Home > The Trouble with Whiskey(17)

The Trouble with Whiskey(17)
Author: Melissa Foster

Her stomach knotted up as they followed a crowd through the gates. Kids were begging to go on rides, tugging their parents’ hands, and chattering about everything they wanted to do. She glanced at Dare, remembering the cute school-age boy who had been all attitude and the cocky teenager who’d oozed nearly as much testosterone as the man beside her, bringing years of memories rushing back. Good memories. Memories Billie didn’t want to forget, but she’d left that thrill-seeking lifestyle behind for a reason.

“Like what you see, darlin’?”

She realized she was staring at him. He was still so full of himself, which should be a turnoff, but it wasn’t. “I’m trying to decide whether I want to slap you or hug you.”

“Given what I heard when I walked into your house, I’d say you want to do more than hug me, and I’m not into slapping, but if that’s your thing…”

She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help her smile. “Shut up. I can’t believe you drove all this way when you know I won’t go on the rides.”

“I don’t know that, and who says I want to go on the rides, anyway? I thought we’d just walk around and talk about old times.”

“You did not.”

He laughed and slung an arm around her shoulders, tugging her closer as they walked through the crowded park, just like old times. “You’re right, Mancini. Is it so bad that I hoped you might go on one ride with me and remember that life wasn’t always just about the bar?”

“My life isn’t just about the bar.” Who’s the impostor now?

“Really? I’m all ears. Fill me in on your hobbies.”

“I have lots of them. The biggest one is avoiding you,” she said sassily.

“Well, you suck at that one, so it’s time for a new one. Seriously, what do you do for fun these days?”

“Nothing you’d find exciting.”

“Try me, because I think your shower was pretty exciting.”

“Dare.” She tried to shrug out from under his arm, but he tightened his grip on her, guiding her in the direction of the go-karts.

“I’ll stop giving you shit about that.”

“No, you won’t.”

“Yeah, probably not. But what do you expect? It was the highlight of my year.” He tugged her down a path to their right that she knew led to the aerial adventure area.

“You must’ve had a pretty lame year so far.”

“Nice try. Hobbies, Mancini. Cough ’em up.”

“I do lots of things. I go running and hang out with Bobbie and watch movies.”

Dare feigned a yawn.

“Would you stop? I like my life just the way it is.”

“If that’s true, then I’m glad. But I can’t imagine leaving everything I loved behind like you did. Don’t you miss all the fun the three of us used to have?”

“Of course I miss it.”

She was pleasantly surprised that he didn’t push for more as they made their way to the aerial adventure course. Just the sight of the massive webs of thick ropes, cargo nets, and Burma Bridges spanning acres of ground and unimaginable heights made her blood pump faster.

A challenge sparked in Dare’s eyes. “As I recall, I beat you the last time we raced across the multivines.” Multivines were cable-and-rope courses between two platforms where they walked across a cable thirty-plus feet above the ground, using only strategically spaced dangling ropes for support.

“You beat me by two seconds,” she reminded him.

He shrugged one shoulder. “It’s still a win.”


“I seem to remember you rubbing my nose in my loss when you beat me by one second on the alpine roller coaster.”

She grinned. “That was pretty awesome, and I still hold that record.”

“Care for a rematch on the multivines? Or does this little ropes course count as a ride you’re not going on? We can start on the kiddie ropes until you’re used to using your muscles again.”

“Shut up. My muscles are just fine.”

“I don’t know. I mean, shower workouts don’t use all the muscles rope climbing does.” He laughed, and she swatted him.

“Put your money where your mouth is, Whiskey. Twenty bucks says I’ll beat you.”

He shielded his mouth, speaking into her ear. “Hear that, girl? My bestie’s coming out, so you best beware.”

“You’re a fool,” she said as they went to get their equipment.

They suited up with helmets and all the necessary safety equipment, and as they headed over to the course, Dare said, “I want to start small, on the spiderweb.”


“I haven’t climbed in a while and want to get my footing. You gonna give me shit about it?”

No, because I know you’re doing it to protect me. “I always knew you were a little soft.”

He swatted her ass, and she yelped and took off running toward the course. He was hot on her heels, but she scampered up to get hooked to the belay line.

Before their parents agreed to take them to the park the first time, Dare’s father had built a small rope-climbing course in the woods at the ranch for them to practice on. Billie, Dare, and Eddie had used that course every day for months, and they’d come up with all sorts of plans to expand it, but they were always too busy to follow through.

Billie had a momentary flash of unease as they started climbing the massive spiderweb, balancing on wiggling ropes. She knew it was just because she’d beat into her own head that she was never doing these things again.

“You okay, Mancini?” Dare asked.

“Yes,” she bit out, angry at herself for her unease. All around them, kids and adults were climbing and swinging. She felt ridiculous for hesitating and started to give herself a pep talk. But Dare moved behind her, caging her in with his big body. His rugged scent infiltrated her senses, and all those magnificent muscles pressed against her back.

“What are you doing?” And why does it have to feel so good?

“Making sure you don’t fall.”

His warm breath slid over her cheek, alighting tingles beneath her skin. “I don’t need you behind me.”

“Is that an invitation to come inside you?”

Her entire body flamed. She struggled against that delicious thought and managed, “When did you get so dirty?” And why do I have to like it so much?

“I’ve always been dirty, darlin’. You’ve just never let me get close enough to melt that layer of ice you’ve been wearing for far too long.”

“Well, stop it! You’re making me hot.”

He lowered his face, his whiskers brushing her cheek, sending scintillating sensations slithering down her body as he said, “I’ve got the image of your naked body seared into my brain. Sure you want to talk about hot?” He leaned into her, her temperature spiking. “Or are you going to move that fine ass and start climbing?”

“If you move, I’ll move.”

“A’right, but I’m not sure this is the place for it.” His hips gyrated.

“Dare! Ohmygod! Quit it!” She felt her cheeks burning, but that was nothing compared to the inferno he was causing inside her.

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