Home > The Akseli (Aldebarian Alliance #4)(39)

The Akseli (Aldebarian Alliance #4)(39)
Author: Dianne Duvall

“So you’re saying your ass is fierce?” she quipped. “Now I like it even more.”

That sparked another laugh from Soval. And Simone caught a glimpse of a dimple in Janwar’s cheek before he hastily schooled his expression into an appropriately forbidding mask. He sent her a narrow-eyed look of warning, then turned away.

“What is a fetish?” Soval rumbled.

“It’s… something someone is excessively interested in, I guess, sometimes in a sexual manner. Shoes. A certain body part. That sort of thing. Some people on Earth say aliens have been abducting Earthlings and probing their butts. I can’t imagine what you can learn from a butt that you can’t learn from a cheek swab or blood sample, so I figured they must have a fetish.”

“Who the srul has been visiting your planet?” Soval muttered.

While Simone continued to chatter with Soval and marvel over the bar’s patrons, the warrior in her cataloged everyone she saw and mentally divided the clientele into four categories: down-on-their-luck individuals who wished to drown their sorrows, adventure seekers like the Purveli males and Segonian soldiers who wanted to cut loose and have a good time, low-level criminals looking for victims to pickpocket or cheat out of some credits, and beings who warranted serious monitoring. The latter boasted multiple weapons, dangerous demeanors, and dead eyes that said they’d sell their youngest child for a profit… or kill anyone for a credit.

Anyone but Janwar, it would seem. All gave him a wide berth, stepping out of his way as he approached to let him pass.

Though the styles of their garments varied, everyone present was fully clothed except for a few women she suspected were prostitutes because they might as well be wearing postage stamps for all the coverage they got. She spied no bare-chested men, no shorts, and no skirts despite the heat that permeated the air outside. Air that she dearly wished they would allow entry into this establishment. Sheesh, this place reeked. Since none of the surfaces seemed particularly clean, she wondered if everyone here might wish to cover as much skin as possible to avoid contamination.

Janwar stopped beside an empty booth and motioned for her to sit.

She took a moment to remove the sheathed katanas from her back, then did so, scooting over to make room for him. Once he slid into the booth beside her, they sat with their backs to a wall and could see everyone in the tavern.

Simone smiled as she lay her weapons on the table. She was sitting in an actual… alien… bar.

How cool was that?


Janwar settled beside Simone, his spirits far lighter than they ordinarily would’ve been under such circumstances.

Soval lowered his hulking body into the seat across from them, then shifted to the side so he wouldn’t block their view. He studied Simone. “Why are you smiling?”

Janwar glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

Her expression said that should be obvious. “I’m sitting in an alien bar full of dozens of aliens on an alien planet. And I’m accompanied by the two best-looking aliens in the place.”

Vuan if Soval’s cheeks didn’t darken at the compliment.

Stifling a snort, Janwar returned to studying the room.

A waitress approached, carrying a tray that held three glasses. Her anxious blue eyes only met his for an instant. Then she hastily averted her gaze and placed the drinks on the table with shaking hands. As soon as she finished, she scuttled away.

“What was that all about?” Simone asked.

He shrugged and sipped his drink. “Most here are aware of my reputation.”

She arched a brow. “Does that reputation include groping waitresses against their will or something?”

He stiffened. “I don’t abuse females.”

“Good to know.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “Relax. I didn’t think you were the type. You could’ve groped me dozens of times by now but haven’t. I merely wondered why she was acting like you two used to be lovers, then parted ways, and now she’s worried you found out she used your favorite shirt to scrub the lav.”

Once more, he found himself wanting to laugh. Instead, he shook his head. “Certain incidents in my past have been greatly exaggerated, leading many to believe that I’ll kill for the slightest offense.”

“I can see how that might aid you in your current occupation.” She tilted her head to one side. “But it must also make life lonely.”

Janwar didn’t know how to respond to that. He doubted anyone other than Lisa or Taelon would even care if he and his crew were lonely.

When neither he nor Soval said anything, Simone reached for her drink.

Janwar touched her hand before she could raise the glass to her lips. “Careful. It’s potent enough that even Soval has to drink it slowly. Someone your size…”

“Should tread carefully?” She smiled. “Thanks for the heads-up.”

Combatting an increasingly familiar urge to twine his fingers through hers, he withdrew his touch, conscious of the gazes on them.

In the next instant, Simone raised the glass to her lips, tilted her head back, and downed the entire contents.

Janwar and Soval gaped.

Alarm struck. Janwar hadn’t exaggerated when he’d warned her. Suja was the most potent drink he’d ever ingested. His first glass had resulted in Krigara having to sling him over his shoulder and carry him back to the ship.

Simone slammed the glass down on the table. Her eyes narrowed to squints and teared up as she swallowed. Then her mouth popped open and emitted a gust of air flavored with the powerful drink. “Wow,” she wheezed and hit herself in the chest several times with a fist, “you weren’t kidding. That shit burns all the way down.”

His heart pounded a frantic rhythm as he waited to see how it would affect her. He knew so little about her species. Would she pass out? Become ill? It wouldn’t stop her heart, would it? Why the srul hadn’t he consulted Chief Medic Adaos about what was safe and what wasn’t safe for her to eat or drink?

Simone stretched her arms out in front of her and flattened her hands on the table as if to brace herself while she coughed and drew in a couple of deep breaths.

Soval shot him a look of fear that Janwar hadn’t even seen on his face during battle.

Then Simone’s shoulders relaxed. Her pretty brown eyes ceased squinting, and she blinked back the tears. Eyebrows lowering, she pursed her lips and shook her head. “Nope. Nothing,” she declared, her melodic voice normal again. Resting her arms in her lap, she cast him a disgruntled look. “Well, that sucks.”

He stared. “What?”

“Other than burning a path down my throat, that did absolutely nothing for me. I thought I’d at least get a momentary buzz, but pfft. Nothing.” Her expression lightened as she looked back and forth between them. “What’s wrong? You two look like you’re having mini heart attacks. Did you think it would kill me or something?”

Soval grunted. “We thought it would knock you on your ass at the very least.”

She laughed. “I guess I neglected to tell you that alcoholic beverages don’t affect me. My body metabolizes and counters them too quickly.” She motioned to the empty glass and sighed. “I thought perhaps alien liquor would affect me differently, particularly after Janwar’s warning.” She narrowed her eyes at him as if it were his fault the drink hadn’t lived up to her expectations. “But it didn’t.”

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