Home > Enchanting Hadley (Cursed Hadley #2)(15)

Enchanting Hadley (Cursed Hadley #2)(15)
Author: Jessica Sorensen

For some stupid reason, I think about when I fed off all of them, one by one, and how good it felt, especially when I rolled my hips against Alex’s.

“What’re you thinking about, beautiful?” Alex asks, drawing me from my thoughts.

Once again, my cheeks warm, and it’s so fucking annoying. I mean, if I’m dead, I should at least get a free pass from having to do that.

“Nothing,” I lie and not very well. Although, I am left wondering something. “How often do I have to feed?”

Just the mere suggestion of it calls groans to filter through the air, but the guys hastily collect themselves.

“Usually, it’s about once a day,” Alex explains. “Although, it might work differently for you since you’re sealed to the four of us.”

“But we’re not sure yet.” Rhyland stands up. “You could feed as often as we do. However, there is a chance that, because you’ll be feeding from the four of us, you might have to feed more often.”

“Or at least from all four of us each day,” Alex adds, sketching his fingertip along the side of my face. “But maybe you can just do it all at once. We’ll have to feel it out.”

I nod, my stomach twisting with a bizarre and unfamiliar sensation. I may have to feed off of all of them daily. That seems … intense.

“I love your eyes,” Alex states, distracting me from my thoughts. “The red sparkles look so pretty on you. And I like how they match your lips.” He rubs his lips together with a contemplative look. “Can I have a taste?”

My brows pull together. “Of my lipstick?”

He chuckles at that, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “No, of you, you delicious creature.”

“Great, don’t tell me you’re going to start calling me that now,” I attempt to divert.

“Stop trying to distract me,” he calls me out, inching closer to me until our bodies are practically touching. “Can I taste you?”

I should say no. His brothers are watching. And I’m already getting too lost in all of this reaper connection thing that’s currently blazing between us. But my head, as if it has a mind of its own, bobs up and down.

“Yeah?” he double-checks with wicked delight in his eyes.

I nod again.

Without any hesitation, he leans in and seals his lips to mine. A moment later, he parts my lips with his tongue and, just like that, I’m gone, lost in the minty taste of him and the way his body feels as he presses against me, slips an arm around my waist, and splays his fingers along the small of my back.

While I’ll never admit this aloud, I could get used to this kissing thing. I was so stubborn about it before, but now I can’t even remember why. Maybe it’s because I’m a reaper now. Perhaps it’s the connection between us. I really don’t care. All I care about is kissing him as I slip my hands up his chest, looping them around the back of his neck so I can play with the hairs on the nape of his neck while biting his bottom lip.

“Fuck,” he groans out. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to end up ripping that pretty dress right off you.”

At this, Jaxon intervenes. “Don’t you dare.” With that, he folds his finger around my arm and guides me away from Alex.

But Alex remains close, his hand staying on the small of my back as the two of them guide me to the middle of the room.

Blaise rises to his feet. He still hasn’t spoken a word to me since I entered the room, and it’s throwing me off my game. Usually, Blaise is either all up in my business, flirting with me, or freaking the hell out because he’s worried. Silence isn’t his thing so I’m not sure what to do about it.

“So, doing a basic sealing spell is fairly easy,” Rhyland explains as the five of us cram into the center of the room in a sort of circle position. “But it will require all of us to use our powers.”

Alex is standing on one side of me and Jaxon is on my other. Both of them take a hold of my hand, and then the four of them take hold of each other’s hands so we form a circle.

“You know,” I say, “this reminds me an awful lot of this one time my sisters and I did a séance.”

“We’re not trying to summon spirits,” Rhyland reminds me in all seriousness. “If we did, we’d be sealing whatever ghost we summoned to get tormented later.”

“Right.” My lips tug downward as I recall what Scarlett and my mother told me about ghosts getting punished.

Alex sweeps his thumb across the back of my hand. “When you become queen, we can work on freeing them.”

How on earth he knew what I was thinking is beyond me, but I nod, hoping he’s right.

But I don’t just want to save Scarlett and my mom. I want to find out what happened to them. My mom in particular. Because, according to the guys, if she’s a ghost, then she was murdered. However, from what my fake father has told me, she died during the car accident. So, more than likely, he either doesn’t know the truth or he lied. And, from his previous track records, I’m going to go with the latter.

What I’d really like to know is why he lied. To protect my sisters and me from the truth? Or did he have something to do with her death?

If he did, and I find out, he’s going to know the wrath of a reaper queen.

“Is everyone ready for this?” Rhyland’s gaze skims across the four of us.

Each of the guys nods.

I don’t, though.

“I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

Jaxon gives my hand a squeeze. “It’ll be just like all the other times you’ve used your magic. Just envision what Rhyland says, okay?”

Once I nod, Rhyland starts the spell, chanting the words, “Ut simul signati sumus.”

It may not be a séance per se, but it sure as hell has the same vibe as the four of them chant the words, as well. I join in, even though I have no damn clue what the words mean.

Jax pauses briefly to tell me, “Now envision a sort of magical rope wrapping around the five of us.”

A magical rope? Like I know what that looks like.

Still, I do my best while continuing to say the words. I swear I hear what sounds like thunder in the distance, and then a bright flash of red illuminates the room.

“Holy shit,” Alex breathes out as the air electrifies, and a zapping hum purrs across my flesh.

But just as quickly as the chaos happens, it dissipates.

Silence stretches between all of us before Alex finally says, “So, did anyone else get like an orgasmic experience with that spell?”

Rhyland glances at me. “You could say that.”

Blaise eyes me over with this look of frenzy in his gaze. Jaxon, though, let’s go of my hand and drags his fingers through his hair.

“I feel like this should come with a warning,” he mumbles. “I almost lost control, and I rarely do.”

“Um, what the hell are you guys talking about?” I’m totally lost. “Was that not normal?”

Rhyland has his gaze fixed on me. “No, baby, that wasn’t normal at all.”

Great. Now even Rhyland has given me a nickname. But I’ll worry about that later.

“Did I mess it up?” I wonder, peering around at the four of them, highly aware of how intensely they’re all staring at me.

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