Home > Reckless Truths (Lost Kings MC #21)(88)

Reckless Truths (Lost Kings MC #21)(88)
Author: Autumn Jones Lake

“Juliet’s like my niece, you clown,” Dex seethes. “Watch yourself.”

“I said she’s cute, not that I wanted to—”

“Don’t finish that sentence,” Dex warns.

Rav wisely shuts his mouth.

“All right.” Rock slaps the table. “We good?”

Everyone says yes and Rock lets us go.

Except me.

“Stop right there.” Rock stands, blocking my path.

Murphy’s halfway to the door but he stops and reverses direction.

“Not you,” Rock says.

“Nah, Prez.” Murphy crosses his arms over his chest. “I think your VP should stick around for this conversation.”

I don’t dare laugh.

“What’s with you?” Rock asks me.

“Nothing. I just fucking hate spending time there, that’s all.”

“Club. First.” Rock enunciates each word slowly. “Or did you forget that?”

It’s not even a business the club needs any more. I bite my tongue to stop myself from expressing that opinion. As I get older, I like to think I’ve learned when to share my thoughts and when to keep my mouth shut. Unfortunately, I fail at it more often than I want to admit.

“Is Crystal Ball still good for the club?” There, that’s more diplomatic.

Rock stares at me.

Shit, did I actually leave him speechless?

Murphy lets out a long, shrill whistle. “He’s got a point.”

“Does he?” Rock asks.

Murphy runs his hand over the back of his neck. “Yeah.”

Rock turns to me. “Do we or do we not still wash the cash from selling Sparky’s crops through CB?”

“Yeah,” I admit. “We do. We also wash it through Furious.”

“On paper, we sell enough protein powder to leave a herd of elephants constipated,” Murphy confirms.

Rock stares at him for a long moment. “Thanks for the visual.”

I try again. “Once the funeral home’s set up, we can use that—”

“Marcel,” he says slowly. “We’ve never shared our investment windfall with National. How’s it going to look when Priest visits and we’re all fucking around? There aren’t enough dead bodies in Slater to account for that kind of money.”

“Market continues on its downturn, we won’t have to worry about it,” I mumble.

“That got you worried?” Rock asks.

I shrug. “Not really. I pulled enough cash out. I keep us diversified. Smartest move is to stay the course. Historically, things always bounce back. Just might take a while.” I pause for a second. “I know you think I yank my dick and play farmer at my house all day long but I do actually manage the club’s investments.”

“Never said otherwise.” Rock tilts his head, studying me for a second. “Charlotte got a problem with you being at CB?”

“She’s working late, I haven’t had a chance to tell her—”

“I mean in general.”

“What woman likes her man hanging around a strip club?” I ask. “You might believe Hope when she says it doesn’t bother her—”

“Leave my wife out of this.”

I hit a nerve with that one, so I retreat.

Murphy catches my eye and cocks his head. His expression says tell him. “How come you’re not sending Murphy?” I ask instead.

Murphy glares at me.

Rock doesn’t answer.

“You don’t want to risk upsetting Heidi when she’s so close to her due date?” I guess.

Rock sighs. “Wrath claims his presence at Furious is vital.”

“More vital than Wrath’s?” I raise both eyebrows.

“I know you think I’m at the gym yanking my dick and lifting weights all day, but I do actually work.” Murphy mimics my earlier comment.

Did I sound like that much of a jackass?

“Charlotte’s pregnant,” I blurt out. “She’s working late trying to wrap up some of her cases to hand over to Mara and another friend of hers.”

Rock’s harsh expression softens. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“It’s early. We’re trying to be cautious.” I swallow hard, not wanting to share so much. But Blake already knows and Charlotte finally talked about it with the girls. “She had a miscarriage last year, so she wants to wait to tell everyone. Make sure everything’s okay.”

“Aw, fuck, Marcel. I’m sorry. I wish you’d said something.”

I shrug. “What’s there to say? She had a tough time moving past it. Didn’t want to tell anyone.” I run my hands through my hair. “Looking back, I probably should’ve made her talk to someone sooner.”

“I don’t think ‘making’ Charlotte do anything will end well for you, bro,” Murphy says, lightening things up a little.

Rock huffs out a short laugh then turns serious again. “I’m sorry, Marcel.”

“Thanks.” Now I really feel like a jerk. “I’m sorry I gave you a hard time. I just…” I wave my hands in the air. “The club’s supposed to be about freedom and not doing shit we don’t want to do. I really hate being ordered to work at Crystal Ball like I’m a fucking prospect all over again.”

Rock’s mouth twists, like he’s trying not to laugh. “I’m proud of you for correctly identifying your feelings.”

“It’s only taken him thirty-two years,” Murphy mutters.

Ignoring him, Rock adds, “And I accept the apology.”

“I won’t give Dex any more shit tonight,” I promise.

“Thank you.” He pauses. “I hear what you’re saying. That’s always been the paradox of the club. The goal is not to conform. To live outside of society’s rules. And we do—to a certain extent. But we have lots of rules and laws defining our world. They’re our rules, though. You see the difference?”

“Yeah, I do.”

His mouth quirks. “There’re fine lines separating antisocial outlaws who keep to themselves, outright anarchy, and spending your life in and out of prison.”

“I’ll choose option A.”

“I thought so.” He holds out one arm, motioning me closer. “According to Dex, things are working out well with Loco’s girls coming in. And the amateur night is new. That’s why he wants extra help. Make sure Loco’s girls are looked after, okay?”

“I will.”

Murphy claps his hands together. “Everyone feel better?”

Rock hugs each of us to his sides. He squeezes me harder than necessary and leans closer to my ear. “You get mouthy with me like that at the table again, I’m going to take you out back and clean your clock. You feel me?”

“Clean my clock.” I smirk. “Who still says that?”

“I do.” Rock pushes us away. “Get out of here.”



We step out of the clubhouse and find Wrath, Dex, and Ravage waiting for us outside the garage. Wrath’s even more irritable than he was at the table, glaring at us as we cross the gravel lot.

“The fuck took so long?” He runs his shrewd enforcer gaze over me. “Shame you’re in one piece. I hoped Rock was kicking your ass.”

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