Home > The Next Best Day(55)

The Next Best Day(55)
Author: Sharon Sala

   “Someone’s pay is going to get docked for that,” Louise said.

   Shirl rolled her eyes, and Rita laughed.

   “’Bout scared the pee out of me,” Rita said, which made Shirl laugh.

   And then the diners picked up their conversations as if the crash had never occurred, and slowly, Katie’s heart kicked back into a normal rhythm. As Louise turned loose of Katie’s arm, Katie leaned back in the chair, giving Louise a grateful glance.

   Louise winked and then spotted a scattering of crumbs on her blouse and looked up at the girls.

   “When was one of you gonna tell me these crumbs were on my shirt? It looks like I’ve been puttin’ out bird feed, for pity’s sake.”

   They laughed again, and then ate their way through dessert before parting ways.

   Louise walked out with Katie.

   “You doin’ okay?” she asked.

   Katie shrugged. “I think so, and then stuff like that happens. My reactions are all over the place.”

   “My daddy was in Vietnam. It’s going to take time, but you will get better. He did.”

   “Thank you for that,” Katie said.

   “Sure thing. And anytime you want someone to go to lunch with…or supper with, give me a call. I hate to cook, so I’m always ready to go out.”

   “Will do,” Katie said. “Thanks again. Your friends are really nice, and so are you.”

   “Any time,” Louise said, then she went one way and Katie the other to get to their cars.

   Katie went home, carried her gifts into the house, unwrapped the music box, and then took it to her bedroom and set it on the dresser. She stared into the globe until her eyes were burning with unshed tears, then wound up the music box and set it back down.

   Her eyes were still burning as she changed into an old T-shirt and a pair of shorts. She’d cried so much today that she’d given herself a headache, so she took something for the pain and stretched out on the bed.

   Just to rest.

   Just until the pain meds kicked in.

   And fell asleep with the lilting notes of “Clair de Lune” spinning in her head.


   Sam’s day calmed down after answering the call that had taken him away from Katie.

   Family feuds were pretty common in the South, and Borden’s Gap was no exception. And if it wasn’t old enemies fussing, it was just as likely to be two drunks, or two neighbors, trying to make new enemies of each other.

   By the time he headed home, he was tired to the bone of people who couldn’t get along, and Katie was on his mind. He’d left her so abruptly, he was concerned, and when he saw her car under the carport at her house, he turned into her drive instead of his own. It wouldn’t take long to check on her, and he needed to know she was okay.

   He hurried up the steps and rang the doorbell.


   Katie was taking a load of clothes out of the dryer when she heard the doorbell, so she dumped everything in a basket and went to answer.

   It was Sam. The moment she saw him standing in her doorway, she felt the world settle beneath her feet.

   “Come in,” she said.

   He stepped inside. “Something smells good.”

   “A chicken pot pie or laundry. Take your pick,” she said.

   Sam cupped the side of her face.

   “I pick you. And I stopped to see if you’re okay. I hated to leave you when I did.”

   “I’m okay… In fact, I’m good. I wound up having lunch with Louise and her two bowling buddies, Rita and Shirl. It was a good time. And speaking of a good time, when would be a good time for me to give the girls their gifts? I don’t want to mess up something you have planned, but I wanted to give them thank-you gifts for being such good hostesses.”

   “Anytime is good,” he said.

   “Then as soon as I take the pot pie out of the oven, I’ll bring them, okay? And just so you know…I forgot your nail polish.”

   He grinned. “Good. Then I’ll see you soon?”

   She nodded, and before she knew it, he was hugging her.

   “That was for me,” he said when he let her go. “I felt like I abandoned you in a time of need.”

   Katie was still reeling from the feel of him. “If that hug was for you, then where’s mine?” she asked.

   Sam reached for her again, but this time pulled her closer and held her longer, slightly rocking her where she stood before he turned her loose.

   Katie sighed as he stepped away. “You give the best hugs. I’ll take that any day, with thanks.”

   He grinned. “It’s good to know I haven’t lost my touch,” he said. “I’ll see you soon.” And then he was out the door.

   As she shut the door behind him, she remembered her laundry and the pot pie and hurried back to check on it. The pie was a perfect golden brown. So she set it aside to cool and went to tend to her laundry.

   It took a few minutes to hang the clothes, and then she put on a pair of sneakers, grabbed the gift bags and a little box with some of her blueberry muffins, and headed out the door, noting Roxie’s car was gone as she walked across the street, then rang the doorbell.

   Sam had obviously given the girls permission to answer again because Katie heard them coming at a lope, shouting “I’ll get it! I’ll get it!” all the way to the door.

   And then it swung inward. The girls were standing there, grinning at her in silence.

   “Hi, girls,” Katie said. “May I come in?”

   “Yes!” they echoed. This time, they didn’t run off and leave her because they were too interested in the two small gift bags she was carrying.

   Sam appeared in the hallway, then motioned toward the living room.

   “Girls. Show Miss Katie to the sofa.”

   Evie turned and pointed. “There it is!” and then grabbed Katie by the hand and walked her to it.

   “Thank you,” Katie said, and then sat. “Beth. Evie. I brought each of you a little thank-you gift for being such great hostesses the other night.”

   The girls were dancing from one foot to the other, so excited they couldn’t stand still.

   “We like surprises,” Evie said.

   “Yes, we do,” Beth added.

   Katie peeked into the bags to make sure she was giving the right headband to each girl, and then handed them over.

   “Evie, this one is for you, and Beth, this one is yours. I hope you like them.”

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