Home > The Dragon's Promise(10)

The Dragon's Promise(10)
Author: Elizabeth Lim

  Annoyance mounted in my chest, and Kiki pinched my arm, warning me to stay calm.

  While I gritted my teeth, Solzaya regarded her son. “Never once have you mentioned a desire to find a companion. I find it odd that you saw fit to bestow on this girl a piece of your pearl—”

  “A very small piece,” Seryu muttered.

  “—especially before you’ve even reached your full form.” Lady Solzaya touched her necklace, and the shards tinkled a soft, chiming song. “But His Eternal Majesty has approved your choice. It will be honored. Today.”

  “Today?” I repeated, my eyes widening.

  “No need for such agitation. It will be a private affair, only for family.”

  That wasn’t the reason I was agitated, and I was certain that Solzaya knew it.

  “All of Seryu’s cousins have already arrived,” she went on, “and they have pledged not to try and kill you—or each other.”

  “All of them?” Seryu said with a frown. “I doubt Elang is making an appearance.”

  “The High Lord of the Westerly Seas knows better than to show his face at court,” said Solzaya airily. “But maybe he’ll come to see the pearl.”

  I glanced at Lady Nahma. She had been silent ever since her arrival, her composure unruffled by Lady Solzaya’s antagonism toward me. But at the mention of Seryu’s cousin, Nahma’s lips pursed ever so slightly.

  I was the only one who noticed, and Nahma looked up from the ground, catching my stare.

  Her eyes didn’t glitter or gleam, as did the dragons’. Her eyes were moored to the earth and were brown, like mine. Easily overlooked. Easily capable of hiding a trove of secrets.

  “You will be in good hands,” Solzaya was saying. “Lady Nahma is my brother’s wife, the honorable Lady of the Southerly Seas, and it isn’t every day that she personally offers to prepare someone for the binding rites.”

  Nahma made a graceful bow. “I was one of the first companions ever selected in Ai’long,” she said quietly. “I know better than most how difficult the change can be.”

  “Now, now, don’t scare her off,” Solzaya chided. “Have a care, Nahma. I don’t want to live with a despondent son for the next millennium.”

  “Just kidnap him another princess, then,” I said acidly. “We humans are all the same anyway. I doubt he’d notice.”

  The barb was meant for Seryu, but if he flinched, I didn’t catch it. Solzaya’s laughter was too distracting.

  “Seryu, Seryu…,” she said, tilting her head back with amusement. “You’ve made an interesting choice. I look forward to seeing what Shiori’anma becomes.”

  The way she said it unsettled me. What she becomes.

  “Now, you both have lingered enough,” Solzaya said. “Say your goodbyes. You’ll not see each other again until the ceremony.”

  Seryu caught my sleeve before I turned away. “Remember what I told you.”

  “That you’re saving my life?” I dipped my head into a mock bow. I was still furious with him. “Thank you, Prince Seryu. I look forward to finding out what I become.”

  “You’ll find Aunt Nahma’s company pleasant, I’m sure,” he said, ignoring my tart remarks. More pleasant than my mother’s, he left unsaid. “She’ll take good care of you.”

  “The way you did?” I replied. My words were low, though I was sure Solzaya and Nahma could hear. “I thought you were my friend, Seryu. I trusted you.”

  Seryu’s laugh had little humor to it.

  “I know,” he said, and as he let go of me, a wave of water swept me off my feet and carried me deep into the Dragon King’s palace.



An aggressive current jostled me forward, forcing me to trail Lady Solzaya and Lady Nahma down a wing of green marble pillars. I fought back as best as I could, and at some point I must have successfully annoyed Solzaya, for the mirror shards on her neck popped off and flew to my side, each bearing the dragon’s irritated reflection.

  She spoke through the shards. “The longer you detain us, the less time you’ll have for your farewells.”

  Even if I had known what she was talking about, I wouldn’t have cared.

  My every thought was dedicated to devising a means of escape. My options were bleak. The walls emitted a siren when I edged too close, alerting everyone to my movements. And sharks, jellyfish, and octopuses patrolled every corner. The palace was far too well secured.

  You should smile, whispered Kiki from inside my sleeve. Tell a few jokes. Sing a song. Maybe then Seryu’s mother will let down her guard.

  I gritted my teeth. “It’s a little too late to ingratiate myself, don’t you think?”

  Solzaya’s mirror shards glinted in agreement. They nipped at my heels, pushing me insistently forward.

  Soon my surroundings transformed. The singing walls vanished, and the marble columns stretched into long walls that closed off my view of the open seas.

  One of Solzaya’s shards scraped my cheek, and the water gathered in strength, scooping me up and delivering me to the dragon’s side.

  Seryu’s mother clucked her tongue. “You’re wasting your time looking for an escape. The halls change at my whim, and the palace is impossible for humans to navigate. Nowhere in Ai’long can you hide a pearl as dark and abominable as the one you carry.”

  “I wasn’t looking for an escape,” I lied.

  The dragon’s golden eyes danced with mirth. “It’s funny. Most mortals would beg to be in your position. During Nahma’s time, humans threw themselves into the ocean for a chance to become our companions.” Solzaya paused deliberately. “I suppose you and Nahma have your resistance in common. Both of you did start out with a death sentence.”

  I sent a curious glance at Nahma, but she was silent as ever.

  “That isn’t how the story is told on land,” I said. “People didn’t willingly throw themselves into the sea. They were kidnapped. Or sacrificed to appease your kind.”

  “Humans have a terrible memory,” replied Solzaya. “To be expected, given your short lives. Consider yourself blessed, Shiori’anma. Other bloodsakes perished before reaching the age of eighteen, but you…you will live forever. Here, with us.”

  “You dragons have a deluded sense of what it means to be fortunate,” I muttered.

  “Would you prefer to endure a selection rite, as Lady Nahma did? Because that can be arranged.”

  “The entire affair is barbaric.”

  “Is it so different in your realm? You had an arrangement to be married, did you not? To a young lord in the North, I saw.”

  At the mention of Takkan, my heart skipped. “You saw?”

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