Home > The Watcher (Men of Hidden Justice #4)(42)

The Watcher (Men of Hidden Justice #4)(42)
Author: Melanie Moreland

I watched Raven walk into the restroom. Another camera caught the maintenance man as he stepped out of the bushes by the back door, pushing his bin. I watched in horror as moments later, I spoke to him, then he disappeared.

“She was right there,” I murmured. “Right fucking there under some bags.” My breathing picked up. “That was Andy?”

“In disguise,” Egan murmured. “I’m trying to track him with all the cameras.”

The maintenance man moved through the park slowly, never rushing. He passed some of my people, not even reacting. He veered off the road and disappeared off-camera.

“Find him,” I growled, already dispatching men to the location.

“He had this all planned. He followed us all day, waiting for the right moment. He hid in plain sight. I fucking talked to him.” I grabbed my hair. “He gave me her purse, and she was right there. Right fucking there!” I roared.

He had access to the buildings. He knew his way around. He’d planned every step of this. He hadn’t gone away the way Raven had hoped. He’d stepped back and planned this out. He knew he would find a moment he could grab her.

But how? How did he know we’d be here? How was he doing this?

“How did he turn off her tracker?”

Egan shifted. “I think the blood we saw was her head hitting the sink. I think when that happened, the tracker was broken. It was in her earring, right?”

“One of them, yes.”

The thought of how hard she would have hit her head, that she was hurt, held hostage by Andy, made me ill. Once again, I had to force down the terror and focus on finding her.

We were given more room, and I sat beside Egan, helping track Andy down. I fixated on the task, refusing to give in to my panic. Raven needed me now, and I would not let her down.

Ten minutes later, we had traced his steps. We caught the tail end of the cart as he went off the main path, and we found him walking into an old, unused shed. Seconds later, he emerged, his disguise gone, his usual hoodie in place. He carried a heavy bag over his shoulder and jogged around the building, only to disappear again. Egan began scanning the perimeter cameras and pointed. “There!”

Andy emerged from behind the building and headed to a small, inconspicuous gray car that was parked in the bushes. He tossed the bag into the trunk and slammed the lid, hurrying to the driver’s seat. Knowing Raven was inside that bag, I became more furious. Seeing the careless way he handled her made my hands clench. I would be repaying every bump, bruise, and injury he caused her, tenfold. The car lurched forward, disappearing off-camera.

“How long ago?” I asked.

“Twenty minutes.”

“Did you get a plate?”

“No. I can hack into traffic cameras. But I need to get to the office.”

“Send all this footage there.”


“We need to go there right now.” My people wouldn’t find her here. We were too late.

He pressed a comforting hand to my shoulder. “We will find her. End him,” he added. “He will pay for touching what is yours.”

“Yes.” My gaze drifted to the screen.

“Hang on, Raven. I’m coming,” I whispered.

I could only pray she knew that and would be strong until I got to her. I needed her to be.

I was terrified to think of what would happen if I was too late.









I woke, pain the first conscious feeling. Terror was my second. Caution, the third. My head ached, my body was sore, and my cheek felt as if it was on fire. I slowly opened my eyes, only seeing blackness. The ground beneath me was cold, damp, solid. I tried to flex my feet and hands, surprised to find them working. Something cold and heavy was on my neck, and I lifted my hands, shocked to feel a thick metal collar around my throat. I traced the edges, feeling the weight of the chain it was attached to. Tamping down my fear, I carefully sat up, dizzy and disoriented, my stomach lurching as I moved. There was a wall behind me, and I leaned against it, wetting my dry lips and swallowing. Struggling to remember what happened. Desperately trying not to scream. I knew it would bring someone running, and I was certain I didn’t want that.

Taking Cindy to the bathroom was my last coherent thought. Rinsing my hands off in the sink, hearing a noise, and glancing up, shocked to see an older man behind me. “I think you have the wrong restroom,” I said. “The men’s room—”

He smiled, an evil, twisted smile, and raised his arm. A wooden mallet was the last thing I saw before pain exploded in my head. The feel of the cold, hard porcelain sink hitting my face was all I remembered before the dark claimed me.

I hadn’t recognized the older man. I shook my head as a shiver ran through me.

Who was he?

I had my answer a few moments later. The scraping of a heavy door echoed in the room, and dim light spilled in. Lifting my head, I blinked, trying to focus. Through the pain and the tears in my eyes, it was difficult. Until he spoke, and ice ran through my veins.

“Well, well. What have we here?”


I stifled a sob, too frightened to speak. To make a sound.

“Tsk. Cat got your tongue?” he asked snidely, advancing.

I curled up as tightly as I could, unsure what he was going to do next.

He hunched down, his face close to mine. “You treated me like a dog, Raven. Threw me a few scraps and ran, leaving me hungry.” He lifted the chain, pulling on it. “I thought I’d give you a taste of your own medicine.”

I couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped my throat.

“Not so tough when your bodyguard isn’t around, are you?” He laughed, the high-pitched sound making me grimace.

“Please, Andy, don’t do this,” I begged, my voice hoarse. “Let me go.”

“After all the trouble I went through to get you?” he asked. “No.”

“Damien will find me. He will punish you. If you let me go, I’ll make sure he doesn’t touch you.”

He laughed again, shaking his head. “Still lying. I’ll cure you of that.”

“He’ll find you. He’s going to be so angry,” I said, trying to sound threatening, but instead, my voice was weak. Pitiful.

“Not going to happen, Ms. Raven,” he mocked. “You can’t find what doesn’t exist.”

I frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“Exactly,” he spat. “None of you did.” He tugged on the chain, sending me to the ground, the chill seeping into my skin.

“You are going to stay here and rot until you learn to love me. By the time I’m finished with you, I will own you. Every single inch of you. Forget about everything and everybody else, Raven. Your inept bodyguard will never find you. No one will. He’ll forget and move on. You’ll be mine once you accept the darkness.” He strode to the door. “And me.”

The sound of the metal slamming sent shudders through me.

I shut my eyes, letting my tears soak the ground.

“Damien,” I whispered. “Please. Please.”

Another sob escaped.

“Find me.”




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