Home > Ruthless Reign (Royal Reflections #1)(40)

Ruthless Reign (Royal Reflections #1)(40)
Author: Aleatha Romig

I could get lost in the way he looked at me. His penetrating gaze was as if what was once filled with ice was exploding, bursting with flames. A supernova consuming the space once occupied by a black hole.

Was that how it worked?

My thoughts were too irregular to concentrate.

“Why did you bring me back to my bedchamber?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Roman said in an unfamiliar sincere tone. “I wanted you to wake where you felt safe and secure. I tucked you in and paced for hours. I shouldn’t have lain beside you.” He looked down at our hands and back to me. “I didn’t want to leave you.”

“You aren’t endangering me. You’re fulfilling your promise to be with me.” I lifted my fist, covering a yawn. “Thank you.”

“I should go.”

Although he’d said the words, he didn’t move.

“Or you could stay,” I suggested. “I’m afraid to admit it, but I feel safe with you here.”

His stunning smile lifted his cheeks and brought life to his gaze. “I’ll stay and be gone before Lady Buckingham returns or Lord Martin arrives.”

After turning off the lights, Roman turned back the covers on his side of the bed and unlike when I woke, he scooted underneath them. As he settled, I rolled toward him. “We don’t do this.”

His strong arm came around me, pulling me closer, providing his hard shoulder for my pillow. “Perhaps it is time we start.”

“I wish it were that easy.”

Roman kissed the top of my head. “Good night, my princess.”

“Good night, my prince.”






I turned to the windows within my office.


The glaring white of millions of blinding crystals reflecting the sun’s glow beneath a blue sky. The entire region of Monovia was covered by a thick blanket. While the accumulation had stopped growing, the wind continued whipping the snow about, creating drifts resembling waves on the sea.

The scene made me cold, yet memories of Lucille turned up the heat.

After I’d tucked her into her own bed, I spent hours pacing back and forth. Pacing had never been a thing for me until recently. Perhaps it was because my only space to fully be myself was within the confines of my bedchamber. Last night, I added Lucille’s bedchamber to that list.

I should trust Lady Buckingham.

I should.

How many times had she seen bruises or marks left by Roman and turned a blind eye? If the answer to that question was one, it was too many. Then again, who would Lady Buckingham go to on the chain of command.

The queen?

The king?

An incoming call rang from my computer.

Shielding my eyes, I sat and looked at the man—no, king—on the computer screen. “Your Grace,” I said, addressing King Theodore.

“Lord Taylor tells me he’s pleased with your understanding of what is expected at the coming summit.”

“I’ve also been looking into the recent food shortages in the different regions.”

He shook his head. “Don’t overdo, son. You can’t solve all of Molave’s issues in a few weeks. This is a marathon, not a sprint.”

I agreed; however, I had some thoughts. “If I may, sir, recently, there have been shipping problems near the ports in Molave. If instead of bringing the imports to Molave, the ships went north into Sognefjord, the grain could be brought directly to Monovia, Forthwith, and other smaller ports.”

King Theodore leaned back and stared into the camera. “I like your initiative. Currently, the problems in the North Sea are our own doing. There’s a plan in motion. Continue to work on the issues Lord Taylor instructs. Those are the matters you’ll be expected to discuss.”

“I was informed that deputies from the ministry have searched Annabella Castle.”

“All within the jurisdiction of the royal guard. Standard.”

It wasn’t the royal guard but the deputies of the ministry.

“Were you aware?” I asked, uncertain if I believed.

“Of course I was aware. Nothing happens in Molave without my knowledge.”

By the time our conversation neared the conclusion, I was equal parts annoyed and curious. It was as if I was to learn all there was to know about one subject while being willfully blind on others.

“Tell me about Princess Lucille,” the king prompted.

“We don’t speak,” I said, fully aware of my blatant lie.

King Theodore nodded. “Our desire is for her health.” His dark eyes narrowed. “She hasn’t been ill, has she?”

“No, Your Grace, not to my knowledge. I will inquire.”

He shook his head with a smile. “No need, son. We’ll get those roads cleared. The princess has an appointment in nine days.”

Sealing my lips and nodding was the extent of my reply. Thankfully, the subject moved on to other issues of state. It wasn’t until evening that I even laid eyes on the princess. Returning to our private apartment, I stopped in the connecting parlor, hearing voices from Lucille’s side.

With the doors slightly ajar, I couldn’t stop my curiosity.

Through the small opening, I saw Lucille’s profile and the back of Lady Buckingham’s head. It was an unusual opportunity to watch the princess without her knowledge. Silently, I stared as the two women competed in a game of chess. The way Lucille concentrated and her smile bloomed with pride stirred a feeling inside me I hadn’t had in—ever.

“Your Highness.”

I spun toward the sound of my address and the opening of the door. Clearing my throat, I stepped away from Lucille’s doors. “Lord Martin.”

“She is beautiful.”

My eyebrows lowered. “She’s the princess. Her beauty isn’t for you or anyone to discuss.”

“They do. The people, the papers, and social media—they all discuss it at length.”

“She is an asset to this country, and she’s kept locked away on a mountaintop.”

Lord Martin nodded. “It is complicated. Perhaps if the procedure is a success…”

“And if it isn’t, I’m to discard her.”

Lord Martin opened the door to my suite and bowed. “I’ll help you ready for dinner.”

Once the door was closed, I turned. “She’s given this country over five years and the king wants to throw her away?”

“No, Your Highness. The duchess will be compensated. The people will never allow the divorce to be private. It will demonstrate the generosity of the crown despite her failure as princess.”

“She hasn’t failed…” I sucked in a breath. “Have you heard any additional information regarding Borinkia’s princess?”

“No. Annabella is rather isolated. Once we return to Molave City, I will keep my eyes and ears open. If I hear anything, Your Highness, I will inform you.”

Two hours later, Lucille and I were seated in our connecting parlor, our dinner in front of us. It was nearly impossible not to stare or notice the way she would veil her light blue gaze beneath her lush lashes.

The princess was stunning in a dark blue knit dress that hugged her soft curves yet covered the delicate skin I’d seen last night. Throughout our dinner, I had so many things I wanted to say to Lucille.

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