Home > Hot!_ A Charity Anthology(10)

Hot!_ A Charity Anthology(10)
Author: Michelle Mankin

“I’m trusting you,” I said carefully, glancing at her. “I hope you can do the same with me.”

“I can try.” She met my gaze.

“Thank you, Lorelei.” I took what she gave. It felt like a significant step. A gift, even.

At the end of the hall, I put in the code and the lock to the rental opened. I went in first, finding switches and turning lights on. The layout was like the others I had rented.

“Wow.” She took in the modern fixtures and high-end neutral furnishings. “This is really nice.”

“I’ve never rented this one.”

I set the key card on the bar and tried looking at the place through her eyes. It had been a while, but there had been a time when an apartment like this would have felt like the Ritz Carlton to me. Back when I’d been hungry and desperate too.

“You’re right. It is really nice.” I shrugged out of my coat, laying it across a cream-colored bar stool, then moved closer. “Want me to take your jacket?”

“No, that’s okay.”

She backed away and tugged the toggle on her zipper up to her chin. She trusted me, but only so far. That hurt, but any hurt I experienced was insignificant in comparison to what she’d been through.

“Right.” I kept my expression neutral and put my hands up in the air to show her I wasn’t a threat. “How about I make us some eggs and toast?” If she hadn’t eaten in a long time, I suspected that would probably be a safe, quick, easy digestible meal.

“That would be wonderful.”

She glanced at me through the thick fringe of her auburn lashes. I was pretty sure she didn’t mean for that look to be seductive, but it was. She was.

“You’re welcome to take a shower while I cook. There’s two bedrooms,” I said quickly, rushing to explain when she glanced at the front door, seeming to contemplate escape. “You can choose whichever room you like and take Prince with you. I won’t take offense if you lock the door.”

Not too much, anyway. I wanted her to trust me, but I knew that was going to take time.

I’d never wanted to invest time in a woman before. Not before Carrie, and certainly not afterward. With Carrie, I made myself put in the effort. It was my fault Micah was gone, my fault she lost her fiancé. I didn’t have any obligation to Lorelei. Yet, I felt an undeniable connection to her. There was something about her that felt good and made me feel right. It was as simple and as complex as that.

“I’d love a shower.” She held my gaze. She held more than that, but I didn’t let on. “I’ve been cleaning up in public restrooms for a while.”

“Then go on.” I turned away from her, though that wasn’t what I wanted. “I’ll make eggs for both of us. I’ll have a breakfast dinner waiting for you when you’re done.”

I went to the stainless-steel fridge. Opening the door, I found it stocked with the things I’d requested, even the diet soda I preferred. That was Sierra’s doing. She was an excellent tour manager, maybe even better than Bradley in some ways, though I’d never tell him. He’d be proud of his sister, but he might get defensive.

I felt Lorelei’s gaze on me for a moment, then the absence of it when she moved away.

Turning around with a carton of eggs in my hand, I watched her over the pass-through bar as she crossed the living room on her way to an open door on the other side. The two bedrooms were on opposite sides of the apartment. The main living space divided the unit.

Prince gave me a glance before trotting after her, but Lorelei didn’t look back. When she closed the door, I heard the lock click. I felt a little sting in my chest, then reminded myself not to take offense.

I frowned as thoughts tumbled through my head, all involving her.

I wanted to help her. She deserved kindness, but she was stubborn and prideful. How could I help her without her bowing up? I didn’t want her to feel like my help came with strings. Because of Carrie, I knew about obligation being the foundation for a relationship, and I knew that it didn’t work.

When I heard the shower come on, other thoughts—hot ones—flared inside my mind.

Stop it, Jack.

I pulled the plug on imagining Lorelei naked, water sluicing over her curves and creamy skin. My dick, however, wouldn’t cooperate. It remained fixated on her and hard as fuck, but I managed to get breakfast started.

I scrambled eggs without scorching them. Sausage patties were browned, not burned. The toast had just popped up from the toaster when my phone dinged. I set the hot slices down on a plate and glanced at the screen.

Jewel: At JFK. We’re getting ready to take off. I feel bad about Lori. Is she really with you?

Kindhearted Jewel. On her honeymoon, but she was checking up on a friend who wasn’t as much on the outs as Lorelei thought. Rush was a lucky guy.

Jack: Yes. She’s sober. No sign of drugs at all. I’m trying to help her.

Jewel: Thanks, Jack.

Rush: Call if you need us.

My throat got tight. Rush wasn’t just lucky. He was a good guy. Being in a band with him wasn’t like being in New Horizon. We were more than bandmates. We were family.

Jack: Thanks, man.

I wouldn’t call. They were going to Belize for their honeymoon. They needed some time away from all the craziness.

Jack: I got this.

I hoped I did. But after Micah and the way everything went wrong with New Horizon, I didn’t trust hope. I made plans and contingencies that had a higher chance at a better outcome instead.

The door to the bedroom popped open.

I glanced up, and my heart stopped. With her face scrubbed clean and pink from the hot water, Lorelei was beautiful, and her hair was a darker, more uniform red wet.

She met my gaze as she stepped out of the bedroom. The overhead chandelier was her spotlight. She was breathtaking . . . young and vulnerable. I wanted to throttle every man who had even thought to hurt her.

I cleared my throat, but not the protectiveness and possessiveness regarding her that rocked me to the core.

“Breakfast is ready,” I said gruffly. “Have a seat.”

I gestured to the round glass-topped table on the other side of the pass-through bar.

“I’ll bring you and Prince a plate.” I made a mental note to order dog food and have it delivered before going to bed.

“Thanks.” She pulled out one of the chairs and sat on the edge of it. She was nervous, even with Prince right by her feet.

Be patient, Jack.

I brought over two plates, not letting on that I noticed how she was perched to run straight out the door if necessary.

“What about you?” She glanced at her plate as I set it in front of her, then up at me.

At her feet, Prince didn’t hesitate to scarf up the food that I’d placed in front of him.

With me so close, Lorelei’s lovely pink lips were only inches away. Her warmth tantalized me, and her fresh soapy scent gave me thoughts about dirtying her up.

My heart rate kicked up, and my throat went dry. I swallowed. Hard.

“I need to get my plate. But don’t wait for me. Dig in, or you’ll hurt my feelings.” I returned to the kitchen. Every step that put space between us felt like a wrong one.

Inside the kitchen, another ding on my phone caught my attention.

Cam: Heard Lori is with you and sober. She conned me out of rent money for drugs, but I shouldn’t have acted the way I did today. Can you tell her I’m sorry?

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