Home > HOT Shadows(8)

HOT Shadows(8)
Author: Lynn Raye Harris

“I don’t want a detective. I want someone who’s going to look out for my mother. For me. Someone who knows what it looks like when something bad’s about to happen.”
Gem took a pull of his beer. “Everly, I’m sorry. I can’t help you. You need to convince your mother to tighten her security—and you need a bodyguard, too, if someone’s really following you. Maybe ask your fiancé to help out.”
Everly’s stomach did a slow dive to the floor. She’d known this was a long shot. Hell, she’d known she had nothing to go on other than a healthy dose of fear. And that wasn’t enough for a man like Gem. Threatening notes the FBI was already investigating and a Cadillac Escalade that seemed to be everywhere wasn’t enough to worry anyone other than her.
Everly swore to herself and picked up her coat. Her vision blurred. Idiot. She’d come because she wanted to see him. She’d talked herself into it, even when she knew he wasn’t going to be persuaded, that her ‘evidence’ wasn’t convincing. And what did she expect him to do, anyway? Strap on his weapons and act as her bodyguard for a few days? Talk to her mother and convince her to beef up her own security?
“Thanks,” she said, shrugging into her coat and dragging on her gloves. “I’m sorry I took up your time. I’m going to be late anyway, so I won’t keep you any longer.”
She turned blindly to the door, needing to escape before she said anything stupid or broke down in front of him. She couldn’t afford to break down when she needed to go to yet another party and smile for her mother’s donors.
A hand closed around her arm and she stilled in the act of opening the door, her body trembling with his touch. She’d missed it so much.
“I can’t let you walk two blocks in the dark alone in that outfit. I’ll drive you to your car.”
“I’d rather walk. And I’ll be okay.”
“Sorry, no can do, princess. I’m taking you to your car and watching you get in.”
“You aren’t going to take no for an answer, are you?”
“Nope.” He grabbed his jacket and keys and pulled the door open. “I may not like you much, honey, but I’m still a gentleman. Here, don’t forget your scarf. Wouldn’t want you to have to come back.”
He dangled it in his fingers and Everly snatched it, cheeks flaming. He no doubt thought she’d done it on purpose so she’d have an excuse to return. She wrapped it around her neck and glared. “Thank you. It was a present from Stuart. I’d hate to lose it.”
His eyes hardened to chips of ice and she spun away before he could see she was lying about the scarf. She was a terrible liar, which was yet another reason she’d never make a good politician. They all lied, even when they were trying to do good. It was how things got done in this city.
She stepped onto the landing, and Gem locked the door before leading the way down the stairs. His strides were naturally long but he shortened them to match hers. She’d always appreciated it when they were going somewhere together.
They walked to his car in silence. The locks chirped and he opened the passenger door for her, like always. Everly brushed past him and maneuvered her way into the sports car. He got in and the engine purred to life, rumbling like a kitten.
“Which way?” he asked.
She pointed. “I came over the fence there. I didn’t notice the street name.” The fence was a white split rail, decorative not security. It was more appropriate to say she’d come through the fence since she’d bent down and slipped between the top and middle poles.
Gem backed out of the space and drove to the main road. He had to take a series of rights before he navigated around to the adjoining road where she’d left her BMW. It was there, the only vehicle in a parking lot that belonged to a real estate office. Gem pulled into a space facing her car. Everly dropped her chin and stared at her clasped hands. Her heart thudded. Disappointment soured her stomach.
“I’m sorry, Everly,” he said, the first hint of softness she’d heard from him.
Somehow, that made it even harder. “Me too,” she whispered past the lump in her throat.
He got out of the car and came around to open the door for her. The gesture made regret flare bright. Still, she swung her legs around and pushed up from the low seat of the sports car without taking the hand he offered. The top of her head came to his chin, and she tilted her head back to gaze up at him.
“I want you to be happy, Gem. So much.”
His gaze shuttered. “I am happy, Everly. I’ve got the best job in the world, the best team, and what I do matters. You didn’t break my heart.”
Was it wrong to be disappointed about that? Of course it was, but she couldn’t take it back. She’d wanted to mean something to him.
“Good,” she lied. “I’m glad. Well, best be going.”
He pulled open the driver’s door for her. She hesitated, wanting to say something more, but nothing would come.
Until a red dot appeared on his jacket and her insides turned to ice. “Get down!” she screamed.
A moment later glass exploded, raining down like ash.
Chapter Three
Gem saw the red dot reflected in Everly’s glasses an instant before she screamed. He dropped, taking her with him, and glass exploded as a bullet impacted her driver’s side window. Her fucking coat was like a beacon in the night and he wrapped himself around her as best he could, crab-walking them toward his car. He had to get her inside, and then he had to get them the fuck out of there.
He got her to the passenger side of his car, pulled the door open a few inches, and urged her inside.
“Stay down,” he growled. “Your coat’s a dead giveaway to your position.”
She did as he said, lying half on the floor and keeping her head tucked. He went around the back of the vehicle, slid into the driver’s seat, and put the car in reverse. Everly lay with her eyes squeezed tightly shut. She’d lost the glasses, or maybe she’d had the presence of mind to take them off and put them in her pocket. He doubted it though.
Gem floored the Vette then spun the wheel and hammered the clutch while shifting into drive. The tires smoked only a little before they were rocketing out of the parking lot and onto the road. He sat up straighter, gazing behind them, anger and self-recrimination throbbing behind his eyelids. He should have believed her.
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