Home > Turn Up The Heat(62)

Turn Up The Heat(62)
Author: Kimberly Kincaid

“Thanks, doc.” Shane got up to walk him into the hallway. Once he was positive they were out of Grady’s earshot, Shane cleared his throat. “How long a recovery do you think we’re talking about here?”

Dr. Russell weighed Shane carefully with his eyes. “It’s difficult to say. It depends on how well he responds to the medication, but I’m not going to lie to you. For a man his age, it’s not an easy road. I assume he’s retired?”

Shane snorted. “Are you kidding? He was changing out a transmission last night before this happened.”

Dr. Russell’s eyebrows skipped up. “Well, those days are done. Don’t get me wrong,” he added in a rush, no doubt responding to Shane’s look of panic. “I’m not suggesting he sit in a rocker all day. But at this point, he’s going to have to dial back on anything stressful or strenuous in order to stay healthy, that’s all.”

Shane nodded mutely. Oh, this had bad things written all over it. For Chrissake, Grady was stubborn in his sleep.

“Look, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. As he improves over the next few days, we’ll work on a plan to keep him healthy. For the next six weeks, he’s looking at a lot of rest and not much else, but he’s a lucky man. Not everyone has family members so close by who can help out. Speaking of which”—Dr. Russell stopped to eyeball Shane’s rumpled clothes with a pointed look—“Go home and get some sleep. I meant it when I said you won’t be able to help him if you’re dead on your feet.”

“Thanks, Dr. Russell.” Shane watched the man disappear down the hall before heading back into Grady’s room.

“Done talking about me, are you?” One corner of Grady’s mouth lifted slightly in a halfhearted smile.

“For now.” While there wasn’t much sense in lying about it, Shane wasn’t about to wax poetic on the subject, either. “The doctor says you need to rest, so rest is what you’re gonna do. You want me to see what’s on TV?” Shane started to rummage for the remote to the TV anchored on the wall across from Grady’s bed.

“I owe you an apology.”

The words took Shane by complete surprise. “For what?”

“I told you I’d call you when that tranny came in, and I didn’t. Guess I lied to ya a bit so you could spend time with your girl. I’m sorry.” Grady was breathless just from the handful of words.

“I’m not worried about the transmission, Grady.” The last thing Shane wanted to do was open up the can of worms that involved Grady’s work habits. That conversation would have to wait for another time. “The only thing that matters is you’re okay.”

Grady managed a throaty chuckle. “Boy, you don’t even know what you don’t know. Someone offers you an apology, you got two choices. You either accept it, or you don’t. It’s called making amends.”

More raspy breathing, and damn it, this wasn’t resting. “Okay, okay,” Shane said. “I accept your apology. Jeez, Grady. You need to take it easy.”

“And you need to pay attention, son.”


Grady gave him a knowing smile, and realization flooded through Shane as his gut did an end-around, then dropped.

“I take it he came to see you, then.” Shane’s voice was full of tension. It was just like his father to beat him to the punch.

“Ayuh. Left just before you got here.” Grady nodded, unwavering steel eyes on Shane’s dark ones. He could read the message in the old man’s eyes from a mile away.

“I’m not making amends with him, Grady. It’s too late for that.” Shane crossed his arms over his already-tight chest. He’d rather be skinned alive than kiss and make up with his father, no matter what Grady said.

“Funny, he said the same thing. Crossed his arms just like that too. Hard headed, both of ya. Too stubborn to see past what you want to know what you really need.”

Shane set his mouth in a mulish line. “Really? And what is it that I need?”

Grady laughed in a short little burst. “Swift kick in the ass, same as your father.” His face sobered as Shane scowled. “Listen, Shane. Life’s too short to argue like this. He might blow a lot of smoke over it, but he’s finally figurin’ out that deep down your passion is for somethin’ other than the law. You really gonna blame the man for wanting you to love what he loves? You’re his son.”

Well, fuck. Of course the old man had to go and make sense.

“It’s not that easy,” Shane argued. “He paid off my loan to blackmail me. Wanting me to love the law is one thing. Not giving me a choice in whether or not I practice it is another.”

He thought of his father’s ultimatum. The man had wedged him between one hell of a rock and a hard place. It would take Shane forever to pay off his law school debt working at the garage.

Grady arched a graying eyebrow. “Ah, you’ve always got choices. You may not like ’em, but you still got ’em.”

“Grady, I don’t know how I’m going to pay him back. Selling the car won’t even turn up a third of what I owe him, even if I get what it’s worth.” Dread pinballed through Shane’s chest at the thought of selling the Mustang. He wasn’t even sure it would be worth it.

“I’m retiring, Shane.”

All of Shane’s thoughts slammed to a halt in his head. “You’re closing the garage?” No way. No way.

Grady shook his head. “No. I’m giving it to you.”

Shane’s mouth fell open. “What?”

“I’m gettin’ too old for this, son. You practically run the place, anyway. It’s about time we just made things official.”

Shane gave his head a vehement shake. “I don’t want the garage.”

Grady chuckled, a small, gruff sound. “Even so, it’s done. I told your father.”

That must’ve been a hell of a conversation. “What did he say?”

“That’s for the two of you to discuss.” He dismissed the subject with a wave. “Where’s your lady friend?”

“Don’t change the subject,” Shane warned.

“Don’t avoid the subject,” Grady returned, eyebrows raised. “You look like hell, and I ain’t vain enough to think all that worry’s for me.”

Shane exhaled and gave in. “Bellamy’s back at the cabin.”

“And what does she think of all this?”

He scrubbed a hand down his face. “I kept all of it from her, so she’s pissed. She’s, uh, a little headstrong.”

Grady’s eyes twinkled in the sunlight slanting through the window. “Oh, she’s perfect for you, no doubt. And from the looks of things, I ain’t the only one who thinks so.”

The words in Shane’s mind lodged in his throat before he forced them out. “Yeah, well, I screwed up, lying to her. I don’t know if she’s going to forgive me, to be honest.” The words hurt more than he wanted to admit.

“Go, then. Make amends with your girl and let an old man rest, would ya?” Grady shifted beneath the covers and closed his eyes so Shane had no choice. They’d have to have it out about the garage another time.

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