Home > AVEKE(22)

Author: Tijan

“What?” I almost squeaked, my insides clenching at just what that could be.

He gave my forehead a kiss before dropping to my mouth, and giving me another long and lingering one, one that had me a little short of breath. “Tour of Europe. You’ll see. I get inventive.”

Okay. Ignoring the sudden pitter-patter in the middle of my chest, I followed him to his office, where he was putting everything around his computer.

I frowned, seeing he was committed to this plan. “Zeke.”

He glanced back, frowning right before he turned his computer on. “Yeah, babe?”


I’d never been someone’s babe. Not even my ex had called me that, but looking at him, my mouth going dry at how good he looked, how earnest he was in breaking the law and seeing no problem in informing me that he was about to do what he was about to do, and now him calling me babe.

I was his babe. I was his.

“Did you used to come to Manny’s back in high school and sit in my section because it was my section?” I’d forgotten all about those times until Heather brought it up. Now, it was suddenly real important for me to know.

He frowned a little but jerked his head in a nod. “Yeah. I told you that I used to see you too.”

I remembered a time in Roussou. “I thought you were laughing at me.”

He went still, quieting his voice. “When?”

“When you and Blaise came to the pizza place in Roussou, to pick up a pizza for Aspen. You laughed at me.”

“I wasn’t laughing at you.”

I frowned. “You weren’t?”

“I was laughing at Blaise. You asked if he was Aspen’s boyfriend, and I thought that was the funniest thing ever because no one asked Blaise random questions like that.”

“They didn’t?”

“Most were scared of that hothead. I liked that you were asking about Aspen. It made him feel off-balance, just a bit. I wanted you to ask him more questions.”

“Right.” I was remembering the rest. “He got into a fight.”

“Yep.” The pride coming from him was…well, that was just Zeke by now. “That’s my boy. I miss that piece of hothead shit. Wish he’d decide to play over here in the US.” He took a deep breath, sat down behind his desk, and began by pulling up the internet. “The way I see it, you have three choices right now.”

“What are they?”

He looked at me, and there was no cockiness, no smart joke, no teasing, no sexual innuendo. Nothing like that. It was just Zeke looking back at me. “I’m going to do this, so you can either pretend you don’t know what I’m doing, and I’d suggest heading out for the night so you can claim you didn’t know. The second option, call and report me. I know it’s wrong, but I’m going to do it anyways.”

My mouth was dry again, and my heart was beating hard. “What’s the third option?”

“Pull up a chair and keep me company.”

I was wrong. It wasn’t just Zeke looking at me. It was my Zeke looking at me. Mine.

I was his babe, and he was just mine.

I went over to him and laid a kiss on him. “Kick some ass.”



He was adorable when he hacked.

He was quiet the whole time, but hunched over, and squinting. Randomly he’d reach for something to drink or eat, and he kept going. I knew the basics from college. Computers weren’t my forte. If I ever decided to pursue a more specialized degree, I’d need to learn, but so far, I enjoyed doing things with my hands. Zeke seemed in a whole different league, and I knew this wasn’t the first time I’d thought it. But it was the first time I wasn’t scared about it or felt small because of it. I was proud of it. I wasn’t proud of what he was doing, but in this day and age, it kinda felt nice knowing he had these skills.

It was scary what people could do in the cyber world.

My phone kept buzzing through the night, so I laid back on his couch and typed back to people.

Tasmin: Checking in on you. You okay?

Me: I’m good. With Zeke.

Tasmin: Good! Back home, and I’m drunk, but had such a good time. You’re officially in the fold now. Do you want to do drinks sometime? Or lunch? Or coffee?

This was different. Then again, since Zeke and I became Zeke and I, everything was different.

Me: Lunch would be fun sometime.

Tasmin: Great! I’ll reach out later in the week. I wouldn’t worry about Zeke. The guys always get into trouble, but they always get themselves out of trouble too.

Me: That helps to hear. Thank you. Have a nice night.

The other person was Bren.

Bren: Hey — sorry if I came across as stern and overbearing. I was just worried, but I know Zeke’s a changed guy.

I looked at him, as he was currently breaking the law a few feet away from me, then read the rest of her text.

Bren: I’ve never seen him in love before. Just, I’m here if you ever need anything. I really am here. I don’t usually reach out like this to people so yeah.

And that was major because I knew she didn’t. Bren was like me. She didn’t have a lot of female friends, or I didn’t think she did. Her crew. Her guy. Her family. Her job. That was Bren to me, but I wasn’t lying when I texted her back.

Me: I know you care. I’ve always considered myself lucky to get that from you because I know you’re not like that with just anyone. And second, thank you. I really and truly mean it. Having friends is new to me so please excuse me if I’m a bit awkward in this text.

And then there was Heather’s text, and I was laughing as I read it.

Heather: I know enough to know that little smart punk is going to do something that’ll probably be illegal, but if you need an alibi, I got you. I know people. Also, delete this text after you read it. Also also, I hope we didn’t scare you tonight. That’s a small preview of the kind of girl squad we can pull in if we need to. You’ve not even met Mama Malinda officially. She doesn’t know about you and Zeke, but when she does, brace yourself. She’s a mountain of mama love. Also also also, just know whatever happens, I’m here for you. Channing’s here for you. My entire family is here for you. This was true since you were fifteen and first began working at Manny’s. Love you lots.

Heather: If you have more ‘secrets’ for drinks, let me know because you could make a fortune private bartending. I had no idea how killer your drinks are. I’m so proud and rubbing it in Brandon’s face right now because he had no clue either.

“You okay?” Zeke asked over his shoulder, not looking away from the computer screen.

I settled back in, knowing I’d respond to Heather tomorrow. “Better than okay. I’m just right.”

He glanced back, a small grin on his face, and one that had my chest feeling little flutters.

Oh yes. He was all mine.

I was going to tell him that I loved him tomorrow.

That was my last thought before I fell asleep.



“I got it!”

I woke to Zeke’s cry, and then to his sudden, “Oh shit. Sorry, honey.”

I’d been sleeping, and where was I? A couch. I was turned around and looked over my shoulder. He was coming over, his own tired smile on his face. “Hey, babe. I’m sorry to wake you up.”

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