Home > Dragon Lover (Dragon Kings #5)(43)

Dragon Lover (Dragon Kings #5)(43)
Author: Donna Grant

“That’s not possible. I’d know if Rangers were guarding the border.”

“They kept it from you.”

She narrowed her eyes on Dain. “Why?”

“Because they feared you would do exactly what you’re about to do.”

Esha only became more confused. “Who?”

Dain sighed as if it put him out to be the one to fill her in. “I told Savita we should tell you, but she said it had to be your decision to go to Kendrick.”

“Tell me everything. Now,” Esha demanded as she pointed the edge of her sword at Dain’s throat. The fury that consumed her was so thick she wasn’t sure she could control it.

Or if she wanted to.

“All you had to do was ask.” He shoved aside her blade with a finger. “I’d planned to tell you.”

Esha lowered her weapon. The muscles in her jaw ached as she clenched her teeth together. “Then talk.”

“The runes told Savita about those on the Conclave who saw you as a threat. They’re the ones who released the nightwraith. Fools,” Dain ground out with hostility. “They will pay for that.”

“Why are they afraid of me? I’m just a Ranger.”

Dain snorted loudly. “The Conclave Reader told them the stones had shown you and Kendrick together in a romantic relationship. It would give the elven people a strong ally, but those opposing that have other plans.”

“So, I had to die?” It was too much to grasp.

“They didn’t think the problem through, or they would’ve realized that if Kendrick somehow survived, he wouldn’t let you die.”

“They had no way of knowing that a Dragon King could kill a nightwraith.”

Delight shone on Dain’s scarred face. “No, they didn’t. I wish I could’ve seen their faces.”

“If I am supposed to be with Kendrick, why didn’t Savita tell me? Why did she let me sit here for weeks without him?”

The Dark shrugged. “As she said, you had to decide on your own. And she wanted to see how others reacted.”

“Is she in danger?”

“We’re all in danger,” Dain said with a shrug. “Don’t worry about your sister. She’s craftier than I gave her credit for. She found me, and that isn’t an easy thing to do. Even for a Reader.”

Esha glanced behind her to the plateau. She thought of Flamefall, of her Rangers, and of Savita. “What happens now?”

“You warn Kendrick, which will hopefully stop the war. We’re going to get to the bottom of who is pulling the strings here. I have some ideas, but it’s going to take more digging.”

“Will you look after Savita?”

Dain issued a bark of laughter. “As if she would allow that. Your sister will be fine. But, yes, I will keep an eye on her.”

“Thank you.”

The Dark placed his right hand over his heart and bowed his head. “Tell Kendrick hello for me. I hope to see both of you again.”

“We will.”

“Go, Sun Elf. I’ll make sure no one stops you.”

Esha had the sudden urge to hug him. She nodded and sheathed her sword. Dain grinned before calling the shadows to him and disappearing. Then she started running toward Idrias and Kendrick.

No one tried to stop her again. She didn’t look behind her to see if anyone would. She kept her gaze locked on where Shecrish ended and the land of the dragons began. When Esha crossed through the barrier, the feel of the magic sweeping around her was like a soft hum. Then she stood on dragon land, her heart hammering again.

Suddenly, a dark shape appeared from a nearby mountain. Wide wings spread as the dragon flew straight at her. She knew without seeing the color of the scales that it was Kendrick. Elation and a tiny bead of panic rushed through Esha. The excitement was too much to contain. Esha didn’t hide her smile as she watched the beautiful dragon approach.



Chapter Twenty-five

Ceri had told him about the elves near the barrier. Kendrick had locked eyes on them and immediately recognized Esha. He hadn’t been able to move for fear that she would vanish before he could get to her. When he glanced over to see who she spoke with and noticed Dain, he didn’t dare let himself hope that Esha had come to him.

Then she crossed the border.

Kendrick had taken to the skies in an instant. He wanted to get to her quickly, but he was also afraid of scaring her. But as he approached, he saw her smile. Just to be safe, Kendrick turned at the border and flew along it to see if anyone had followed her. He spotted a few elves who appeared to be guarding the barrier, but that was all. When he flew back to Esha, he saw an elf on the ground where she and Dain had been.

He landed before her and shifted. They stared at each other, neither moving. Six long weeks had passed since he had last laid eyes on her. It felt like six lifetimes. He raked his gaze over her, but he didn’t see any injuries.

“Am I…welcome?” Esha asked hesitantly.

Kendrick grinned, his heart ready to burst from his chest. “Oh, aye, lass. Absolutely.”

That’s all it took for her to rush to him. Kendrick met her halfway and wrapped his arms around her. Their lips met in a passionate, fervent kiss filled with desperation and yearning. He touched her face, her hair, marveling that she was in his arms again. He had to know that this wasn’t a dream, that she was real.

He looked down at her. “I didna think you’d come.”

She hugged him tightly.

He felt a shiver go through her. “What is it?”

“There’s so much I need to tell you.”

Kendrick leaned back and met her gaze. “About the elves?”

“They intend to come and start a war. We need to stop it.”

“If they cross, there isna much I can do.”

Her golden eyes implored him. “Please. We have to try.”

“Then you need to tell us what’s going on. We’ll have questions.”

She hesitated but then nodded. “I understand. My only stipulation is that it happens here. Just in case they try something soon.”

Kendrick glanced across the border, where he saw the elves watching them. He took her hand to lead her toward the mountain. “We’ve been vigilant since I returned. Give me a second to notify the others.”

Kendrick opened his mental link and sent out a call to Con and Eurwen. Both answered immediately and said they were on their way. Flying wouldn’t have taken too long, but Rhi teleported them instantly.

“An elf,” Rhi said and smiled at Esha. “What a pleasure it is to meet you. Kendrick has told us all about you, but I have so many more questions.”

Kendrick chuckled. “We’ll get to that. First, introductions. Esha, this is Rhi. She’s a Light Fae and mated to Con, King of Dragon Kings.” Kendrick motioned to Con, who stood to Rhi’s right. He bowed his head of wavy blond hair to Esha. “To his right is their daughter, Eurwen. She rules Zora with her twin brother, Brandr.”

“I’ll fill him in on everything,” Eurwen said. She turned to Esha. “I’m sad to say we didn’t know about the elves. We kept to ourselves, and now I’m seeing that was the wrong thing to do.”

Kendrick didn’t know if Esha realized the powerful beings she stood before, but she didn’t seem cowed by them. She had her guard up, but that was to be expected.

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