Home > Gage (Pittsburgh Titans #3)(9)

Gage (Pittsburgh Titans #3)(9)
Author: Sawyer Bennett

I swallow so hard I hear the “gulping” noise. Brienne apparently does not, as she continues to outline the positive benefits this will bring, as well as how it will memorialize one of the most important events in sports history.

One would think that might be her vanity talking, but she adds, “I want everyone to see that you can expose the extraordinary power people have within themselves to rise to challenges. Those players who are having their first real shot at success in this league, or those who are returning after having left this behind… I want them to get the credit they deserve because none of this is possible without them.”

Yeah… I have a bit of a girl crush on her.

I type a few notes and ask, “Are they interested in following the team as a whole or just certain people? And I assume they’ll want to showcase you as well, so I need to know how much access you want to grant, and I’ll work to keep them away otherwise.”

Again, Brienne positively beams at me. “Yes, they’ll want to interview me, but we’ll do that in one or two sittings. I’m not giving them access to follow me around since I have so many things other than the Titans to manage.”

“Which makes you very interesting,” I point out.

“Yes, but I want this to be about the players. So far, I know the filmmakers are incredibly interested in Baden’s story.”

“Who wouldn’t be?” I tap out more notes. Star goalie coming back from paralysis to launch a new career in coaching, Baden Oulett is the darling of the hockey world.

“Of course, each player has to give permission, and I’m not forcing anyone to do this. If they don’t want to participate, they don’t have to. Although there will be some general access to the team as a whole.”

“Got it,” I reply. “And should I reach out to the players or will you?”

“You and I both will sit down with them.” Brienne glances at her watch, and I can tell by the look on her face she’s late for something else already. “Tomorrow, probably.”

Brienne stands, and we chat about a few more items as she walks me to the door.

“I’m really proud of you for taking this on,” she says as I step across the threshold.

“Thank you for trusting me with such a big project,” I reply with confidence, although if I think about it too much, I’ll get the shakes.

Back in my office, I dial Emory, needing to share this big news. Because this is epic and if I fuck it up, it will be of the same epic proportions. She doesn’t answer.

I leave a frustrated voicemail because I need Emory to reinforce that I can do this. I know she’ll call me back as soon as she’s able, so until then, I’ll try to keep my fretting to a minimum.






My nerves are completely misfiring, causing a low rumble in my stomach, and I’m not sure if it’s from fear or indigestion. I just know that I don’t think I’m prepared for this.

We’re in one of the large conference rooms on the executive floor. For now, it’s only me and Brienne as we wait for others to arrive. She’s talking on the phone, and I’m reviewing pages of notes I have after yesterday’s chat with the documentary production company. I now have a clear line of communication with the director’s right-hand assistant, Maudie, a very businesslike woman who doesn’t appear to have a sense of humor. She’s not mean, just very brisk and efficient with no time for small talk.

I can work with that.

The door opens and Baden walks in, followed by the team’s general manager, Callum Derringer. Baden’s eyes widen in surprise when he sees me sitting at the far end of the table, and he comes straight my way. I stand to greet him, and he gives me a big hug.

When he pulls back, he says, “I didn’t expect to see you. Sophie says you’re all settled in and enjoying work so far.”

“She speaks the truth,” I quip. “She’s been so nice to keep track of me this past week.”

“We both care about you, and you should call on us anytime you need something.”

“I will,” I say with a smile. My eyes drift over Baden’s shoulder to Callum Derringer who is coming up behind him.

“Jenna,” Callum says, and Baden turns to the side to move out of the way. “I wanted to meet you officially. Brienne speaks very highly of her new star.”

We shake hands, and I try not to blush from the praise because I haven’t been here long enough to earn it. At least not in my mind, but I don’t dare say that.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Derringer.”

“Callum,” he insists and then moves off as Brienne finishes her phone call. They chat at the other end of the table.

Baden pulls out my chair and indicates for me to sit. He takes the one next to me. “I don’t suppose you know what this meeting is about?”

“I totally know what it’s about, but that’s for Brienne to clue you in,” I reply, a stern tone to my voice but a with a playful wink.

Baden laughs and tips his chair back. “Fair enough. But you’re coming to the party on Sunday, aren’t you? It’ll be a good way for you to meet everyone.”

My belly pitches with anxiety at the thought of attending a social event. Tomorrow Brienne is hosting an informal and impromptu party for the Titans, and while I’m invited as a member of the executive management team, I haven’t yet committed. It’s hard for me to talk to people, and it has everything to do with my scars.

Before the fire, I was a spirited extrovert who could walk into a crowd of a hundred strangers without batting an eye. But since, I’ve become so shy and withdrawn due to my insecurities, the effort to be social is quite painful.

“You really need to come,” Baden says before I can deliver up some lame excuse. “In fact, Sophie and I would be glad to pick you up so we can all go together.”

I open my mouth, not quite sure if I’m going to accept or make up a semi-legitimate reason that might get me out of it, when the door opens again, and from the corner of my eye, I note more people entering the room.

Several players—those the filmmaker wants to focus on—file in, so it’s not a surprise when Gage appears since he’s a league veteran. I do know, based on talks with Baden and Brienne and just through the background research I’ve done regarding the Titans, that Gage seems to be the glue holding the team together. With him coming out of retirement to join the Titans, his story will probably be highlighted in the documentary.

Gage’s eyes meet mine, widen in surprise, and then… pleasure?

His smile gets bigger as he comes around the opposite side of the long conference table to take the seat on my other side. He lifts a chin to Baden and then nudges me with his arm. “Fancy meeting you here.”

“What are the chances?” I say with a laugh, but then Brienne’s calling for order as the players finish choosing their seats. I know them by name and by sight—I did my research on their bios. My job as media liaison requires that I know these men well.

“Everybody may be seated,” Brienne says, and I perch forward on my chair, ready to type notes on my tablet.

I glance to my right at Gage and find him watching me. I smile meekly and duck my head, my cheeks heating, but I catch the quick wink he gives me that makes my heart jump.

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