Home > Untying the Knot(93)

Untying the Knot(93)
Author: Meghan Quinn

“If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s okay, but what were people saying about you?” Lottie asks.

“Oh, that I was not skinny enough to be with someone like Ryot.”

“What?” Kelsey asks with such galled outrage that it makes me chuckle.

“It stung for sure. I’ve dealt with body issues my whole life, thanks to my mom, so yeah, it took a toll on me. But Ryot has made me feel sexy . . . always. He loves my body.”

“As he should, you’re hot,” Lottie says. “Your boobs alone are what dreams are made from.”

I chuckle and then nod at her. “Speak for yourself.”

She shimmies her boobs at me. “Huxley can’t get enough of them.”



“Ugh, we have to get going,” Kelsey says. “The rehearsal is in a few minutes.”

“No,” Lottie groans as she rests her head on the table. “I don’t want to leave. I like our new friend.”

“I like her too,” Kelsey says. “But JP won’t be happy if we aren’t at the rehearsal.”

“Have him walk down with the pigeon. You know Kazoo is who he really wants to marry anyway.”

“Kazoo?” I ask right before I hiccup. I cover my mouth, and we all laugh as I set down my finished wineglass. Yup, it’s official, I’m drunk.

“Kazoo is a pigeon JP is in love with,” Kelsey says while rolling her eyes. “The pigeon is great and all, but”—she leans forward—“I don’t see what the big deal is.”

“What are you ladies talking about?” JP asks as he walks up to Kelsey and presses a kiss to her neck. Her eyes widen right before she sinks into his touch.

“Nothing worth mentioning,” Kelsey says as she turns to face him. “Mmm, let’s get you out of your clothes.”

JP’s brow shoots up as he takes in his fiancée and all the empty glasses on the table. “Are you drunk?”

“No, are you?” Kelsey asks right before giggling.

“Wine is yummy,” Lottie says as she clings to a rigid Huxley. “I want to lick it off you.”

I watch as Huxley leans close to Lottie and grips her jaw while whispering something in her ear. She melts right in her chair, and immediately, just like that, I’m turned on. I can’t possibly sit here and watch these men command their women without getting jealous, without knowing there’s a man back in my hotel room waiting for me.

“You girls are in trouble,” JP says as he grips Kelsey by the waist. “How are we supposed to go through rehearsal?”

“Carry us down the aisle,” Kelsey says with a grin.

JP just shakes his head and kisses her.

“Well, I guess I’ll be letting you guys get to it,” I say as I slip off my tall chair and nearly hit the ground from my unsteady wine legs.

JP catches my arm right before I tumble all the way down. “Whoa, you okay?”

“Yup.” I stand tall. “Just a little wobbly.”

“Want me to call Ryot down here?” he asks.

“No need,” I hear Ryot say as he comes up to me and loops his arm around my waist.

“Oh my God, you came to my rescue,” I say as I wrap my arms around his neck.

He smiles and asks, “Enjoy your wine?”

“Yeah, and we had girl talk.”

“Awwwww,” Kelsey whines. “We didn’t talk about you coming to work with me on some building designs.”

“What?” I ask. “You want me to work with you?”

“Yes, we heard you’re amazing, and I need help.” Kelsey clutches her hands together. “Please think about it. I don’t know what you have going on, but I would love you to help me.”

“Oh wow, yeah.” I blink. “I’ll think about it.”

“Hear that?” Kelsey says to Lottie. “She’s going to think about it.”

“Well, at least we know for certain she’ll be looking at the peen on Saturdays with us.”

“What peen?” Huxley asks, a scowl deep on his forehead.

“Yeah, what peen?” Ryot asks me.

“I’ll tell you about it later.” I pat his chest.

“Oh good, you’re all here,” Banner says as he jogs up to us. He temporarily catches his breath. “Jesus, fuck, I need to do more cardio.” He rests his hands on his hips and then says, “Dude, you’ll never believe who I just got off the phone with.”

“Who?” I ask, confused as to why he’s huffing and puffing and so excited.

“Well, I haven’t told you guys this yet, because I wasn’t sure it was going to pan out, but I just heard back from a guy I know over at ESPN. I told them about The Jock Report. Of course, he’s heard of it and uses it, and he talked to his boss, and they want to feature The Jock Report as a regular segment, hosted by . . . Ryot.”

“Wait, what?” Ryot’s grip on me grows tighter. “ESPN wants me to host a segment?”

Banner nods as JP and Huxley both congratulate him.

“That’s incredible,” JP says. “This could be huge for the app. It takes the company more mainstream, which is exactly what we need.”

“Could not agree more,” Huxley adds. “This is exactly what the app needed. Good work, Banner.”

I glance at Banner, who is beaming with pride. “Thanks, and sorry to barge in on whatever you’re doing, but I had to tell you.”

“Wow.” Ryot pulls on the back of his neck and then glances down at me. “Well, I guess, uh . . . I guess it’s something to discuss when we get back into town.”

“I’ll be on my honeymoon,” JP says. “But I’m sure you three can handle it along with Penn.” JP lends his hand out to Ryot and gives him a firm shake. “Congrats, this is amazing.”

“Thanks,” Ryot says and then looks over at Banner. “Didn’t know you had this planned out.”

Banner smirks. “Well, thought I would try to pull some strings. Glad it all worked out, but they were most excited about doing it because you’d be the face of it all.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Ryot lets out a long breath.

“Okay, we’ve got to go, Kelsey,” JP says, pulling her away from everyone. “Come on, Huxley. Rehearsal time, now.”

Huxley gives Ryot and Banner a handshake and then takes off with Lottie clutching his hand.

“Sorry for interrupting, but I had to tell you.” Banner pats Ryot’s chest. “Dude, isn’t this amazing?”

“Yeah,” he says, but his voice doesn’t sound excited at all.

“I have to go send out some emails, but fuck, I’m excited.” Banner glances at me and then tilts his head. “You have your drunk smile on. Have you been drinking?”

“Wine,” I say while lifting my hand. “Yummy!”

Banner chuckles. “Okay, well, you two have fun.” And then he’s out of here just as quickly as he arrived.

Now Ryot turns toward me and says, “I didn’t know that Banner was contacting ESPN.”

I wave him off. “Let’s not talk about that.” I move my hand up his chest. “Unless you want to, but I’m going to tell you right now, I am horny and needy, and I want you to take me back to the hotel room.”

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