Home > The Immortal Tailor(36)

The Immortal Tailor(36)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Funny. He didn’t even care. The world he’d created, along with all its comforts, had shifted. His shop was still important, but that was about it.

“You’ve been quiet.” Sky’s hazy form stood in front of him, leaning against the balcony’s railing.

“Not much to say.”

“Was Elenore able to keep the rest of the immortal creatures away?”

He threw back his scotch and set the glass on the table beside him. “She texted. The power never came back, and the event holders called it quits around noon. She and her gang followed them all home. They’re probably snacks by now.”

“That’s good news.”


She crouched in front of him, taking his hand. “Damien, tell me what’s wrong. I can feel you’re holding something back.”

He gently slid his hand away and studied the night sky off in the distance. He didn’t even know the time. Two? Three? Who-the-hell-cares a.m. in the morning? “How did you learn to do this?”

“Do what?”

“Appear. Fuck. Drive. Text,” he said calmly. “Someone had to teach you.”

Sky blinked her warm brown eyes and stood again. “I don’t know what you mean, Damien.” Suddenly her form began to fade.

“Don’t you dare run away, Sky.” His voice was firm. “You answer my question honestly, or we are done. I will find a way to detach you from my life.”

Her faded form flickered as she looked away.

“Tell me,” he demanded.

Sky sighed with regret. “You’ll find out eventually, so I guess it should be me to tell you; Cimil said she could bring me back in another body. All I had to do was convince you to take the job.”

Bring her back? How? And… “What job?” he growled in a low voice.

“I don’t know. Something about you being a sort of enforcer? It sounded like a big role, making sure any remaining immortals didn’t cause problems while the gods are away.”

How had she hidden this from him?

She added, “This whole thing is one big job interview.”

This had been Cimil’s plan all along? Make him run around, flipping over rocks, looking for clues, all so they could corner him into a job he had no interest in?

“And the tortured immortals? The trafficking of humans? Were those part of this fucking interview?” he snarled.

Sky shook her head. “I really don’t know. Cimil just said I had to trust her and have faith.”

Faith. Faith! Faith? Faith that the gods would lie to him, manipulate him, play with his life? Not to mention everyone else who was involved.

“Well, tell her and her brethren that they can go fuck themselves. I will not play immortal babysitter or sheriff to whatever is left of the immortal world.”

“I can’t hold my form much longer. But just know…” Sky swallowed and stared down at the floor. “If you pass the interview and take the role, the gods won’t just give me back my life. They’ll give Willa back hers, too.”

Damien felt his heart skip a beat. “Willa?” Damien jerked to his feet and stepped away from Sky.

“I figured,” Sky muttered, looking away.

“Figured what?”

“Cimil didn’t tell me who Willa is, but I guessed she’s someone important. Someone you loved. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you.” Sky exhaled hard. “I love you, Damien. I can’t explain why or how, because I barely know you, but when I was in the Underworld, and it was time to decide where to go, all I could think about was getting back to you. I just wanted you.”

Damien frowned. How could he believe anything she said now? Sky had been keeping information from him all along. Not only that, she’d played a hand in assisting Cimil to manipulate him.

Let me handle them, tailor. I know what to do with liars and cheats. Damien felt his beast attempting to push to the surface, but he pushed him down.

“Then this has worked out perfectly,” Damien said. “I will take the job if offered.”

“You will?” Sky sounded relieved.

“Yes. And with your new body, my debt will be paid to you.” It was the right thing to do.

“What about us?” she said, sounding wounded.

“There is no us.” Damien did not do relationships.

“But I know you feel something for me.”

“Do you honestly believe I would agree to this scheme—you getting a second chance at life—if there was the slightest chance of me having feelings toward you? Think, Sky. You are smart. Why would I do that? Why sentence you to be the victim of my curse a second time?”

“But, Damien, I don’t think you understand what the curse—”

“Goodbye, Sky. I do not wish to see you again.”

Sky remained silent for a long moment. “I’m going to miss you. You are truly a remarkable guy. You might not see it, but your lack of caring is more than most people are willing to give these days.”

Yes, well, his father had taught him well. Damien had a duty to act honorably in his name. Except when he was killing people because he’d let his beast out.

“Goodbye,” she added and faded away.


The next morning, Damien put on his navy-blue suit and pale blue tie with black checkers. It was a suit he’d purchased in Italy while on a buying trip. Some customers preferred the name brands. He preferred custom-made. But this particular suit had been sitting on display, and he’d bought it for himself. Sometimes, he wanted to feel like a regular man, and this was just the sort of suit for such an occasion.

He got in his work van and backed out. Just as he was about to close the garage, Bonbon and Gorgonzolina trotted after him. Pet was riding Bonbon’s neck.

Damien rolled down his window. “What are you doing?”

“We’re going with you,” Pet said.

“You cannot.” Some things, a tailor had to do on his own.

“Sky told us about Cimil’s offer. She never should have lied to you,” Bonbon said. “On the other hand, you did kill her, so if she can forgive you for that, maybe you can forgive her for the lie.”

Damien frowned. “There is nothing to forgive. I am what I am. So stay. Go. Do what you like, but it is time for the three of you to accept the truth of what I am.”

He rolled up his window.

You are using me as an excuse to be alone, tailor. I have no interest in killing such pathetic creatures.

“My curse does not care.”

Cimil said she would remove it. So ask her to do it. It is time to be free of Willa, not bring her back.

Perhaps. But breaking his curse changed nothing. He still had his brother, who could not be trusted nor controlled one hundred percent of the time.

“I won’t truly be free until I’m free of you, brother.”

You’ll never get rid of me, so deal with it.

“I plan to.” Very, very soon.

Damien put the van into drive, heading for downtown LA.






Damien checked the building’s directory. SBP Pharmaceuticals was indeed on the top floor of the same office building where Cimil had sent him a few short days ago. This was the confirmation he dreaded seeing. The gods had to know about the operation at the very least.

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