Home > The Akseli (Aldebarian Alliance #4)(78)

The Akseli (Aldebarian Alliance #4)(78)
Author: Dianne Duvall

Janwar hesitated.

Simone drew her tronium blaster and held it out to Vedon, grip first. “Janwar is a friend of Prince Taelon. Don’t betray him.”

“We have heard rumors of their friendship and will not betray him,” Vedon stated, taking the weapon.

Janwar drew another tronium blaster from his bag and passed it to Denu.

Simone turned to M’kor. “Will you help Allison so I can take point with Janwar?”

He nodded.

But Allie didn’t want to let go of her.

“It’s okay,” Simone said in the most comforting voice she could muster as she pried her friend’s hand loose. “It’s okay, Allie. I just need to keep my hands free so I can kick ass. You remember how good I am at kicking ass, right?”

Eyes wild, Allie nodded. “I’m afraid you’ll disappear,” she admitted shakily.

Those fucking Gathendiens. Allison still worried all this was a hallucination. “I won’t disappear. I just need you to do me a favor and help M’kor.” Leaning in, she said in a conspiratorial whisper everyone could hear, “I didn’t want to mention it in front of him, but he isn’t looking so good. I’m not sure he can make it on his own. Do you think you can keep him on his feet long enough for us to get him out of here?”

Over Allison’s head, she saw M’kor‘s eyebrows fly up. But when Allison turned to look at him, he slumped his shoulders and staggered to one side with feigned weakness.

Allison threw a gloved hand out to steady him and glanced back at Simone. Her bony shoulders straightening, she nodded. “I can do it.” Moving to stand beside M’kor, she looped an arm around his waist and held on tight.

When Simone looked up at the Purveli, he winked.

Both looked ready to topple over, but she felt confident they would keep each other on their feet as she turned to Janwar. “Let’s do this.”


Janwar led the way to the door, stepping over the fallen Gathendiens.

“How close is the other lab?” Simone asked.

“Just up the corridor on the ri—“

“You won’t find more captives there,” Vedon interrupted.

Janwar turned to face him. “Are you sure?”

The Yona male nodded. “They’re conducting other experiments in there.”

Simone frowned. “What kind of experiments?”

“They’re creating Gathendien cyborgs.”

Her jaw dropped.

Janwar stared at the Yona. “Are you sure?”

Vedon nodded. “One of the scientists you slew performed the necessary surgeries. And the assistant was a braggart. He claimed he was slated to enter the program upon its completion. If all he said was true, the Chancellor of Aksel sold the Gathendiens the research they needed to create cyborgs.”

Fury consumed Janwar. That mother drekker Astennuh would sell out anyone or anything for a profit. And he was either too stupid to realize the Gathendiens would eventually turn those new cyborgs against the citizens of Aksel or too twisted to care. “Krigara, what’s your status?”

“T is downloading everything he can from the research and development files while searching for information on any other Earthlings they’ve captured.”

“How close is he to finishing?” Getting the lekadis and everyone else up the long vent shaft and onto the roof would be awkward, but Janwar thought that would be their wisest move now that they didn’t need to search the other lab. It was only a matter of time before someone noted the guards’ absence outside the lab and sounded the alarm. Then those positioned at the emergency exit around the corner would swarm inside.

Janwar glanced around. There was nothing to hide behind in here. And if they were making their way up the shaft when the alarm sounded, all the guards would have to do to kill them all was toss a grenade up it.

“I am forty-three percent finished,” T responded.

So it would probably help if Janwar bought them some time. “Work faster,” he ordered grimly. “Is maintenance headed our way?”

Krigara snorted. “Not inside. It looks like they opted the check the other malfunctions first so they could put off having to deal with the grunarks in the lab.”

Simone laughed.

“But they do plan to send a group up to the roof to check the exterior access.”

Which meant he and the others could be attacked from both above and below if they tried to exit that way. Janwar swore and met Simone’s gaze.

“If they reach the hatch before us,” she whispered, “all they’d have to do is drop a grenade down on us.”

He nodded. Their chances would be better if they navigated the hallways here in the base. More corners to hide behind. No ice or wind to hinder Simone’s movements.

“The ones inside will probably come here first,” Krigara continued, “since the officers will want to ensure their domain is safe. But don’t worry about us. We’ll take care of them.”

“Understood. We’re going to head your way now with five captives: one in a lekadis, two limping, and two Yona we’ve armed. Monitor our progress and loop the feeds in the corridors as we go so security won’t see us.”

“Already monitoring you. I’ll highlight the corridors as I loop the feeds.”

“The Yona said the Gathendiens are creating cyborgs in the other lab, so be prepared to combat those once the alarm sounds.”

Swears filled his ears. “Understood.”

Janwar stepped over the downed Gathendiens and opened the door, his rifle at the ready.

An empty hallway greeted them. Hard to believe only a few minutes had passed since they’d taken out the guards. Since none had managed to call for help and the security feed was on a loop, maybe no one would check the hallway until either the next shift change or maintenance arrived.

He and Simone exited first. Janwar moved forward with military precision, his O-rifle at the ready.

Simone stuck close to his side with a katana in one hand and a dagger in the other, looking absolutely fierce. “When we encounter hostiles,” she whispered, “You go left, I go right. You go low, I go high.”

He nodded, hoping like srul he wouldn’t accidentally shoot her. He’d never seen anyone move as fast as she could.

M’kor and Allie followed with the lekadis while the two Yona brought up the rear.

With the help of the real-time life-form scans in their helmets, they navigated three turns without running into anyone. Perhaps most of the personnel on the base were wise enough to give the lab areas a wide berth. He sure as hell would if he were stationed here.

Then their luck ran out. Three red blobs headed toward the next intersection, and he and his group were too far from the corner they’d turned to retreat and duck behind it.

“Simone,” Janwar whispered. “Can you take them out quietly?” Now that they were venturing into less isolated hallways, the bright flashes of light spawned by O-rifle fire would surely draw attention, as would the brilliant flash of a Bex-7 stun grenade.

“Yes,” she whispered back. “And I love you even more for asking me to do it.” Before he could respond, she shot forward in a blur and disappeared around the corner. Several grunts and thuds later, she returned with a broad smile. “Done.”

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