Home > Secret Santa(37)

Secret Santa(37)
Author: Jill Sanders

Wilbert laughed. “You have no authority. You see, my brother’s will stated that if you weren’t married by Christmas Day, which is today, then I get everything.”

Nick tensed. “That isn’t…” He shook his head. “That’s not…”

“That can’t be right,” Kara finished for him.

“Oh, but it is. When my brother’s lawyer gets here, he’ll confirm it all.” Wilbert looked down at his watch. “When that happens, I’ll have you both arrested for trespassing.”

“We’ll see how you like that.” Willy laughed and started dancing around the barn. “I think I’ll start by shooting this here pig.” He pointed the gun at Wilbur and Nick felt his anger grow.

“He’s not yours yet,” Nick said, standing up and pulling Kara to her feet, making sure to put her body behind his.

Willy’s gun moved to them, but Wilbert stopped him.

“No, not until we hear the reading of the will.” He glanced at his watch again. “Where is that damn lawyer?”

“You know that Stephen is supposed to be here?” Nick asked, confused. The man had agreed to stop by sometime before five that evening to officially read his father’s will. He’d lost track of time and didn’t even know what time it was now.

“Of course, I do.” Wilbert laughed. “I know everything that goes on in my town.”

“Then you know who broke into Nick’s house and destroyed everything?” Kara asked firmly.

“Of course, I do,” Wilbert hissed. “As I said, I know everything that goes on here. My son was pissed that you got his friends in trouble at the Firehouse. They were just going to show that slut friend of yours a good time. Everyone in town knows she’s nothing more than whore.” Wilbert laughed. “Paybacks. Besides, all that shit your mother put in the house was trash anyway. She never did have any style. My Marge has better taste in her sleep than your mother ever had.”

Nick felt his anger grow, but Kara held his hand firmly and kept him back.

“What about attacking Nick and burning my barn? That isn’t your property,” she pointed out.

“Nick deserved it. I had hoped they’d discover his body and blame him for the fire. Too bad he woke up and you returned when you did,” Wilbert said with a chuckle.

“You just confessed to trying to kill me?” Nick growled. “And you think they’d let you keep the ranch?”

“Course they will.” Wilbert’s smile doubled. “A man has a right to defend his property against two thieves.” He lifted his gun and aimed it directly at Nick’s heart.

Just then, they all heard a car in the driveway. Wilbert and Willy turned towards the sound, and Nick took that moment of distraction to yank open the door to Wilbur’s stall. The pig didn’t disappoint and rushed towards Wilbert, taking his uncle to the ground. The man’s gun went sliding across the cement floor and landed at Kara’s feet.

Willy yelled and rushed to help his father just as Kara picked up the gun. Then, as if sensing his mistake, Willy turned towards Nick, his gun circling around with him as Kara lifted Wilbert’s gun and shot two bullets into Willy.

Willy cried out as his gun hit the ground. He fell directly next to Wilbert, in a heap. Wilbert was still trying to fight off an angry three-hundred-pound pig.

Suddenly, there was a lot of shouting as five police officers rushed into the barn, guns aimed at Wilbert and Willy.

“Wilbur.” Nick snapped his fingers and the pig turned away from his uncle and went back into his pen. “Good boy.” He grabbed an apple from a bucket and gave it to the pig. Nick turned to Kara, who had handed his uncle’s gun over to Kyle. “Like I said, best present ever,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her.

“I love you,” Kara said in a shaky tone.

“I love you too.”

Then, to his surprise, she walked over to Willy, who was writhing in pain, and yanked the ring and bracelet from his hands. Then she stepped over Willy and put both of them back into his hands. “Give them to me again. This time, I promise I’ll never let anyone take them from me again.”

He smiled as he slid first the bracelet and then the ring back on her.

“Marry me?” he asked again.

“Yes,” she said and kissed him.

“You are one incredible woman.” He took her hand in his.

“He was going to shoot you. I’m sure that once all the adrenaline wears off, I’ll freak out. But for now, I know I did the right thing.”

Nick nodded. “I agree.” He turned to Kyle. “I assume Stephen called you?”

“He didn’t have to. Daryl spotted your uncle and Willy sneaking onto the property and called it in. Stephen’s up at the house though, waiting for you. Why don’t you head on up, and we’ll clean this mess up.”

From what they could see, Kara had shot Willy in the leg. They didn’t even care if both bullets had hit him or if he was going to be okay.

They made their way back to the house, where Daryl and Stephen were waiting in the living room.

“Are the two of you all right?” Daryl asked, rushing to them.

“Yes,” Nick answered and hugged the man. “Thanks to you.”

Daryl nodded. “Just… doing my job.”

Nick laughed. “Daryl, we both know you’re more than just an employee. You’re family.” He hugged him again. Then Kara walked over and gave the man a hug too.

“Good, everyone is here,” Stephen said, getting their attention. “I think it’s time we got this done.” He walked over to sit at the table. The three of them sat down as well.

“I won’t bore you with the boring stuff,” Stephen said over his glasses as he pulled out a folder. Then he handed an envelope to each of them. “Personalized letters to each of you from Nicholas.”

Kara frowned down at her envelope. “I have one too?”

Stephen nodded. He motioned to her left hand. “I see that you’ve completed the last requirement placed by your father before his death, which means…”—he put the folder back in his briefcase and pulled out another one—“this is the will I’ll be reading tonight.”

“Wait.” Nick held up his hands as he looked between every face there. “Seriously? My father had two wills. If I hadn’t asked Kara to marry me, I wouldn’t have gotten the farm?”

“No, not all of it.” Stephen sat back. “If you two had not gotten engaged, you would have gotten half, and Kara would have gotten the other half.” Stephen smiled.

“So…” he said slowly, “my uncle wouldn’t have gotten it either way?”

“Nope.” Stephen shook his head. “Daryl still gets his land, no matter what.” He motioned to Daryl. “The ranch house and five acres, including the barn, are all yours.” He slid over a thick envelope. “The deed, free and clear.”

Daryl smiled and held the envelope to his heart. “Bless that fool.” He shook his head. “Thank you.”

“For you two.” Stephen slid them another thick envelope. “Once it’s official, you can change the name on the deed. For now, this place is yours. Congratulations, by the way.” He motioned to the ring on Kara’s finger. “We, your father and I, knew the two of you had it coming.” He chuckled. “We just doubted if you’d do it on your own without a little nudge.” He stood up. “Now, I’m going to go home and eat the rest of my turkey dinner. Merry Christmas.” He slapped Daryl on the shoulder. “Walk me out?”

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