Home > Finding Ashlyn (SEAL Team Hawaii #6)(20)

Finding Ashlyn (SEAL Team Hawaii #6)(20)
Author: Susan Stoker

Ashlyn: I’ll just screen-shot that comment so when you forget and steal my spoon, I can show it to you.


Slate laughed out loud once more. He was about to reply when his stomach growled again. Shit, he’d only meant to send a quick thank you and now here he was, absorbed in a conversation rather than eating.


Slate: Gonna go so I can eat before everything gets cold. Thank you, babe. Means the world to me that you’d go out of your way to send me dinner.

Ashlyn: You’re welcome. Enjoy your slimy, gross Hawaiian food, Slate.


Once again, he laughed as he shook his head.


Slate: Sleep well.

Ashlyn: You too.

Ashlyn: Oh, and…I don’t think I said it earlier, but thank you for what you do, Slate. I know it’s not always easy, and in fact a lot of times it sucks huge monkey balls, but I appreciate you and your teammates. Talk to you tomorrow.


Slate was used to people thanking him for his service. Often it felt insincere. As if the people were just reciting something they felt they should say, rather than something they truly felt. But Ashlyn’s words seemed genuine. Hilarious in her unique way, but truly sincere. And they were just what he needed to hear tonight. After everything he’d seen earlier, her words were able to soothe the images in his head.

Picking up his fork, Slate tucked into the lu’au first and sighed in contentment when the flavors burst on his tongue. Yeah, Hawaiian food wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but he fucking loved it.

Looking down at the meal, Slate couldn’t remember the last time someone had gone out of their way to take care of him like Ashlyn had tonight. Most of the time, it was him taking care of others. It felt…really nice.






Ashlyn relaxed on Slate’s couch, tired and content, thinking about tomorrow. Carly and Jag had invited everyone to Duke’s on Sunday to try out different options for their wedding meal. Though, it was really just an excuse to get everyone together and have a good time, because everything Duke’s served was delicious. No matter what they chose, it would be perfect. Ashlyn was excited to spend time with all her friends.

Almost two weeks had passed since Slate had called to cancel their dinner date. Ashlyn knew she’d ordered too much food for him, but she’d wanted to get him everything he loved to try to make him feel better. If she couldn’t be there for him in person, she’d send food.

Luckily, it had worked. The next time Slate saw her, he’d shown her exactly much he appreciated the gesture. She hadn’t thought she could orgasm that many times in one night, but he’d proven just how much her body could take.

Their relationship seemed to be going strong. Even though they sometimes bickered over little things, she never felt as if Slate was truly irritated—or getting tired of her.

For her part, she was proud of his work as a SEAL, and the man made for great arm candy, but most importantly, she just liked being with him. It made her happy. They didn’t see each other every day, but they talked and texted frequently. Sometimes he’d call after he did PT, and other times he’d wait until they were both home from work. He always asked about her clients and continued to seem genuinely interested in the stories she shared about the men and women she served.

This morning, Slate had picked her up early and they’d spent the day hiking the Kealia Trail. It was on the north side of the island, and while it had lush scenery and beautiful ocean views from the summit, it had also kicked Ashlyn’s butt. She hadn’t thought she was out of shape, but apparently she was. When she finally ascended the mountain ridge, she felt as if she was gonna die.

Of course, Slate had no mercy for her, and instead of being overly concerned about how loud her breathing had become, he’d teased her and egged her on. It was just what she needed, though, to finish the hike.

Ashlyn couldn’t remember a better date with a guy. It was refreshing that she didn’t always need to be perfect around Slate. She could be sweaty and grumpy, wear a pair of sweats with her hair in a messy bun, and he didn’t care. He seemed to like her just as she was. Which was awesome.

Now, she was stiff and sore from the hike, but content. She and Slate were currently vegging on his couch after he’d made burgers for dinner, and she’d eaten two. She felt full and relaxed.

“Today was good,” she said after a moment.

Slate had turned on the TV and started the movie Red with Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman. It was good, but Ashlyn was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. The exertion from the day, and the food in her belly, made her extremely sleepy.

“It was,” Slate agreed.

“I was thinking…” she started.

“Lord help us all,” Slate teased.

“Shut up,” Ashlyn said with a shake of her head. She did her best to elbow him, but because she was plastered to his side with his arm around her shoulders, it wasn’t very effective.

“Sorry,” he said, not sounding very sorry. In fact, he sounded amused. “Go on.”

“I was thinking about how much things change, yet still stay the same. The other day, I was talking to James Mason—you know, the Navy vet I deliver to—and he was talking about how he and his wife used to go on long hikes around the island. He’d always bring a picnic lunch for them. Nothing fancy, usually sandwiches and potato chips. They’d find a good spot on the trail and sit and just enjoy each other’s company as they ate. Today reminded me of that.”

Slate squeezed her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “Yeah. It really was a good day.”

“I bet James would have some suggestions for other hikes we could do. Maybe ones that wouldn’t kick my ass as much as today’s did.”

Slate chuckled. “You did fine, babe.”

“Right. I was wheezing like an out-of-shape hippo.”

“No, you weren’t. Maybe an out-of-shape piglet—”

“Slate!” Ashlyn exclaimed, sitting up so she could elbow him properly.

“Kidding!” he said immediately, grabbing her arm. Then he shifted, lying down on the couch with her on top of him.

He was as hard as a rock beneath her, but surprisingly comfortable.

“You like him,” Slate said.

It took a second for Ashlyn to get her mind off how much she loved being on top of Slate. She could feel his cock between her legs. He wasn’t hard, but she had a feeling all it would take was a dirty comment or rubbing against him suggestively and that would change. She loved how responsive he was to her…just as she was to him. But for right now, she was enjoying the easy intimacy. The atmosphere wasn’t sexually charged, it was comfortable.

“James? Yeah, I do. Some older people I deliver food to are grumpy as hell. They complain about what I’ve brought, even though they’re getting it for free. They don’t invite me in and they definitely have no interest in getting to know me. But James is different. The first time I knocked on his door, he insisted I come inside. He got me a glass of ice water and told me how pretty I was.”

“He’s probably lonely. Didn’t you say his wife died recently?” Slate asked.

“Yeah, but I honestly think it’s just his personality to be welcoming and kind. He’s told me several times how his wife always used to get irritated with him because he befriended everyone he ever met. The guy behind the cash register at the grocery store, waiters and waitresses, clerks at the hardware store.

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