Home > Dragon Lover (Dragon Kings #5)(20)

Dragon Lover (Dragon Kings #5)(20)
Author: Donna Grant

“Can we make our way there this way?” he asked as he drew a diagonal from their location to the bisected area where the river lay. It would bring him closer to Rannora and grant him a better look at the city.

Esha raised her hands on either side of the map, then pushed her palms together, shrinking the image until it was gone. “We can, but it will take some time. The forests are thick. There’s no easy way to go through them. Do you think the entity is there, or do you just want to see Rannora?”

“I’d like to see the city, aye.”

She nodded tightly.

“If you’re worried that I’ll shift in front of your people, I willna.”

“That might be wise. You saw how my squad reacted.”

He had. “I doona want to cause any panic.”

She glanced at him before heading around the lake. Kendrick fell into step beside her. He looked at the sky. He wished he could fly. That would not only give him a better view of the plateau but would also allow them to get wherever they wanted to go faster. Everything he saw now made him think of Earth before the humans arrived and cut down forests to build and cover the ground with roadways and concrete. He drew in a deep breath and let the splendor fill every pore.

Esha’s gaze was focused ahead as they walked. “Do you have the same magic in both forms? What I mean is, do you have more magic when you’re in your true form?”

“The magic is pretty much the same.”

“But you can do other things in your true form?”

He inwardly grinned. “All dragons breathe fire. It isna something we do in this form, though I’ve never tried. What about your people? Does everyone have the same magic?”

“Not exactly. Each class has a specialty, of sorts. For instance, as I mentioned, Wood Elves are good with animals.”

“What are Sun Elves good at?”

She shot him a look, a smile playing about her lips. “Bringing light when it’s needed.”

“That could come in handy.” He liked this question-and-answer exchange. “Do you get ill?”

“Sometimes. Do dragons?”


“Not Kings, though.”

He laughed. “Nay, no’ Kings. What about healing from injuries?”

“We die easier than you, if that’s what you’re wondering. Star Elves are excellent healers if it is not something grave, but we’re hearty. Star Elves are always needed, so they got used to moving around. I suppose they grew to love being nomadic. It’s also why you’ll always find at least one Star Elf in every Ranger squad. Do you have anything like that?”

Kendrick shook his head. “You could say we have classes, too. We call them clans.”

“I like that.”

They shared a smile before each turned their attention back to the path before them. The heat was oppressive, and sweat soon covered Kendrick. He used his sleeve to wipe his face. Esha didn’t seem bothered at all. Then the rain began, a steady stream that soon had them both drenched. The canopy helped to shield them somewhat, but it was so hot that Kendrick enjoyed the rain.

“The clans were separated by color,” he continued as he stared up at a group of animals that jumped from one tree to another. They moved fast, hidden amongst branches heavy with leaves for camouflage.

“Did the dragons always stay in their groups?”

“More often than no’, aye. There wasna a decree, though. More like everyone just knew to stay in their clan. At least, they used to. Do yours mix?”

Her nose wrinkled. “Not often. You see it more in the cities, but it’s different in rural areas. Can dragons have babies?”


A small frown puckered her brow for a heartbeat. “Do you know if the dragons were brought here as we were?”

“They were no’.” He felt her gaze on him as they walked. He didn’t mind telling her the tale, but he worried how she and other elves might take it.

“You know why we were brought here, don’t you?”

Kendrick halted and met her gaze as she stopped. “We’re trying to determine why infants are brought to this realm. If I knew, I promise I’d tell you.”

“Humans, elves, and dragons,” Esha said in a soft voice as her gaze slid away. “Do you know if there are any other beings out there?”

“There are Banshees and an Amazon. I also suspect there are even more.”

“What is a Banshee and Amazon?”

“Banshees know when someone is about to die. For Tamlyn, she knows when a child of magic is about to die.”

“That sounds horrible,” she said, her face wrinkled in distaste.

Kendrick nodded. “It is. The Amazon are women warriors. They’re taller than most females and are experts with weapons.”

Esha grinned. “I’d like to meet one.”

“Maybe you’ll be able to.”

Without a word, Esha started walking again. The terrain became more difficult, and the conversation ended. He didn’t push her to answer more questions. They had three days. For now, he filed away each animal he spotted and the sheer size of the rainforest. After about an hour, the rain stopped.

They passed many lakes, some big, others small. There were splashes in the water, and he wanted to know what kind of aquatic life was beneath the surface, but that would have to wait. The lush plateau offered a plethora of plants and animals. Esha paused beside a tree and picked a piece of fruit. She tossed him one before taking one for herself.

He watched as she bit into it and kept walking. Kendrick followed her example and was amazed at the slightly sweet and juicy fruit. There were many more fruits they passed. Esha pointed out the ones he could try, and he took every opportunity. They ranged from sweet to sour to bitter.

They paused beside a lake for a drink. After Esha had her fill, she asked, “Who is looking after your clan while you’re here?”

Kendrick tried not to feel the pang in his heart at the reminder that he no longer had dragons to rule, but it was impossible. He flicked the water from his hand and sat back on his haunches as he looked at the lake.

“You don’t have to tell me.” She stood.

“It isna an easy question to answer.” Kendrick slid his gaze to her and climbed to his feet to follow her as she started walking again. “It’s…complicated.”

Esha jumped over a fallen tree and waited for him to join her. “Are you no longer a King?”

“I’m still a Dragon King, but the dragons here are no longer in clans. They live where they want, with whoever they want.”

“Here,” she repeated. “You’ve said that before. Almost like there’s another place you’re comparing it to.”

Kendrick nodded as they continued walking. “I’m no’ from Zora.”

Esha didn’t show any outward signs that she was surprised by his words. “How did you get here?”

“Through a Fae doorway that links my world to this one.”

“A doorway? I don’t understand.”

He shrugged. “It’s Fae magic, which I can no’ explain. Some are powerful enough to teleport from place to place, but most use doorways they craft with their magic. It’s like a wormhole that connects two places.”

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