen shattered that dream for all of us.

Still, I was kind of happy for her that she got to go through with it.

“Vi,” I said, giving her a genuine smile even if my ass and thigh were killing me and I wasn’t due for a pain pill yet.

“I haven’t been shot yet. Does it suck as bad as Finn is making it seem like?” she asked, moving into the room, not judging the mess of wrappers and snack bags scattered around me.

To say I’d been eating my feelings was a gross understatement.

But Vi was a diehard junk-food eater, so she was the last person to judge.

“He’s halfway healed,” I said. “I’m not so lucky. And yes. It sucks balls.”

“Has your mom been making you choke down those nasty-ass teas?”

“I’ve been trying to avoid them, but yes.”

“Billie is totally going to concoct something for you now that she knows too,” Vi warned me as she sat down on the foot of the bed. “So… were you just never going to tell me you were back in town?”

“I didn’t realize you were around,” I told her, even if we both knew it was a lame excuse for not trying to reach out.

“You didn’t have time to call and see where I was, but you had time to prospect here and get shot in the ass? Come on, Louana.”

“I know,” I said, nodding. “I’m a shitty friend.”

“An absent one, at least,” Vi said, not letting me fully off the hook. She wasn’t the sort. She wanted you to own your shit. “So, was this just some giant plot to fuck with my brother?”

“What other possible reason could I have for being here?” I asked. “This is not exactly the Ritz,” I added, waving around the prospect room. “That TV is only here because I got shot.”

“Yeah, it’s a bit institutional here,” Violet agreed. “I used to think it was so cool when I was a kid. Now, it’s just kinda sad. Which makes me wonder why the hell you are here. When you could be doing literally anything else.”

“You know why,” I told her, unable to look at her when I said it. Because I knew how pathetic it seemed. After so many years, anyway. This move would have had her full support if it happened a year or so after the breakup. After all this time, though?

“I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve it,” Violet said. “I just think you deserve peace. And to pursue your dreams now that you’re back here.”

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