Home > Nobody Cares Unless You're Pretty(5)

Nobody Cares Unless You're Pretty(5)
Author: Lani Lynn Vale

-Wake to Dutch


A redhead.

I didn’t know what I expected of her when it came from a single letter, but this woman definitely wasn’t it.

She was tall, not nearly my height, no. But she was definitely taller than the average female. Five-seven or eight, if I had to guess. And those lips.

I’d never seen a set of lips on a female before that I thought I would call ‘kissable’ but those were definitely a set that I would. Her eyes were an interesting shade of blue. Not quite blue or green, but a mixture of the two. Hell, I wouldn’t even call them hazel, either, because there was no hint of brown in them at all.

And the freckles.

I’d never found them attractive before, but on this woman? She sure the fuck rocked the freckles.

Or, possibly, it was the fact that she was the first woman I’d seen outside of a guard, my daughter or my sister since I’d arrived in this place eight goddamn years ago.

Though, her in that skirt and tight sleeveless top that showed off miles of arms and legs? It might just straight up be because she worked the outfit, and her body well.

I wouldn’t necessarily call her voluptuous, per se, but she definitely had some meat on her bones. Meat that was in all the right places and was proportioned so well that it made me want to grab hold and never let go.

“So you’re Dutch?” I asked as I took a seat.

The chains around my feet and my hands rattled.

It’d be really fuckin’ nice when I didn’t have to wear these stupid things anymore.

The day that I no longer heard chains rattling all night and day, I knew that I’d sleep like a goddamn baby.

“That’s me.” Her voice was soft. Hesitant.

“Why are you here?” I asked. “To get the answer to that question?”

She tilted her head sideways, as if she wasn’t quite sure how to answer, then suddenly got up and started to walk around the room.

At first, it took me a few seconds to figure out what the hell she was doing.

Then I saw her making a purposeful search of the area.

Making sure that there were no recording devices where she could be overheard.

“This probably should’ve been the first thing that I did,” she admitted. “I had plenty of time while I waited for them to bring you in here.”

I sat back in my chair and allowed my eyes to look their fill.

“Nothing in this part of the prison,” I admitted. “It’s the deepest, most secure part, where all the lawyers conduct meetings with inmates.”

She continued to circle the room and look, even bending over near the table to look underneath, giving me an excellent view of her ass. Oh, and the panties that she was wearing.

Not that she showed me any skin, but I could definitely see the outline of her thong through the skin-tight fabric of her skirt.

My dick hardened, and I wondered if she got a good look at it before she righted herself and took her seat once again.

“Why did the guard say he should handcuff you to the table?” she asked curiously, her cheeks a little pink.

Yeah, she’d gotten a look at my dick.

“Because he should have,” I admitted. “Most do.”

She blinked. “And why didn’t he?”

“Because he trusts me not to murder you.” I shrugged. “You still want the answer to that question?”

She blinked. “Yes, why do you think I’m here?”

My lips twitched. “Because you wanted to see me squirm? I don’t know. I’m almost out of here. I have a hearing set for this week. I fuck up now, that means I’m denied parole. Taking two more years away from me, possibly. Those two years where my daughter’s still a fuckin’ kid.”

Lolo turned sixteen this year. This month, actually. I’d missed the majority of her life.

And even though my sister brought Lolo to see me, and Lolo understood why I’d been arrested and imprisoned, that still didn’t make missing her life any easier.

There was only one way I’d give up that information—how to kill someone—and the lady had hit the nail right on the head.

“I’m not here to hurt you in any way,” she admitted. “I’m here because I want to hurt someone else. I want to make it to where he’s not able to do this to someone else, which I have a feeling he’s considering his status in life. He’s ruined two lives that I know of for sure, and I’m sure it’s not the first, or the last, time he’ll do it.”

“What’s this guy’s name?” I asked, leaning back in my chair.

Dutch studied me for a long, drawn-out moment before saying, “If I tell you, that just makes you an accessory if I do a bad job at hiding my tracks. And, just sayin’, it’s gonna be hard as fuck to do as it is with who he is. Hiding it’s gonna take a miracle.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, then stared at her until she got the picture.

I wasn’t going to give her a single thing without knowing who it was.

The look on my face proved it, too.

“Senator Tony Haskins. Texas,” she whispered.


Why did that sound so familiar to me?

It wasn’t like I would really know any government people out of my own home state—who the hell did?—but the name… it rang so familiar with me that I felt that I knew him in some way.

“Why do I know that name?” I asked curiously.

“He’s been in the news a lot lately about introducing a bill that ‘protects children from depression’ and he’s getting a lot of bipartisan support for it.” She sounded disgusted. “As if he cares about kids when he did such disgusting things to his own child. Depression. Pfft.”

The sound she made caused my mouth to quirk.

I could tell with one statement how she felt about the man.

He sounded like a real winner.

And, in that moment, I made a rash decision that I hoped didn’t bite me in the ass.

“You promise, cross your heart and hope to die, stick a thousand needles in your eye, that you’ll never, ever, ever mention me again after this day?” I asked.

She leaned forward, her eyes huge, as she said, “I promise. Swear to God, I won’t.”

I searched her face. Made sure that I let her see the consequences that would befall her if she ever snitched and then took a deep breath.

“You know what lye is?”

She blinked. “Like lye the soap?”

“Yeah,” I confirmed. “The shit that you get when you make your own soap. They used to use it exclusively in the pioneer days. Now the preppers are using it, too, going back to the old ways. You need seventy-five pounds of it. Once you have it, heat it up to three hundred degrees and then submerge the body. Leave the body in it for three hours. It’ll completely dissolve it in that time.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Of course, you’re going to have to find a way to get the body into the solution. That’s going to be the hard part. My suggestion for that is to go to a trades day and get one of those massive fuckin’ cauldrons that are made out of cast iron. Depending on the size of this senator, you can use that. Start a big bonfire, then suspend it from one of those large metal triangles. I’d suggest going to a metal fabrication place and having them make you a stand. Once you’re done, I’d plant some fuckin’ pansies in it.”

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